Division 258 Supporting information tag required for classes 900-912 in this division

Classes in this division are ineligible for State Fair

Class C258900  Rubber Stamping  Any item  decorated using rubber stamps.

Class C258901  Scrap Booking  A complete scrapbook or creative craft item using scrap booking techniques.

Class C258902  Stained Glass

Class C258903  Card Making  Exhibit two cards (theme of your choice) with envelopes; each card made with a different technique.

Class C258904  Ceramics

Class C258905  Paper Craft  Any type of craft made entirely out of paper.

Class C258906  Stepping Stone or Decorative Garden Item

Class C258907  Hand Crafted Jewelry 

Class C258908  Pinterest Exhibit  Inspiration must come from a post in Pinterest.  Include a copy of the instructions found on Pinterest and on a 4 inch x 6 inch card list three things you learned in the construction of the exhibit.                                                                                                                        

Class C258909  Hand Tooled Leather Article

Class C258910  Hand Stamped Leather Article

Class C258911  Non-Tooled Leather Article

Class C258912  Tooled and Stamped Leather Article

Class C258913 Single Loop or Double Loop Halter for Sheep and Goats  Use 3/8 inch rope. The rope, plus a required second piece of rope must show any three of the following items:

  1. End Whipping
  2. Eye Splice
  3. Crown Splice
  4. Rosebud Knot
  5. Matthew Walker Knot
  6. Diamond Knot

Class C258914  Single Loop or Double Loop Halter for Cattle and Horses  Use 5/8 inch rope. The rope, plus a required second piece of rope must show any three of the following items:

  1. End Whipping
  2. Eye Splice
  3. Crown Splice
  4. Rosebud Knot
  5. Matthew Walker Knot
  6. Diamond Knot

Class C258915  Rope Display  Exhibit at least ten and not more than 12 knots, hitches, splices (include two splices) made of 3/8 inch rope.  Label and mount on 1/4 inch thick 24 inch x 32 inch wide plywood or equivalent board. Either manila or synthetic rope may be used.  Exhibitor name and 4-H age must be placed on the back of exhibit.