Vegetable Gardening 101

Kathleen Cue, Nebraska Extension Educator in Dodge County

Vegetable Gardening 101

The Nebraska Extension Horticulture, Landscape, and Environmental Systems team has put together and launched a new webpage. “Vegetable Gardening 101”is for new gardeners desiring to learn more about the challenges and rewards of gardening in Nebraska.

Housed on the Backyard Farmer website, this web page focuses on:

  •  selecting what vegetables to grow
  • choosing a good site to grow the garden
  • how to determine what size the garden should be
  • building the garden, whether it is a raised bed or in the ground
  • when to plant based on cool season or warm season vegetables
  • determining whether to directly sow seeds or if transplants are needed to get a jump start
  • understanding plant size so plants aren’t planted too close together
  • identification and prevention of insect, disease and weed problems 
  • the harvest and storage of vegetables with an eye towards food safety

Each section is designed to give a quick overview for those who want enough information to get started while supporting information is provided for gardeners who want to dig deeper, with links to NebGuides (topic-specific information publications) and Backyard Farmer video segments.

Vegetable Gardening 101 is found at .

Go to Dodge County Horticulture Web page for more gardening information.