Projects:  Communications 1, Communications 2, Communications 3

Division 154

Classes in this division are ineligible for State Fair

—Communications Module 1—

Use one or a combination of the experiential activities in the Communications, Module 1 curriculum to create an educational poster or essay sharing with others what you have learned.  Topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Conducting an interview and sharing with a group
  • Giving and understanding directions
  • Evaluating and using appropriate Internet sources
  • Composing a rap
  • Preparing an illustrated talk

Class B154900  Poster Create a poster, measuring either 22 inches x 28 inches or 24 inches x 36 inches, that showcases what was learned in this project area.

Class B154901  Essay  Write an essay (three-five pages) that showcases what was learned in this project area.

—Communications Module 2—

Use one or a combination of the experiential activities in the Communications, Module 2 curriculum to create an educational poster or essay sharing with others what you have learned.  Topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Identifying cultural differences in communication
  • Developing guidelines for internet etiquette
  • Evaluating another person’s presentation
  • Identifying communication careers
  • Preparing a presentation using a form of technology

Class B154902  Poster Create a poster, measuring either 22 inches x 28 inches or 24 inches x 36 inches, that showcases what was learned in this project area.

Class B154903  Essay  Write an essay (three-five pages) that showcases what was learned in this project area.

—Communications Module 3—

Use one or a combination of the experiential activities in the Communications, Module 3 curriculum to create an educational poster, essay or digital media sharing with others what you have learned.  Topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Composing a personal resume
  • Completing research on a speech or presentation topic
  • Identifying ways to reduce risks online
  • Evaluating own cell phone usage and etiquette
  • Critiquing advertisements
  • Job shadowing a communication professional

Class B154904  Poster Create a poster, measuring either 22 inches x 28 inches or 24 inches x 36 inches, that showcases what was learned in this project area.

Class B154905  Essay  Write an essay (three-five pages) that showcases what was learned in this project area.

Class B154906  Digital Media Design a form of digital media (advertisement, flyer, short video or presentation, social media or web page, etc.)  that showcases what was learned in this project area.  Upload the digital media file to an online location (web site, Dropbox, Google Drive, YouTube, Flikr, etc.) and using the web address of the digital medial file, create a QR code (using any free QR code creator, ex.  Print the following on an 8.5 inch x 11 inch sheet of cardstock: 

  1. The QR code
  2. One-three sentences about what the viewers will see when they access the QR code on their mobile device