STEAM Clothing 1: Fundamentals
Exhibits will be simple articles requiring minimal skills. Follow suggested skills in project manual. May exhibit one item per class number. 4-H members who have enrolled in or completed STEAM Clothing 2 project are not eligible to exhibit in STEAM Clothing 1.
Division 210
Classes in this division are ineligible for State Fair
Class C210900 Clothing Portfolio Complete at least three different samples/activities from Chapter 2 OR Chapter 3 of the project manual. The Portfolio should be placed in an 8.5 inch x 11 inch, three-ring binder. Include an appropriate cover, dividers, and table of contents. (Additional pages can be added each year but should be dated.) See pages 9-10 of the STEAM Clothing 1 project manual for portfolio formatting.
Class C210901 Sewing Kit Include a list of sewing notions and purpose for each included (pg. 12-17 in the STEAM Clothing 1 project manual).
Class C210902 Fabric Textile Scrapbook Must include at least five different textile samples. Use Textile Information Cards template on Page 41 in the STEAM Clothing 1 project manual to identify fabric swatches. Completed textile cards should be placed in an 8.5 inch x 11 inch, three-ring binder. Include an appropriate cover. See the STEAM Clothing 1 project manual for fabric suggestions.
Class C210903 What’s The Difference 4-H members enrolled in STEAM Clothing 1 may enter an exhibit (not to exceed 22 inches x 30 inches) a notebook, poster, small display sharing a project comparison and price point. See the STEAM Clothing 1 project manual, “What’s the Difference?” page 118-119. Exhibits should include pictures NO actual pillows.
Class C210904 Clothing Service Project Can include pillows or pillow cases but are not limited to those specific items. Exhibit (not to exceed 22 inches x 30 inches) a notebook, poster, small display sharing information you generated in the STEAM Clothing 1 project manual, activity “Serving A Purpose” page 124 and 125.
Beginning Sewing Exhibits: Exhibits must be made from medium weight woven fabrics that will sew and press smoothly, flannel/fleece is acceptable. Solid color fabrics or those having an overall print are acceptable. NO PLAIDS, STRIPES, NAPPED OR JERSEY KNIT. Patterns should be simple without darts, set-in sleeves, and collars. Raglan and kimono sleeve are acceptable.
**If you plan to exhibit Class C210909 (Simple Top) AND Class C210910 (Simple Bottom) we ask that you make your Items MATCH/COORDINATE and enter them as a Class 210911 (Simple 2 Piece Outfit).**
Class C210905 Pincushion
Class C210906 Pillowcase
Class C210907 Simple Pillow Pillow size to be no larger than 18 inches x 18 inches.
Class C210908 Bag/Purse No zippers or button holes may be used.
Class C210909 Simple Top
Class C210910 Simple Bottom
Class C210911 Simple 2 Piece Outfit Simple top with matching/coordinating simple bottom (pants, shorts or skirt)
Class C210912 Simple Dress
Class C210913 Other Simple Item Using skills learned in project manual. Examples: Apron, vest, etc.
Class C210914 Upcycled Simple Garment The original used item must be redesigned (not just decorated) in some way to create a new wearable piece of clothing. A “before” picture and a description of the redesign process MUST accompany the entry or it will be disqualified.
Class C210915 Upcycled Accessory A wearable accessory made from a used item. The item used must be changed in some way in the “redesign” process. A “before” picture and a description of the redesign process MUST accompany the entry or it will be disqualified.
STEAM Clothing: Beyond the Needle
4-H members must show their own original creativity.
A Design Data Card must be included with ALL Beyond the Needle Classes C221003-C221008. (see general Clothing Exhibit instructions)
Division 221
Classes 900-901 in this division are ineligible for State Fair.
Class C221900 Beginning Embellished Garment Create a garment using beginning techniques as designed in the project manual. Designs are the original idea of the 4-Her using the elements and principles of design to make an original statement.
Class C221901 Beginning Textile Clothing Accessory Accessory is constructed and/or decorated using techniques as defined in the project manual. Examples include: Hats, bags, scarves, gloves, aprons, etc.
*Class C221001 Design Portfolio A portfolio consisting of at least three design samples or activities. Refer to the Beyond the Needle project manual for activity ideas. The Portfolio should be placed in an 8.5 inch x 11 inch, three ring binder. Include an appropriate cover. (Additional pages can be added each year but should be dated.) See Pages 14-16 in the Beyond the Needle project manual for portfolio formatting.
*Class C221002 Color Wheel Create your own color wheel, complimentary color bar or color scheme using pages 27-39 in the Beyond the Needle project manual. The Exhibit may be a notebook, poster, or small display. Exhibits should not exceed 22 inches x 30 inches.
*Class C221003 Embellished Garment with Original Design Create a garment using techniques as defined in the Beyond the Needle project manual. Designs are the original idea of the 4-H member using the elements and principles of design to make an original statement. A design Data Card must be included with this project. If additional information is not included, exhibit will be lowered one ribbon placing. (Eligible for State Fair Fashion Show)
*Class C221004 Original Designed Fabric Yardage Fabric yardage is designed using techniques such as those found in the manual. Other embellishments may be added. Exhibit consists of at least one yard of finished fabric. A design Data Card must be included with this project. If additional information is not included, exhibit will be lowered one ribbon placing.
*Class C221005 Item Constructed from Original Designed Fabric (garment or non-clothing item) Fabric yardage is designed first, then an item is constructed from that fabric. Other embellishments may be added. A design Data Card must be included with this project. If additional information is not included, exhibit will be lowered one ribbon placing. (Only garments are eligible for State Fair Fashion Show)
*Class C221006 Textile Arts Garment or Accessory A garment or accessory constructed using new unconventional materials. Examples: Rubber bands, plastic, duct tape. A design Data Card must be included with this project. If additional information is not included, exhibit will be lowered one ribbon placing. (Only garment eligible for State Fair Fashion Show)
*Class C221007 Fashion Accessory An accessory designed and/or constructed using elements and principles of design; can be textile or non-textile based. Example: shoes, strung bracelet/necklace, wire wrapping scarves, flip flops, design on tennis shoes, etc. A design Data Card must be included with this project. If additional information is not included, exhibit will be lowered one ribbon placing.
*Class C221008 Wearable Technology Garment or Accessory Technology is integrated into the garment or accessory in some way (For example: LEDs charging capabilities, sensors, and etc.) A design Data Card must be included with this project. If additional information is not included, exhibit will be lowered one ribbon placing. (Eligible for State Fair Fashion Show)
STEAM Clothing 2: Simply Sewing
Exhibits in this project must reflect at least one new skill learned from this manual (See project manual skill-level list). Garments as listed below may be made from any woven or knit fabric appropriate to the garment’s design and should demonstrate sewing skills beyond STEAM Clothing 1.
Division 222
*Class C222001 Design Basics, Understanding Design Principles 4-H Members enrolled in STEAM Clothing 2 may enter an exhibit sharing a learning experience from pages 17-20 in the project manual. Include answers to questions found on page 20 of the manual. The exhibit may be a notebook, poster, or small display. Exhibits should not exceed 22 inches x 30 inches.
*Class C222002 Pressing Matters 4-H Members enrolled in STEAM Clothing 2 may enter a ham or sleeve roll from pages 21-25 “A Pressing Matter” in the STEAM Clothing 2 project manual. Exhibit should include answers to lesson questions that are most appropriate to include.
*Class C222003 Upcycled Garment Create a garment from used textile-based items. The original used item must be redesigned using skills learned in STEAM Clothing 2 (not just decorated) in some way to create a new wearable piece of clothing. The finished garment must reflect at least one skill learned in this project. A Design Data Card must be included with this project including a “before” picture no larger than 4.25 inches x 5.5 inches. If additional information is not included, exhibit will be lowered one ribbon placing. A list of skills and the Design Data Card are available at .
*Class C222004 Upcycled Clothing Accessory A wearable accessory made from a used item. The original used must be redesigned using skills learned in STEAM Clothing 2 (not just decorated) in some way to create a new wearable accessory. The finished garment must reflect at least one skill learned in this project. A Design Data Card must be included with this project including a “before” picture no larger than 4.25 inches x 5.5 inches. If additional information is not included, the exhibit will be lowered one ribbon placing. A list of skills by project and the Design Data Card are Available at .
*Class C222005 Textile Clothing Accessory Textile accessory is constructed using at least one skill learned in this project from materials appropriate for STEAM 2. A list of skills by project is available at . Entry examples include: Hats, bags, scarves, gloves. No metal, plastic, paper or rubber base items allowed (i.e. barrettes, headbands, flip flops, duct tape, etc.)
*Class C222006 Top (vest is acceptable)
*Class C222007 Bottom (pants or shorts)
*Class C222008 Skirt
*Class C222009 Lined or Unlined Jacket or Vest
*Class C222010 Dress (not formal wear) (Eligible for State Fair Fashion Show)
*Class C222011 Romper or Jumpsuit (Eligible for State Fair Fashion Show)
*Class C222012 Two-Piece Outfit (Eligible for State Fair Fashion Show)
*Class C222013 Alter Your Pattern Garment constructed from a significantly altered pattern. Entry must include both the constructed garment and the altered pattern.
Include information sheet that describes:
- How the pattern was altered or changed
- Why the changes were needed/wanted
Appropriate skills for altering/designing a pattern in STEAM 2 include: moving darts, merging two patterns together, altering a pattern for a woven or knit material, adding a lining. (Eligible for State Fair Fashion Show, in the class that best describes the type of garment constructed i.e. Dress, Romper/Jumpsuit, or Two-piece Outfit)
*Class C222014 Garment Constructed from Sustainable or Unconventional (natural or synthetic) Fibers Fabric/Fibers used in this garment must be manufactured/purchased, for example: bamboo, banana, corn husk, and recycled fibers. Garments that are constructed out of the unconventional items themselves should be exhibited under Beyond the Needle. (Eligible for State Fair Fashion Show, in the class that best describes the type of garment constructed i.e. Dress, Romper/Jumpsuit, or Two-piece Outfit)
STEAM Clothing 3: A Stitch Further
Exhibits entered in this project must reflect at least one new skill learned from this manual. (See project manual skill-level list). Garments as listed may be made from any pattern or any fabric and should demonstrate sewing skills beyond STEAM Clothing 2. Entry consists of completely constructed garments only. Wool entries must have fiber content listed on the identification label.
Division 223
*Class C223001 Upcycled Garment Create a garment from used textile based items. The original used item must be redesigned (not just decorated) in some way to create a new wearable piece of clothing. The finished garment must reflect at least one skill learned in this project. A Design Data Card must be included with this project including a “before” picture no larger than 4.25 inches x 5.5 inches. A list of skills by project and the Design Data Card are available at .
*Class C223002 Upcycled Clothing Accessory A wearable accessory made from a used item. The item used must be changed in some way in the redesign process. The finished accessory must reflect at least one skill learned in this project. A Design Data Card must be included with this project including a “before” picture no larger than 4.25 inches x 5.5 inches. A list of skills by project and the Design Data Card are available at
*Class C223003 Textile Clothing Accessory Textile accessory is constructed using at least one skill learned in this project from materials appropriate for STEAM 3. A list of skills by project is available at . Examples include: Hats, bags, scarves, gloves. No metal, plastic, paper or rubber base items allowed (i.e. barrettes, headbands, flip flops, duct tape, etc.)
*Class C223004 Dress or Formal (Eligible for State Fair Fashion Show)
*Class C223005 Skirted Combination (Skirt with shirt, vest or jacket or jumper and shirt) (Eligible for State Fair Fashion Show)
*Class C223006 Pants or Shorts Combination (Pants or shorts with shirt, vest or jacket) (Eligible for State Fair Fashion Show)
*Class C223007 Romper or Jumpsuit (Eligible for State Fair Fashion Show)
*Class C223008 Specialty Wear (Includes: Swim wear, costumes, hunting gear, or chaps) (Eligible for State Fair Fashion Show)
*Class C223009 Lined or Unlined Jacket (non-tailored) (Eligible for State Fair Fashion Show)
*Class C223010 Coat, Blazer, Suit Jacket or Outerwear A tailored blazer or suit jacket or coat. (Eligible for State Fair Fashion Show) Wool entries must have the fiber content listed on the identification label to be considered for the Make it With Wool Award.
*Class C223011 Alter/Design Your Pattern Garment constructed from significantly altered pattern. Entry must include both the constructed garment and the altered pattern.
Include information sheet that describes:
- How pattern was altered or changed
- Why the Changes were needed/wanted
Appropriate skills for altering/designing a pattern in STEAM 3 include: moving darts, adding a zipper, merging two patterns together, altering a pattern for a woven or knit material, adding a lining, designing your own pattern. (Eligible for State Fair Fashion Show, in the class that best describes the type of garment constructed i.e. Dress, Romper/Jumpsuit, or Two-piece Outfit)
*Class C223012 Garment Constructed from Sustainable or Unconventional (natural or synthetic) Fibers Fabric/Fibers used in this garment have to be manufactured/purchased, for example: bamboo, banana, corn husk, and recycled fibers. Garments that are constructed out of unconventional items themselves should be exhibited under Beyond the Needle. (Eligible for State Fair Fashion Show, in the class that best describes the type of garment constructed i.e. Dress, Romper/Jumpsuit, or Two-piece Outfit)