Projects:  Aerospace 2, Aerospace 3, Aerospace 4

General Instructions:  Rockets and Drones

Labeling: The name and county of each 4-H member should appear separately on the back of each board, poster or article and on the front cover of the notebooks so owner of the exhibit may be identified if the entry tag is separated from the exhibit.

Rocket Support: Rockets must be supported substantially in order to protect the rocket from breakage. 

  • Rockets are to be mounted on a base that has dimensions equal to or less than 12 inches x 12 inches and the base should be 3/4 inch thick. No metal bases. If the rocket fins extend beyond the edges of the required base (12 inches x 12 inches), then construct a base that is large enough to protect the fins. The base size is dictated by the size of the rocket fins. 
  • The rockets must be mounted vertically. Please do not attach sideboards or backdrops to the displays. In addition, a used engine or length of dowel pin is to be glued and/or screwed into the board and extended up into the rocket’s engine mount to give added stability. 
  • Rockets must be equipped as prepared for launching, with wadding and parachute or other recovery system. Rockets entered with live engines, wrong base size or sideboards will be disqualified.

Reports: A report, protected in a clear plastic cover must include: 

  1. Rocket specification (include original or photo of manufacture packaging stating rocket skill level)
  2. A flight record for each launching (weather, distance, flight height)
  3. Number of launchings
  4. Flight pictures
  5. Safety (how did you choose your launch site? Document safe launch, preparations, and precautions.)
  6. Objectives learned and
  7. Conclusions

Flight Record:  The flight record should describe the engine used, what the rocket did in flight and recovery success.  Points will not be deducted for launching, flight or recovery failures described.  This includes any damage that may be shown on the rocket.  Complete factory assembled rockets will not be accepted. 

Judging: Judging is based upon display appearance, rocket appearance, workmanship, design or capabilities for flight, number of times launched and report. 

Number of Required Launches: Three launches are required to earn the maximum launch points given on the score sheets. For scoring, only actual launches count, misfires will not count towards one of the required three launches. 

For Self-Designed Rockets Only: Please include a digital recorded copy of one flight. In the          documentation, please include a description of stability testing before the rocket was flown.

Skill Level: The skill level of a project is not determined by the number of years in project.  Skill level is determined by the level listed on the manufacturing packaging.  4-H Rocket project levels are not intended to correspond to National Association of Rocketry model rocket difficulty ratings or levels.

High Power Rockets: High Power Rockets (HPR) are similar to model rocketry with differences that include the propulsion power and weight increase of the model.  They use motors in ranges over “G” power and/or weigh more than laws and regulations allow for unrestricted model rockets These rockets are NOT appropriate for 4-H projects and will be disqualified. 

Posters:  Posters can be any size up to 28 inches by 22 inches when ready for display.  Example:  tri fold poster boards are not 28 inches by 22 inches when fully open for display.

Division 850 A rocket report is required for all rocket classes (see general instructions)


Youth enrolled in Rockets and Drones may exhibit in any class within this division.

*Class H850001  Rocket  Any skill level rocket with wooden fins and cardboard body tubes painted by hand or air brush.

*Class H850002  Aerospace Display  Poster or display board that displays or exemplifies one of the principles learned in the Lift Off project.  Examples include:  display of rocket parts and purpose, explaining the parts of a NASA rocket or shuttle, interview of someone in the aerospace field, or kite terminology. Include notebook containing terminology (definition), and what was learned.  Display can be any size up to 28 inches x 22 inches.

*Class H850003  Rocket  Any skill level  rocket with wooden fins and cardboard body tubes painted using commercial application (example-commercial spray paint).

—Self-Designed Rocket—

Youth enrolled in Rockets and Drones may exhibit in any class within this division.

*Class H850004  Rocket  Any self-designed rocket with wooden fins and cardboard body tubes.


Youth enrolled in Rockets and Drones may exhibit in any class within this division.

*Class H850005  Drone Poster Exhibit must be designed to educate yourself and others on one or more of the following topics: 

  1. Drone technologies
  2. Uses of drones
  3. The different types of drones
  4. Types of training needed to operate drones 
  5. The laws and regulations users must follow

Posters can be any size up to 28 inches x 22 inches.

*Class H850006  Drone Video Exhibit must demonstrate how the drones interacts with the outside world.  Examples include:  field scouting, surveying damage from natural disasters, drones used in commercial applications and settings, drones used for structural engineering or any other example of your choosing.  Video should not exceed five minutes. 

State fair qualified videos should be submitted to  by August 15, 2025.  Videos can be uploaded to a video streaming application and exhibitors MUST provide a hard copy QR code for viewing. 4-H members are encouraged to test their codes or links on several devices to check for appropriate permissions for public viewing.