Conservation, Wildlife & Shooting Sports

General Instructions:  Conservation, Wildlife & Shooting Sports

NO FIREARMS, ITEMS WITH A BLADE (broad heads, knives, saws, etc.) or related items of any other kind, may be exhibited.  This applies to actual items, replicated items and item parts.  Photos are suitable substitution for actual items.

Show What You Did and Learned: All 4-H members must show evidence of personal field experiences, study or observations that relate to their exhibit. This helps judges to understand what the 4-H member did and learned in the process that led to their exhibit. 

Proper Credit: Show proper credit by listing the sources of plans or other supporting information used in exhibits.

Exhibitor Info:  The 4-H member’s name, county and age must be on the back or bottom of all displays.

Wildlife & Wildlife Laws: ‘Animal’ or ‘wildlife’ in the following classes includes wild fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds or mammals.  Domestic animal (i.e. domestic livestock or house pets) and insect exhibits are not appropriate for this area.  4-H members must comply with current state and federal laws.  It is illegal to possess threatened, endangered, or protected wildlife, or the feathers, nests, or eggs of non-game birds.  These items cannot be part of an exhibit.  Game birds and game animals taken legally during an open season may be used.

Board and Poster Exhibits: Mount all board exhibits on 1/4-inch plywood, Masonite, or similar panel no larger than 24 inches high x 24 inches wide. Poster exhibits should be on regular poster sheets no larger than standard size (22 inches x 28 inches), but half size (22 inches x 14 inches) is recommended. 

All Other Exhibits:  Exhibits other than poster/display board should not exceed 48 inches x 48 inches and be able to be moved by two people.  Large exhibits (larger than listed above) must be suited and prepared for outdoor exhibition at the Nebraska State Fair.  If large exhibits are not suited for outdoor exhibition, youth have the option to create a poster or another suitable substitute for the exhibit, instead of exhibiting the project itself.