Vegetables, Herbs & Fruits/Special Garden Project

Projects: Everyone a Gardener, Gardening A, Gardening B, Gardening C, Gardening D, Special Gardening Project

General Instructions:  Vegetables

Cultivar & Variety Information: The cultivar or variety name must be included on all entry cards. Failure to identify the cultivar or variety will lower the entry one ribbon placing. Proper identification is the responsibility of the exhibitor, not the Extension staff or office personnel. 

Entry Information:  Exhibits entered under an incorrect class number or containing an incorrect number of vegetables will be lowered one ribbon placing. In classes 252, 255,268,269,285 and 286 do not duplicate entries from any of the already listed classes or entry will be lowered one ribbon placing.  For example:      4-H members with two cultivars or varieties of red tomatoes can only enter the red tomatoes class and cannot enter the other cultivar or variety in any other vegetable class. 

Division 773

*Class G773201  Lima Beans  (12)

*Class G773202  Snap Beans  (12)

*Class G773203  Wax Beans  (12)

*Class G773204  Beets  (5)

*Class G773205  Broccoli (2)

*Class G773206  Brussels Sprouts (12)

*Class G773207  Green Cabbage (2)

*Class G773208  Red Cabbage (2)

*Class G773209  Carrots (5)

*Class G773210  Cauliflower (2)

*Class G773211  Slicing Cucumbers (2)

*Class G773212  Pickling Cucumbers  (5)

*Class G773213  Eggplant (2)

*Class G773214  Kohlrabi  (5)

*Class G773215  Muskmelon/Cantaloupe  (2)

*Class G773216  Okra  (5)

*Class G773217  Yellow Onions (5)

*Class G773218  Red Onions  (5)

*Class G773219  White Onions (5)

*Class G773220  Parsnips  (5)

*Class G773221  Bell Peppers (5)

*Class G773222  Sweet (non-bell)Peppers (5)

*Class G773223  Jalapeño Peppers (5)

*Class G773224  Hot (non-jalapeño) Peppers (5)

*Class G773225  White Potatoes (5)

*Class G773226  Red Potatoes (5)

*Class G773227  Russet Potatoes (5)

*Class G773228  Other Potatoes (5)

*Class G773229  Pumpkin  (2)                         

*Class G773230  Miniature Pumpkins  (5) (Jack Be Little type) 

*Class G773231  Radish  (5)

*Class G773232  Rhubarb  (5)

*Class G773233  Rutabaga  (2)

*Class G773234  Green Summer Squash (2)

*Class G773235  Yellow Summer Squash (2)

*Class G773236  White Summer Squash (2)

*Class G773237  Acorn Squash (2)

*Class G773238  Butternut Squash (2)

*Class G773239  Buttercup Squash (2)

*Class G773240  Other Winter Squash  (2)

*Class G773241  Sweet Corn (in husks)  (5)

*Class G773242  Swiss Chard  (5)

*Class G773243  Red Tomatoes (5) (2” inches or more in diameter) 

*Class G773244  Roma/Sauce-type Tomatoes (5)

*Class G773245  Salad Tomatoes  (12) (under 2” inches in diameter) 

*Class G773246  Yellow Tomatoes  (5) (2” inches or more in diameter) 

*Class G773247  Turnips  (5)

*Class G773248  Watermelon  (2)

*Class G773249  Dry Edible Beans (1 pint)

*Class G773250  Gourds, mixed types  (5)

*Class G773251  Gourds, single variety  (5)

*Class G773252  Any Other Vegetable (2, 5 or 12)  Do not duplicate entries in classes 201-251

*Class G773255  4-H Vegetable Garden Collection of 5 kinds of Vegetables  Display Garden        Collection in a box not more than 24 inches in any dimension. Showmanship will be considered in judging, but plastic grass, cotton, figurines, etc. should not be used in exhibit boxes. Each vegetable in the collection should be exhibited with the number specified for individual class (201-252). Do not duplicate entries in classes 201-252 with any in the group collection.

*Class G773256  4-H Cultivar Vegetable Collection Vegetables entered in the collection are five  cultivars from a single exhibit; for example, five cultivars of all types of peppers or, squash or, onions or, tomatoes, etc. Display in a box not more than 24 inches in any dimension. Showmanship will be considered in judging, but plastic grass, cotton, figurines, etc. should not be used in exhibit boxes. Each vegetable in the collection should be exhibited with the number specified for individual class (201-252). 

General Instructions:  Herbs

Herbs (classes 60-69):  Herbs will be judged using the same general criteria used for vegetables.  Those grown mainly for their seed, such as dill and caraway, should be exhibited on a plate.  Those grown for their leaves such as basil, parsley, etc.  should be exhibited in a CLEAR GALSS CONTAINER of water (no plastic containers at State Fair).  Any exhibit not in a clear glass container will be lowered one ribbon placing. NO SCREW ON LIDS OR SCREW ON RINGS AND FLATS MAY BE USED.  To hold herb leaves in place it is suggested to use tin foil or a type of plastic wrap with holes poked into it or frog lids.  Potted herb plants will be disqualified and will not be judged.

*Class G773260  Basil  (5)

*Class G773261  Dill (dry)  (5)

*Class G773262  Garlic (bulbs) (5)

*Class G773263  Mint  (5)

*Class G773264  Oregano  (5)

*Class G773265  Parsley  (5)

*Class G773266  Sage  (5)

*Class G773267  Thyme  (5)

*Class G773268  Any Other Herb (5)  Do not duplicate entries in classes 260-267.

*Class G773269  4-H Herb Garden Display of 5 Different Cut Herbs  Herbs are to be cut not potted.  Displayed in a box or other holder not more than 18 inches in any dimension. Each herb in the collection should be exhibited with the number specified for classes 260-268. Do not duplicate entries in classes 260-268 with any in the group collection.

General Instructions:  Fruits

Fruits will be judged using the same general criteria used for vegetables. Fruit will be judged for the stage of maturity normal for that season and growing location. Emphasis will be placed on how well fruit approaches market quality.

*Class G773280  Strawberries (everbearers) (1 pint)

*Class G773281  Grapes (2 bunches)

*Class G773282  Apples (5)

*Class G773283  Pears (5)

*Class G773284  Wild Plums (1 pint)

*Class G773285  Other Small Fruit or Berries (1 pint) Do not duplicate entries in classes 280-284.

*Class G773286  Other Fruits or Nuts (5) Do not duplicate entries in classes 280-284.                           

—Educational Exhibits—

*Class G773290  Garden Promotion Poster Individual poster promoting vegetable or herb gardening, size 14 inches x 22 inches either vertical or horizontal arrangement. Poster may be in any   medium so long as it is not 3-dimensional. Posters using copyrighted material will not be accepted. Entry card must be stapled to the upper right hand corner. The 4-H member’s name, age, county, and years in the project(s) must be on the back of the poster.

*Class G773291  Educational Vegetable or Herb Garden Poster Prepare a poster 14 inches x 22 inches x 2 inches (3-dimensional, if needed) either vertical or horizontal arrangement illustrating a skill of project the 4-H’er has done or learned about in a 4-H vegetable gardening project. One might show a special technique used or equipment incorporated in the garden (e.g. drip irrigation system, composting, or special techniques learned). Refer to 4-H horticulture project manuals, but use your own creativity. Entry card must be stapled to the upper right hand corner. The 4-H member’s name, age, county, and years in the project(s) must be on the back of the poster.

*Class G773292  Vegetable and/or Herb Gardening History Interview  Neatly handwritten or typed account of a gardening history interview of someone whose vegetable or herb garden has inspired you. Maximum of four pages of text and two pages of pictures (include one picture of the person you interviewed) or their garden if the individual is still gardening. Protect with a clear report cover. The 4-H member’s name, age, county, and years in the project(s) must be the back of the report cover.

*Class G773293  Vegetable Seed Display Each display must include seeds representing the  following families: Cucurbit, Brassica (cabbage), Solanaceous (nightshade) and Legume (pea), plus representatives from 5 other families. Group the seeds by family and type. Glue seeds or otherwise fasten clear containers of seeds to a board or poster mat board no larger than 22 inches x 24 inches. Label each group and each individual vegetable type with the common and scientific names. Use only one variety or cultivar of each vegetable, except for beans where several examples of beans may be shown. Attach a card to the back of the display explaining why and how it is important to know which vegetables are related and cite references on where the scientific name information was found.  The 4-H member’s name, age, county, and years in project(s) must be on the back of the display.   Information on vegetable family members can be obtained from you extension office.

*Class G773294  World of Vegetables Notebook Choose a favorite foreign cuisine and learn what vegetables and/or herbs are common to it (e.g. Mexican, African, Chinese, Italian, etc.). Include a report talking about a minimum of five vegetables and/or herbs from each country chosen. Include the scientific and common names; pictures of the plants from your garden or seed catalogs; tell how they are grown; and how the foods are used.  Also list a source for buying the seed or plants.  Favorite recipes using some or all of the vegetables described may be included.  Give proper credit by listing the source of pictures and information used.   Protect with a clear report cover or three-ring notebook. The 4-H member’s name, age, county, and years in the project(s) must be the back of the report cover or notebook.

General Instructions:  Special Garden Project

Youth must be enrolled in the current years’ Special Garden Project to exhibit. 

Division 775

*Class G775001  Special Garden Project Educational Exhibit  Educational exhibit based on what was learned from the project.  Present information on a poster 14 inches x 22 inches either vertical or horizontal arrangement, or in a clear plastic report cover.  The 4-H member’s name, age, and county must be on the back of the poster or report cover. 

*Class G775002  Special Garden Project Fresh Cut Flowers or Harvested Vegetables  The current years’ Special Garden Project fresh cut flowers or harvested vegetables should be entered in this class.  Refer to classes 1-45 for quantity to exhibit if special garden project is a fresh cut flower.  Refer to classes 201-252 for quantity to exhibit if special garden project is a vegetable.  Flowers and herbs must be cut, not potted.