Become a Master Gardener

By Kathleen Cue, Nebraska Extension Horticulture Educator

What bug is this on my oak tree?

Why are my flowers dying?

How do I manage this weed in my vegetable garden?

What do these questions have in common?  All are questions that are phoned in or dropped off at county Extension offices.  Nebraska Extension Master Gardeners and Extension Horticulture Educator Kathleen Cue answer these types of questions daily. Being a walking encyclopedia of horticultural knowledge is not a requirement to be a Nebraska Extension Master Gardener Volunteer.  It does take a willingness to learn about research-based gardening practices and gives would-be Master Gardeners a chance to rub elbows with fellow gardening enthusiasts. Master Gardener interns learn about botany, tree planting, landscape design, invasive pests, weed management, soils, insects, and fruit and vegetable management.  In return, Master Gardeners make their communities better places to live by sharing their knowledge with others at education gardens, “Ask the Master Gardener” tables, and the Extension horticulture helpline. Daylong classes are on Tuesdays and Fridays and begin on February 11. People from Dodge and surrounding counties can find out more about the Nebraska Extension Master Gardener Volunteer program and receive an application by attending an informational meeting on Tuesday, January 28th at 9:30 am at the Dodge County Extension Office, 1206 West 23rd Street in Fremont. “I hope people attend this informational meeting.  This is a really terrific program. Not only are Master Gardeners great resources in their communities, they share a unique fellowship and get to stay current with the newest garden research.”

For questions and to reserve a seat at the informational meeting, contact Extension Horticulture Educator Kathleen Cue at 402.727.2775 or

Photo Below:  Master Gardener teaching youth
Master Gardener teaching youth

Go to Dodge County Horticulture Web Page for more gardening information.