4-H Individual and Club Resources

4-H Enrollment

  • 4-H Membership and project enrollment is done via 4HOnline. No paper enrollment forms are used. 4-H Enrollment is from mid-October to June 15 each year. Visit 4-H Online to enroll!
  • Youth ages 5-18 (as of January 1, current year) may enroll in the 4-H program. However, to exhibit at the county or state fair, members must be enrolled in 4-H by the enrollment deadline, June 15.
  • Youth are only eligible to exhibit in a project area or contest in a single county.
  • Please note: Horse or Shooting Sports projects require parental consent for participation during the online enrollment process.
  • Please note: Clover Kids (members age 5-7) are not allowed to take shooting sports projects, horse or large livestock projects (animals weighing more than 350 lbs.).

4-H Achievement Applications