General Instructions:  Dog Show

Procedure: Those procedures described in Nebraska 4-H Dog Show Rules 4H421. It is the dog exhibitor’s responsibility to pick up after their dogs at all times.  Dogs soiling in the show ring (during a class) will be lowered one ribbon placing.  Dogs soiling anywhere on the show grounds without pick up will be disqualified from all entered classes on that show day regardless of the person who is holding the dog leash. 

Dog Eligibility:  Exhibitor should provide primary care and training for the dog.  The dog should reside with the exhibitor or be cared for by the exhibitor the majority of the year. 

Vaccinations: All dogs must be immunized for distemper, hepatitis, parvo and rabies.  A Nebraska State Fair Show Vaccination Record Form (SF 263) must be filled out and signed by a veterinarian and returned as a part of the county fair pre-entry.  The Vaccination Record Form must document all vaccinations within 1 year or 3 years of the show date based on label guidelines.  All vaccinations must be in effect at the time of the fair dog show.  Explanation:  Some vaccinations are viable for one year and some vaccinations are viable for three years but are specifically designed and administered according to their label.  It is not acceptable nor allowed to vaccinate a dog with a 1 year vaccine and plan to have it in effect for 3 years.  A vaccination form must be submitted for each dog according to the entry guideline due date or it will not be allowed to show.

Advancement Levels in Obedience and Agility Classes:  Follow rules in Nebraska 4-H Dog Show Rules    4H421.

Advancement in Showmanship Classes:  Classes are divided into age divisions (exhibitor age Jan. 1).

Disqualified Dogs:                                                         

  • Females in season will not be permitted to show.                                    
  • Overly aggressive dogs may be disqualified at the discretion of the judge or superintendent. 
  • Lame or crippled dogs will not be permitted to show if it is determined by the show superintendent that is affecting the health of the dog.
  • See “Procedure” for information about disqualification for dog soiling on show grounds.

Age of Dog:  A dog that is exhibited at the fair must be 6 months or older.  Agility dogs must be 18 months or older to participate in competition. 

Dress Code:  Dress code for this show is stated in the general instructions for small animal shows. 

Baiting: Baiting with food or a toy is not permitted and is cause for disqualification.  Handlers may use the baiting action without food or toys in showmanship.  The judge has the authority to disqualify violators.

Cleanup: Shall be the EXHIBITOR’S RESPONSIBILITY. This includes all areas while on the show site. 

Grooming: Only exhibitors are allowed to groom or work dogs at the show, both in and out of the rings.

Substitutions: A dog may be substituted for showmanship classes only if it is injured or dies following the entry deadline. Substitutions are generally not allowed in obedience and agility classes.  However, substitutions may be considered at the discretion of the fair superintendents.  A substitute can be selected from the exhibitor’s household family or from the household where the originally entered dog resides.  Dog(s) may be substituted only if Extension Staff is directly consulted prior to the show date.  A Vaccination Record Form must be completed for all substitution dogs and received by Extension Staff prior to the show date.

On Leash:  All dogs must remain on a leash held by the exhibitor or a responsible adult at all times.

—Showmanship Classes—

Each class will be judged on handler’s appearance (10%), grooming and conditioning of dog (20%), coordination of the dog handler (50%), and general knowledge (20%). Classes are divided into age divisions at fair.

Division 700

Class G700900  Dog Showmanship      

 Division 701

—Obedience Classes—

Follow rules in Nebraska 4-H dog Show Guidelines 4-H421 to determine class entry and exercises within each obedience class.

Class G701900  Beginning Novice Division A  Exhibitor and dog is in first year of competition. 

Class G701901  Beginning Novice Division B  Exhibitor or dog is beyond first year of competition.

Class G701902  Beginning Novice Division C  Exhibitor and dog is beyond first year of competition.

Class G701903  Novice  Exhibitor and dog have received a purple in Beginning Novice and are in first year of Novice Class competition.

Class G701904  Novice B  Exhibitor and dog are beyond first year of Novice Class competition.

Class G701905  Graduate Novice  Exhibitor and dog have received a purple in Novice.  

Class G701906  Advanced Graduate Novice  Exhibitor and dog have received a purple in Graduate Novice.  

Class G701907  Open  Exhibitor and dog have received a purple in Advanced Graduate Novice.

Class G701908  Graduate Open Exhibitor and dog have received a purple in Open.   

Class G701909  Utility  Exhibitor and dog have received a purple in Graduate Open.

Classes 910-913 in this division are ineligible for State Fair

Class G701910  Pre-Beginning Novice A  Both handler and dog are in their first year of county, state, or any other dog experience. Dogs being shown may not have completed an AKC “leg” toward a CD” degree.

Class G701911  Pre-Beginning Novice B  Exhibitor OR dog are beyond first year of competition.  This class also includes dogs that have been shown previously by others but have not moved past the pre-beginning novice level.

Class G701912  Team  The team will consist of 2-4 well-trained dogs. Each 4-H member may only participate in one team.

Class G701913  Brace  Two dogs, one handler, beginning novice performance.

Division 702

—Agility Classes—

Procedure:  Agility will follow those procedures and classes described in Nebraska 4-H Dog Show Rules 4H421.  Refer to Nebraska 4-H Dog Show Rules to determine class entry and obstacles for each level of competition.  Any dog and/or 4-H exhibitor that has not shown in Agility previously, should start in Level 1 and advance based on the two purple rule.  The exhibitor may choose to start at a higher level but cannot go back once they have exhibited in that level.

Agility Jump Heights:  Measure dogs at withers to determine jump height:

  • Dogs 11 inches or less-4 inches
  • Dogs over 11 inches up to and including 14 inches-8 inches
  • Dogs over 14 inches up to and including 18 inches-12 inches
  • Dogs over 18 inches-16 inches

Class G702900  Level 1:  6 Obstacles

Class G702901  Level 2:  10 Obstacles

Class G702902  Level 3:  10 Obstacles

Class G702903  Level 4:  13 Obstacles

Class G702904  Level 5:  15 to 20 Obstacles      

  Division 703

—Rally Classes—

Rally will follow those procedures and classes described in Nebraska 4-H Dog Show Rules 4H421.  Refer to Nebraska 4-H Dog Show Rules to determine class entry for each level of competition.  Any dog and/or exhibitor that has not shown in Rally before, should start in Beginning Rally and advance based on the two purple rule.  The exhibitor may choose to start at a higher level but cannot go back once they have exhibited in that level.

Class G703900 Beginning Rally  Both dog and exhibitor are in their first year of competition.  Dog is on leash and there are 5 to 10 stations.

Class G703901  Rally 1  Exhibitor and/or dog are beyond their first year of competition.  Dog is on leash and there are 10 to 15 stations.

Class G703902  Rally 2  Exhibitor and dog have received a purple in Rally 1.  Dog is off leash and there are 12 to 17 stations.

Class G703903  Rally 3  Exhibitor and dog have received a purple in Rally 2.  Dog is off leash and there are 15 to 20 stations.