Division 440
*Class E440001 General Purpose First Aid Kit A first aid kit is a good way to organize supplies in an emergency. The kit should be assembled in a container appropriate for use in a home. A description of where the kit will be stored and examples of specific emergencies the kit is designed for should be included in the exhibit. The kit should include a written inventory and purpose statement for included items. Consider items needed to cover the following areas of first aid: airway and breathing, bleeding control, burn treatment, infectious disease protection, fracture care and miscellaneous supplies. Use 4H425 Citizen Safety manual, pp. 6-7 and score sheet SF110 for guidance. No purchased first aid kits allowed.
Kits containing any of the following will be automatically disqualified:
- Prescription medications (if the kit’s purpose is to provide medication for someone with special needs, explain in the written description and inventory, but remove the medication)
- Material with expiration dates on or before the judging date (This includes sterile items, non-prescription medications, ointments, salves, etc. Articles dated month and year only are considered expired on the last day of that month.)
- Any controlled substance
*Class E440002 Specific Purpose First Aid Kit A first aid kit is a good way to organize supplies in an emergency in a variety of situations and locations. The kit should be assembled in a container appropriate for the kit’s intended purpose. Examples could include a kit for a vehicle, recreational vehicle, boat, livestock building, camping, etc. A description of where the kit will be stored and examples of specific emergencies expected for that location should be included in the exhibit. The kit should include a written inventory and purpose statement for included items. Items included should be relevant to the kit’s intended purpose. Consider items needed to cover the following areas of first aid: airway and breathing, bleeding control, burn treatment, infectious disease protection, fracture care and miscellaneous supplies. Use citizen Safety manual, 4H425, pages 6 and 7 for guidance. No purchased first aid kits allowed.
Kits containing any of the following will be automatically disqualified:
- Prescription medications (if the kit’s purpose is to provide medication for someone with special needs, explain in the written description and inventory, but remove the medication)
- Material with expiration dates on or before the judging date (This includes sterile items, non-prescription medications, ointments, salves, etc. Articles dated month and year only are considered expired on the last day of that month.)
- Any controlled substance
*Class E440003 Disaster Kit (Emergency Preparedness) Disaster kits must contain the materials to prepare a person or family for emergency conditions caused by a natural or man-made incident. Selection of materials is left to the exhibitor. Family or group kits must have enough material or items for each person. A description of the kit’s purpose, the number of people supported, and a list of contents is required. 4-H members are encouraged to test their kit by challenging their family to try to survive using only the included materials for the designated time. If tested, share that experience in kit documentation. Please include an explanation of water needs for your disaster kit. Do not bring actual water to the fair in the kit.
*Class E440004 Safety Scrapbook Must contain 15 news articles from print and/or internet sources about various incident types. Mount each clipping on a separate page accompanied by a description of events leading to the incident and any measures that might have prevented it. The scrapbook should be bound in a standard size hardcover binder or notebook for 8.5 inch x 11 inch size paper. Correct sentence structure, readability and thorough explanations are an important part of judging.
*Class E440005 Safety Experience The exhibit should share a learning experience the 4-H member had related to safety. Examples could be participating in a first aid or first responder training, a farm safety day camp, babysitting workshop or similar event; scientific experiment related to safety or the 4-H member’s response to an emergency situation. The exhibit should include a detailed description of the experience, the 4-H member’s role, some evidence of the youth’s leadership in the situation and a summary of the learning that took place. Exhibits may be presented in a poster with supplemental documentation, a notebook including up to ten pages of narrative and pictures, or a multimedia presentation lasting up to five minutes.
*Class E440006 Careers in Safety The exhibit should identify a specific career area in the safety field and include education and certification requirements for available positions, salary information, demand for the field and a summary of the 4-H member’s interest in the field. Examples of careers include firefighters, paramedics, emergency management personnel, some military assignments, law enforcement officers, emergency room medical personnel, fire investigator and more. It is recommended 4-H members interview a professional in the field in their research. Additional research sources might include books, articles, career web sites, job-related government web sites or interviews with career placement or guidance counselors. Exhibits may be presented in a poster with supplemental documentation, a notebook including up to ten pages of narrative and pictures, or a multimedia presentation lasting up to five minutes.
Emergency Preparedness
Disaster Recovery and Response
Nebraska 4-H families have been working tirelessly to respond to and recover from a series of severe storm events in recent years. In particular, the multiple storms that struck Nebraska in 2024 left a lasting impact on communities across the state. In response, the Nebraska Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN) team has created an opportunity for youth to share how they navigated disaster recovery or helped their neighbors and community.
These classes will be a pilot project for next year, as we are hoping to expand the state fair “Safety” department to include more opportunities for youth.
Classes in this division are ineligible for State Fair
Division 445
Class E445900 Disaster Recovery/Response Poster (SF269) – Poster should promote a recovery message or response to a weather-related disaster. Example: flooding/tornado/fire/storm damage. Documentation should include evidence of your family’s or your community’s preparedness, response or recovery for the disaster topic. Posters must be constructed of poster board at least 11 inches x 14 inches but not larger than 22 inches x 28 inches.
Class E445901 Disaster Recovery/Response Scrapbook (SF270) - The scrapbook must contain 10 news articles from print and/or internet sources about any type of weather-related disasters to residential or commercial properties or landscapes. Mount each clipping on a separate page accompanied by a description of events leading to the incident and any measures that might have been taken to prepare, recover or respond to the weather-related disaster. The scrapbook should be bound in a standard size hardcover binder or notebook for 8.5 inches x 11 inches size paper. Correct sentence structure, readability and thorough explanations are an important part of judging.
Class E445902 72-hour Disaster Kit (Emergency Preparedness) (SF111) - Disaster kits must contain the materials to prepare a person or family for emergency conditions caused by a natural or man-made incident. Selection of materials is left to the exhibitor. Family or group kits must have enough material or items for each person. A description of the kit's purpose, the number of people supported, and a list of contents is required. 4-H members are encouraged to test their kit by challenging their family to try to survive using only the included materials for the designated time. If tested, share that experience in kit documentation. Please include an explanation of drinking water needs for your disaster kit. Do not bring actual water to the fair in the kit.
Class E445903 Disaster Response/Training Experiences (SF 190) - The exhibit should share a learning experience the youth had related to safety in a weather-related disaster. Examples could be participating in a first aid or first responder training, a farm safety day camp, babysitting workshop or similar events; scientific experiment related to safety related to a weather-related disaster; or the youth’s response to an emergency situation in that disaster event. The exhibit should include a detailed description of the experience, the 4-H member’s role, some evidence of the member’s leadership in the situation and a summary of the learning that took place. Exhibits may be presented in a poster with supplemental documentation, a notebook including up to ten pages of narrative and pictures, or a multimedia presentation lasting up to five minutes.
Class E445904 Careers in Emergency Management (SF191) - The exhibit should identify a specific career area in the emergency management field and include education and certification requirements for available positions, salary information, demand for the field and a summary of the 4-H member’s interest in the field. Examples of careers include firefighters, paramedics, emergency management personnel, military assignments, law enforcement officers, emergency room medical personnel, fire investigators and more. It is recommended 4-H members interview a professional in the field in their research. Additional research sources might include books, articles, career web sites, job-related government web sites or interviews with career placement or guidance counselors. Exhibits may be presented in a poster with supplemental documentation, a notebook including up to ten pages of narrative and pictures, or a multimedia presentation lasting up to five minutes.
Class E445905 Care Package Display (SF182) - This exhibit is a display about the PROCESS of creating and giving a care package, not the actual care package. You may use a poster, Power Point or another multi-media program to tell about the PROCESS of developing and giving a care package to a family. PowerPoint should be saved to a USB/thumb drive.
You need to answer the following questions in your exhibit:
- How did you select the organization?
- What items did you include in your care package?
- Why did you select those items?
- How did it feel to present your care pack to the family?
- What did you learn from this experience?
- Other information that you feel is important about the care package or family.
Some examples of care packages are: Backpack for school supplies, litter pan for animal shelter items, replacement of toys lost in a disaster for the children, etc.
Class E445906 Challenging Photo Exhibit: Telling A Story Display – Exhibit will include three photos which tell a story without words. Photos may show something being created, destroyed, consumed, moving, or growing. Photos should capture the beginning, middle, and end of a single story, project, or event. Topic could also be a weather-related event, tornado, flooding or other. Display will consist of three 4x6 photos mounted on a single horizontal 11x14 black or white poster or mat board. Each photo in the display must be numbered using a pencil. Numbers should be readable but not distracting from the overall display. No titles, captions, or stick-on numbers are allowed. Photos may be mounted vertically or horizontally. Data tags are required for each photo in the display. Current data tags and a help sheet are available at: (Activity 14)
Class E445907 Produce a Computer Slideshow Presentation – Using presentation software a 4-H Exhibitor designs a multimedia computer presentation on one topic related to youth. Possible topic – Disaster Preparedness, response or recovery; family or community response to a weather-related event. An 8.5 inch x 11 inch three ring notebook with a printout of all the slides should be submitted. Slideshow should include a minimum of 10 slides and not more than 25. Incorporate appropriate slide layouts, graphics, animations, and audio (music or voice and transition sounds do not count). Each slide should include notes for a presentation. Videos can be uploaded to a video streaming application and exhibitors MUST provide a hard copy QR code for viewing. 4-H members are encouraged to test their codes or links on several devices to check for appropriate permissions for public viewing.
Class E445908 Produce an Audio/Video Computer Presentation – Using presentation software a 4-H exhibitor designs a multimedia computer presentation on one topic related to youth, including audio and/or video elements. Possible topic – Disaster Preparedness, response or recovery; family or community response to a weather-related event. A notebook with a printout of all the slides should be submitted. The presentation should be at least two minutes in length and no more than five minutes in length, appropriate graphics, sound and either a video clip, animation, or voice over and/or original video clip. Videos can be uploaded to a video streaming application and exhibitors MUST provide a hard copy QR code for viewing. 4-H members are encouraged to test their codes or links on several devices to check for appropriate permissions for public viewing.
Class E445909 Virtual Platform Presentation – Youth design a fully automated educational presentation using any multimedia platform such as Tik Tok, YouTube, Canva, Canvas, etc.. Possible topic – Disaster Preparedness , response or recovery; family or community response to a weather-related event. Submissions may include a notebook, poster, etc., explaining the process, experience, and/or presentation. Videos can be uploaded to a video streaming application and exhibitors MUST provide a hard copy QR code for viewing. 4-H members are encouraged to test their codes or links on several devices to check for appropriate permissions for public viewing.
Class E445910 Create a Website/Blog or App – Design a simple website, blog, or app for providing information about a topic related to youth. Possible topic – Disaster Preparedness, response or recovery; family or community response to a weather-related event. Include an explanation of why the entry was created. Any current website, blog, or app development platform is accepted such as Google Sites, iBuildApp, Wix, etc. Videos can be uploaded to a video streaming application and exhibitors MUST provide a hard copy QR code for viewing. 4-H members are encouraged to test their codes or links on several devices to check for appropriate permissions for public viewing.
Fire Safety Education
Division 450
*Class E450001 Fire Safety Poster This is a home floor plan drawn to scale showing primary and secondary escape routes and where fire extinguishers and smoke detectors are located. Draw every room, including all doors and windows. Use black or blue arrows showing primary escape routes from each room. Use red arrows showing secondary routes to use if the primary routes are blocked. Primary and secondary escape routes must lead outside to an assembly location. Documentation should include evidence the escape plan has been practiced at least four times. Posters must be constructed of commercial poster board at least 11 inches x 14 inches but not larger than 22 inches x 28 inches.
*Class E450002 Fire Safety Scrapbook This scrapbook must contain 10 news articles from print and/or internet sources about fires to residential or commercial properties or landscapes. Mount each clipping on a separate page accompanied by a description of events leading to the incident and any measures that might have prevented it. The scrapbook should be bound in a standard size hardcover binder or notebook for 8.5 inch x 11 inch size paper. Correct sentence structure, readability and thorough explanations are an important part of judging.
*Class E450003 Fire Prevention Poster Posters should promote a fire prevention message and be appropriate to display during national Fire Prevention Week or to promote fire safety at specific times of the year (Halloween, Fourth of July, etc.). Originality, clarity and artistic impression will all be judged. Do not include live fireworks, matches or other flammable/explosives/hazardous materials. Any entry containing this material will be disqualified. Posters must be constructed of commercial poster board at least 11 inches x 14 inches but not larger than 22 inches x 28 inches.
ATV (All-Terrain Vehicle)
Division 451
Classes in this division are ineligible for State Fair
Class E451900 Demonstration Display Show some part or system of an ATV, worn or broken part, step-by-step repair procedure, etc. include a brief description. Display on a board 24 inches high x 32 inches wide and 1/4 inch thick.
Class E451901 You Be the Teacher Educational notebook, display, collection of materials that relate to project. Include 8.5 inch x 11 inch page describing exhibit and summary of learning.
Projects: Bicycle Adventures 2, Bicycle Adventures 3
Division 453
Classes in this division are ineligible for State Fair
Class E453900 Bicycle Demonstration Display Show 1) Some part or system of a bicycle, 2) Worn or broken parts or 3) A step-by-step procedure of how some repair or service job is performed. Include a brief description. Display on a board 24 inches high x 32 inches wide and 1/4 inch thick.
Class E453901 Documented Bike Riding Trip Include a written report using a notebook or scrapbook showing a bike ride or trip you have made using your bike.
Class E453902 You Be the Teacher Educational notebook, display, collection of materials that relate to project. Include 8.5 inch x 11 inch page describing exhibit and summary of learning.
Tractor Safety
Division 457
Classes in this division are ineligible for State Fair
Class E457900 Individual Tractor Service Record As described in Unit 3 of the tractor project manual. 4-H’ers will need to design own service record form or adapt the service record shown in Unit 4 of tractor project.
Class E457901 Tractor Demonstration Display To be exhibited by an individual only. Exhibit should show some part of system of tractor. A brief description of how the part of system functions must be attached. Prepare the display on a 24 inches high x 32 inches wide board not to exceed 1/4 inch in thickness.
Class E457902 Tractor Safety Poster This must be constructed on poster board at least 11 inches x 14 inches. Any media can be used. Posters should be appropriate to display to promote tractor safety. Originality, clarity and artistic impression will all be judged.
Class E457903 Tractor Safety Display Board This is a display board depicting an actual farm. Display must show safety hazards or safety practices. An information sheet pointing out the safety hazards or safety practices must be attached. Display board must be at least 24 inches x 24 inches.