Projects:  Environment 1, Environment 2, Environment 3, Reading the Range 1, Using Nebraska Range 2, Field Crops 1, Field Crops 2, Field Crops 3 

General Instructions:  Weed Science

General Information: 

At least 15 of the specimens must represent this year's work (after the previous county fair to present day). For assistance identifying plants, participants can use Nebraska Department of Agriculture’s Weeds of Nebraska and the Great Plains book. 

Books (Classes 1-2): 

  1. Plants must be mounted on sheets that are no larger than 14 inches wide by 14 inches high. Proper plant mount should include root as well as stem and leaf tissue. Plants should be glued rather than taped and the mounts should be protected with a clear cover. 
  2. Exhibits will be judged based on completeness of plant mount, accuracy of identification, label, neatness, and conformity to exhibit requirements. Refer to Scoresheet SF261.
  3. Each completed mount must have the following information (see example below) in the lower right corner of the mounting sheet:
  4. Scientific name (in italic or underlined), with authority
  5. Common name
  6. County of collection
  7. Collection date
  8. Collector’s name
  9. Personal collection number, indicating order that plants were collected in your personal collection
  10. Other information depending on class selected, i.e. noxious, life form, etc. 

This information should be typed or printed neatly.

Displays (Class 3): 

  1. The purpose of the display is to tell an educational story to those that view the display.  The display is a visual representation (pictures, charts, graphs) no larger than 28 inches by 28 inches on plywood or poster board.  The display should be neatly titled.  Make sure to label display with 4-H member name, address, and county on back side.  Explain pictures and graphs clearly and   concisely. 
  2. Each display must have a one-page essay explaining why the 4-H member chose the area of display and what they learned from their project.  Include any references used.  The essay should be in a clear plastic cover with the 4-H member’s name outside.

Division 751


*Class G751001  Weed Identification Book A collection of a minimum of 15 plant mount including at least two prohibited noxious weeds (Canada thistle, musk thistle, plumeless thistle, salt cedar, leafy spurge, purple loosestrife, diffuse knapweed, spotted knapweed, Japanese knotweed, bohemian knotweed or phragmites), and at least three weeds that are a problem primarily in lawns.

*Class G751002  Life Span Book A collection of seven perennials, one biennial, and seven annual weeds.


*Class G751003  Weed Display The purpose of this class is to allow original and creative exhibits that contain educational information about weeds, such as interesting information about a weed species, the effects of weed control, herbicide resistant weeds, what makes a weed a weed, or uses for weeds.