General Instructions:  Grain or Plant Exhibits

Grain or Plant Exhibits (classes 1-5): 

  • A completed Crop Production Worksheet must accompany grain and plant exhibits ( or it will be automatically be lowered one ribbon placing. The worksheet must include the 4-H member’s name and address, county, plant hybrid or variety, plant population, whether crop production was irrigated or dryland, and general information including farm cropping history, soil type and weather effects. 
  • The worksheet also must include an economic analysis of the project, listing individual expenses and income, on a per acre basis.  Other topics to discuss are the selection of variety or hybrid, impacts of tillage and conservation practices, inputs (fuel, fertilizer, irrigation, labor, pesticides, etc.), any observations made during the growing season, and what you learned from your crops project.  The worksheet counts as 50% of the total when judged. 
  • Worksheet must be the original work of the individual 4-H member or it will be lowered one ribbon placing. 
  • Attach the worksheet to the entry in a clear plastic cover such that it can be read without removing it from the cover. In addition to the worksheet, grain and plant exhibits will be judged on condition, appearance (i.e. disease and insect damage, grain fill), uniformity (size, shape, color, maturity), and quality of exhibit.  Grain exhibits must be one gallon per sample. Grain exhibits harvested in the fall (e.g. corn or soybeans) may be from the previous year’s project and brought in an appropriate sized box/container for display.  Place in a clear container so it can be viewed and displayed.
  • Plant exhibits, with the exception of ears of corn, must be the result of the current year’s project.
  • Corn—10 ears or 3 stalks (cut at ground level with no roots or soil and bound together) 
  • Grain Sorghum—4 stalks (cut at ground level and bound together)
  • Soybeans—6 stalks (cut at ground level and bound together) 
  • Small Grains—(oats, barley, wheat, triticale)—sheaf of heads 2 inches in diameter at top tie with stems about 24 inches long
  • Other Crops—(alfalfa, millet, etc.)—sheaf of stems 3 inches in diameter at top tied with stems cut at ground level or half size small square bale.

Displays (classes 6-10): 

  • The purpose of the display is to tell an educational story to those that view the display. 
  • The Display is a visual representation (pictures, charts, graphs) no larger than 28 inches wide by 28 inches tall on plywood or poster board. 
  • The display should be neatly titled.  Make sure to label display with 4-H member’s name, address, and county on back side.  Explain pictures and graphs clearly and concisely. 
  • Consider creativity and neatness.  Each display must have a one-page essay (minimum) explaining why the 4-H member chose the area of display and what they learned from their project.  Include any reference used.
  • The essay should be in a clear plastic cover with the 4-H member’s name outside.  If the display does not have an essay, it will automatically be lowered one ribbon placing.

Special Agronomy Project: 4-H members experience a crop that is grown, was grown or has the potential to be grown in Nebraska by growing it, researching traits of that crop and determine viability of that crop in the part of the state they live.

  • Each year seeds will be mailed to Extension Offices or Ag Ed classrooms across the state, as ordered by that location. Offices will distribute to 4-H members on a first, come-first serve basis.  A different seed will be selected every year. 
  • 4-H members will grow seeds in their garden or in pots.  Written resource materials will be available for youth, in addition to virtual, live or recorded videos/field trips.
  • 4-H members will be eligible to enter an exhibit at both the county and/or state fair in the agronomy project area.

Division 750

—Grain or Plant Exhibits— 

Crop Production Worksheet required for classes G750001-G750005

*Class G750001  Corn  (Includes yellow, white, pop, waxy, or any other type)

*Class G750002  Soybeans

*Class G750003  Oats

*Class G750004  Wheat

*Class G750005 Any Other Crop Includes: grain sorghum, alfalfa, millets, barley, rye, triticale, amaranth, dry beans, sugar beet, mung bean, canola, forage sorghum, safflower, etc.


*Class G750006  Crop Production Display The purpose of this class is to allow original and creative exhibits that contain educational information about crop production aspects, such as crop scouting, alternative crops, pest management, etc. 

*Class G750007  Crop Technology Display Display information about aspects of technology used in crop production, such as genetic engineering, crop breeding, GPS, yield mapping, computers, etc.

*Class G750008  Crop End Use Display  Display information about the final product or end uses for a crop, such as food, feed, fuel, or other products.  (i.e. corn can be processed into livestock feed, ethanol, plastics, etc. or soybeans can be processed into bio-diesel, pet bedding, crayons, oil, etc.)  This should not be about the process of crop production, but focus on an end product(s).

*Class G750009  Water or Soil Conservation Display Display information about water or soils, such as how soils are being used for crop production, range, conservation, wildlife, or wetland use, or ways to protect or conserve water and soil resources.

*Class G750010  Career Interview Display   The purpose of this class is to allow 4-H members to investigate a career in agronomy.  4-H members should interview one person that works with corps about such topics as, what parts of their job do they enjoy or dislike, why did they choose that career, what was their education, etc.  Include a picture of the person interviewed.

      —Special Agronomy Project— 

*Class G750011  Special Agronomy Project-Educational Exhibit   Educational exhibit based on what was learned from the project.  Present information on a poster no larger than 28 inches wide by 28 inches tall on plywood or poster board.  The 4-H member’s name, age, and county must be on the back of the poster or report cover.  Each display must have a 1/2-page essay (minimum) explaining why the 4-H member chose the area of display and what they learned from their project. Include references used.

*Class G750012  Special Agronomy Project-Video Presentation   4-H member designs a multimedia presentation related to the crop.  This could include narration of the growing process, presenting facts about the crop or any other innovative multimedia practices. The presentation should be at least two minutes in length and not more than five minutes in length, appropriate graphics, sound and either a video clip, animation or voice over and/or original video clip.  Any of the following file formats will be accepted: mp4, .mov,. ppt, or .avi.  Email a link of the video to the superintendents or by August 10th.

*Class G750013  Special Agronomy Project-Freshly Harvested Crop   Plant exhibits must be the result of the current year’s project.  Depending on the type of crop selected for the current year.

  • Corn—10 ears or 3 stalks (cut at ground level with no roots or soil and bound together) 
  • Grain Sorghum—4 stalks (cut at ground level and bound together)
  • Soybeans—6 stalks (cut at ground level and bound together) 
  • Small Grains—(oats, barley, wheat, triticale)—sheaf of heads 2 inches in diameter at top tie with stems about 24 inches long
  • Sugar Beets—2 beets--beets can be zip-tied or tied together with string, along with supporting information (essay).
  • Other Crops—(alfalfa, sunflowers, millet, etc.)—sheaf of stems 3 inches in diameter at top tied with stems cut at ground level.

Supporting documentation (1/2 to 1-page in length) should include the following:

  • Economic Analysis and/or research that supports feasibility of this crop in Nebraska or how the crop has evolved over time.
  • Other topics to discuss are past/current commercial production of this crop.  This includes:  the selection of variety or hybrid, impacts of tillage and conservation practices, inputs (fuel, fertilizer, irrigation, labor, pesticides, etc.), any observations made during the growing season about this crop and what you learned from your crops project.  This 1/2 to 1-page summary counts as 50% of the total when judged. 
  • In addition to the summary, grain and plant exhibits will be judged on condition, appearance (i.e. disease and insect damage, grain fill), uniformity (size, shape, color, maturity), and quality of exhibit.