Projects: STEAM Clothing: Beyond the Needle, STEAM Clothing 1: Fundamentals, STEAM Clothing 2: Simply Sewing, STEAM Clothing 3: A Stitch Further, Knitting, Crocheting
General Instructions: 4-H Fashion Show
Modeled Garments: Garments should be age appropriate.
Entries NOT Accepted:
The following items can NOT be entered in the State Fair 4-H Fashion Show:
- Textile clothing accessories.
- Garments containing inappropriate language or images.
Fashion show contestants must be in the contest and the public fashion show to qualify for premiums and receive awards.
Division 228
—STEAM Clothing 1: Fundamentals Fashion Show—
4-H’ers who have enrolled in or completed STEAM Clothing 2 or 3 are not eligible.
Classes 900-909 in this division are ineligible for State Fair
**If you plan to model Class C410904 (Simple Top) AND Class C410905 (Simple Bottom) we ask that you make your items MATCH/COORDINATE and enter them as Class C410906 (Simple 2 Piece Outfit).**
Class C228900 Pincushion
Class C228901 Pillowcase
Class C228902 Simple Pillow
Class C228903 Bag/Purse
Class C228904 Simple Top
Class C228905 Simple Bottom Pants, shorts, or skirt.
Class C228906 Simple 2 Piece Outfit Simple top worn with a simple bottom (pants, shorts or skirt)
Class C228907 Simple Dress
Class C228908 Other Using skills learned in project manual.
Class C228909 Upcycled Simple Garment
Class C228910 Upcycled Accessory
—STEAM Clothing: Beyond the Needle Fashion Show—
Classes 920-921 in this division are ineligible for State Fair
Class C228920 Beginning Embellished Garment Garment made with beginning techniques as defined in the project manual.
Class C228921 Beginning Textile Clothing Accessory Accessory constructed and/or decorated using techniques as defined in the project manual.
*Class C228010 Beyond the Needle Embellished Garment(s) with Original Design Garment is created using intermediate or advanced techniques as defined in the project manual. Designs are the original idea of the 4-H’er using the elements and principles of design to make an original statement.
*Class C228015 Beyond the Needle Garment Constructed From Original Designed Fabric Fabric yardage is designed first, then a garment is constructed from that fabric. Other embellishments may be added.
*Class C228020 Beyond the Needle Textile Arts Garment(s) Garment is constructed using new unconventional materials. Example: Rubber bands, plastic, duct tape.
*Class C228025 Beyond the Needle Wearable Technology Garment Garment has integrated technology into its design.
—STEAM Clothing 2: Simply Sewing Fashion Show—
Classes 930-937 in this division are ineligible for State Fair
Class C228930 Level 2 Upcycled Garment
Class C228931 Level 2 Upcycled Clothing Accessory
Class C228932 Level 2 Textile Clothing Accessory
Class C228933 Top
Class C228934 Bottom Pants or Shorts
Class C228935 Skirt
Class C228936 Lined or Unlined Jacket
Class C228937 Other Garment or Outfit
*Class C228030 Constructed STEAM 2 Garment(s)
Possible types of garments include:
- Dress
- Romper or Jumpsuit
- Two-Piece Outfit Combination (skirt with top, vest, or lined/unlined jacket; jumper and top; pants or shorts outfit (pants or shorts with top, vest, lined/unlined jacket). Or a purchased top can be worn to complete a vest or lined/unlined jacket outfit with a constructed bottom.
- Upcycled Outfit Combination-must contain a complete constructed outfit (examples: if the top is upcycled, must include a constructed bottom, upcycled dress).
—STEAM Clothing 3: A Stitch Further Fashion Show—
Classes 940-943 in this division are ineligible for State Fair
Class C228940 Level 3 Upcycled Garment
Class C228941 Level 3 Upcycled Clothing Accessory
Class C228942 Level 3 Textile Clothing Accessory
Class C228943 Other Garment or Outfit
*Class C228040 Constructed STEAM 3 Garment(s)
Possible types of garments include:
- Dress or Formal
- Skirted Outfit Combination (skirt with top, vest, or lined/unlined jacket OR jumper and shirt)
- Pants or Shorts Outfit Combination (pants or shorts with top, vest, or lined/unlined jacket)
- Romper or Jumpsuit
- Specialty Wear (for example: swim wear, costumes, western wear-chaps, chinks, riding attire or hunting gear)
- Non-Tailored Lined or Unlined Jacket or Coat—Additional pieces with jacket or coat may either be constructed or purchased
- Tailored Coat, Blazer, Suit Jacket or Outerwear—Additional pieces with coat, blazer, jacket or outerwear may either be constructed or purchased
- Upcycled Outfit Combination-must contain a complete constructed outfit (examples: if the top is upcycled, must include a constructed bottom, upcycled dress).
—Knitting or Crochet Fashion Show—
Classes 950-952 in this division are ineligible for State Fair
Class C228950 Knitted Clothing Item or Clothing Accessory (Level 1, 2 or 3)
Class C228951 Crocheted Clothing Item or Clothing Accessory (Level 1, 2 or 3)
Class C228952 Woven Clothing Item or Clothing Accessory (Level 1, 2 or 3)
*Class C228050 Knitted or Crocheted Clothing (Level 2 or 3)
Knitted garment using pattern stitches such as diamond, block, twist or seed/moss stitches or advanced knitting stitches such as pass slip stitch over, double-pointed needle knitting, cable, Turkish, tamerna, plait, germaine, feather and fan or knitting with one or more patterns such as Aran or Fair Isle.
Crocheted garment using pattern stitches such as texture, shell, cluster or mesh stitches, or advance crochet stitches such as afghan, broomstick, hairpin lace, design motifs or pattern stitches. Garment can be a sweater, cardigan, dress, coat, a top and bottom or a two piece ensemble.
—Shopping in Style Fashion Show—
*Class C228060 Modeled Shopping in Style Purchased Outfit and Written Report The curriculum is designed for youth ages 8 and older to help them strengthen their consumer skills when purchasing clothing. 4-H members must model a complete outfit. All pieces of the garment must be purchased.