Projects:  Outdoor Skills; Outdoor 1: Hiking Trails; Outdoor 2:  Camping Adventures; Outdoor 3:  Backpacking Expeditions

Division 341

—Outdoor 1:  Hiking Trails— 

Classes in this level are ineligible for State Fair

Class D341900 Poster Topics may include one of the following, but not limited to:

  • Trail map(s) you have hiked
  • Hiking essentials
  • Your hiking adventures
  • Wildlife or plants observed while hiking (birds, animal prints, butterflies, etc.)
  • Plan a hike
  • Explain “Leave No Trace” and how this was followed during hiking
  • Collection of photos from your hikes

Class D341901 Journal/Binder Written report of actual, virtual or imagined trail(s) hiked with observations, OR field journal (notes of actual experiences, sights, sounds, smells, etc.), OR camping drip diary. Feathers/leaf/flower pressings must be securely attached in included.  Photos or drawings of observations encouraged.

Class D341902 Hiking Safety Must include explanation of use of item, why selected/purpose of item and how it meets hiking needs.   May include, but not limited to, one of the following:

  • Compact hiking safety kit
  • Homemade compass 
  • Homemade water purifier

Class D341903 Hiking Adventure Game Create a game of trails of outdoor adventures.  Must be educational on one or more aspects of hiking, must include clear instructions as to the purpose and what can be learned by playing the game.

Class D341904 Other Hiking Item(s) Must include what inspired the creation of the item(s) and its purpose.  May include, but are not limited to one of the following:

  • Hiking backpack
  • Nature art
  • Nature poem or story
  • Homemade hiking snack mix displayed in a re-sealable plastic bag (include why ingredients were selected and nutritional value).

—Outdoor 2:  Camping Adventures— 

*Class D341001 Poster Topics may include, but are not limited to one or more of the following;

  • How to pitch a tent
  • Knot tying
  • Cooking over a campfire
  • How to start a campfire
  • Wildlife and plants identified while camping
  • How to set up emergency shelter
  • Dealing with weather
  • Collection of photos from camping trips
  • “Leave No Trace” and how that was followed while camping
  • Plan a camping trip
  • Camping essentials
  • Environmental issues/protecting natural resources
  • Park or trail clean up
  • Sanitation/hygiene while outdoors
  • Use of GPS

*Class D341002  Journal/Binder  Written report of actual, virtual or imagined camping/hiking trips with observations OR field journal (notes of actual experiences, sights, sounds, smells, etc.), OR camping or hiking trip diary.  Explain growth in project, leading the hikes, planning the camping trip, now being able to identify the wildlife and nature around you and how identified (sight/sound/shape/smell/color). Feathers/leaf/flower pressings must be securely attached, if included.  Photos of drawing of observations encouraged.  Exhibits measure no larger than 16 inches x 16 inches. 

*Class D341003  Camping/Hiking Safety  Must include explanation of use of item and why selected/ purpose, how it fits hiking/camping needs.  May include, but are not limited to one of the following;

  • Trave sized poisonous plant guide
  • Camping first aid kit
  • Weather/water safety or hand hygiene kit

*Class D341004  Digital Media Use digital media to show video/slideshow/presentation of setting up a tent(include why site is chosen) or protection natural resources or environmental issues or computer video camping/hiking game. Submit a USB drive or DVD inside a report cover or notebook.  If using a slideshow, include printed slides inside report cover or notebook.

*Class D341005  Other Camping Items  Must include what inspired the creation of the item, and its purpose.  May include but are not limited to one of the following;

  • Nature art
  • Nature haiku poem
  • Spider web sketches
  • Knot display

 —Outdoor 3:  Backpacking Expeditions— 

*Class D341006  Poster  Topics may include but are not limited to one of the following;

  • Topographic map
  • Backpacking trip plan
  • Camp layout
  • Plan an expedition (can be dreamed or lived)
  • Collection of photos from your expedition
  • Trails hiked
  • Cost comparison of rental vs purchase
  • Using GPS/compass

*Class D341007  Journal/Binder Written report of actual, virtual or imagined expeditions/camping/hiking, OR field journal (notes of actual experiences, sights, sounds, smells, etc.).  Explain growth in project, challenges in leading a group, teaching others about wildlife and nature identification and “Leave No Trace”. Exhibits measure no larger than 16 inches x 16 inches.

*Class D341008  Expedition Safety  Must include explanation of use of items, why selected/purpose of item, how it meets hiking/camping/expedition needs.  May include but are not limited to:

  • Travel sized edible plants guide
  • Creepy crawly guide
  • Tent repair kit
  • Travel first aid kit
  • Weather/water safety

*Class D341009  Digital Media  Use digital media to show video/slideshow/presentation of one of the following, but not limited to;

  • Building a non-tent shelter (include why needed)
  • Packing your backpack/equipment and getting it onto you
  • Teaching others about environmental issues 
  • Computer video backpacking expedition game

Submit a USB drive or DVD inside a report cover or notebook.  If using a slideshow, include printed slides inside report cover or notebook.

*Class D341010  Other Expedition Items  Must include what inspired the creation of the item, and the purpose of the item.  May include, but are not limited to;

  • Nature art
  • Nature cinquain poem
  • Backpacking food recipes
  • Hiking/expedition conditioning plan
  • Charcoal etching
  • Dehydrated meal or snack (at least 1 cup displayed in a re-sealable plastic bag with ingredients, instructions and nutritional facts included)

Exhibits measure no larger than 18 inches x 24 inches.