Projects: Design My Place, Preserving Heirlooms, Design Decisions, Crafts
General Instructions: Home Design & Restoration
Home Design & Restoration Exhibits Are Evaluated By These Criteria:
- Items must be designed to be used for home decorating, home furnishing or home management (no clothing, purses, note cards, scrapbooks/photo albums, etc.).
- Accessories should be of high quality (as compared to quick, simple crafts), suitable for use in the home several months throughout the year. Holiday-specific items are discouraged. Exhibits made from kits are also discouraged as kits limit decision making in the design process.
- Items should show creativity and originality, along with the application of design elements and principles. 4-H members are required to include the design elements and principles they used along with simple explanation of how they designed their project with their exhibit. Information on the elements and principles of design may be found in the Design Decisions manual, as well as Portfolio Pathways and Sketchbook Crossroads.
- Entered in the correct class: What was changed or manipulated? What medium is the majority of your accessory made from?
- Items should be ready for display in the home: pictures framed, wall hangings and pictures ready to hang, etc. No single matboard or artist canvas panels allowed. Wrapped canvas (if staples not visible on edge) is accepted without framing. Make sure hangers are strong enough to support the item. Command strips are not adequate hangers. Items not ready for display will be dropped one ribbon placing.
- All static exhibits must have received a purple ribbon at the county fair to advance to state fair.
- Items should not be made for beginning level or other projects (ex: simple 10 minute table runners or woodworking). Exhibits from the beginning level project, Design My Place, are county only and not state fair eligible.
Exhibit Size: Exhibits may be no taller than 7 feet and no wider than 6 feet. All exhibits must be able to be easily lifted by two 4-H Staff. Large exhibits qualifying for State Fair may not be transported to Grand Island upon the discretion of Extension Staff.
Identification: A label with the exhibitor’s name and county should be attached to each separate piece of the exhibit.
Supporting Information: Supporting information is required for ALL exhibits. Information must include the elements and principles of design used and steps taken to complete project. Supporting information tags can be found at: Exhibits without supporting information will be lowered a ribbon placing.