2020 Awards and Honorees

Dodge County held its annual 4-H Achievement Celebration, Sunday November 8th, in a Virtual Format.  This year's event was hosted by Karna Dam, Extension Educator on Zoom.  Presenting the awards and honors this year were the 2020 Dodge County 4-H Ambassadors: Emily Brodd, Erin Franzluebbers, Emily Miller, and Brooklyn Reynolds.  

This year Dodge County 4-H was proud to announce a 45-Year volunteer, Myron Andrews.  Myron has helped countless 4-H Horse youth develop in their horsemanship skills.  This is truly a milestone.  Congratulations, Myron!

Other awards given during the event were 4-H Participation years for 1st, 5th, 10th, and Graduates, Leadership Service years for 2, 5, 10, and 15 years, Diamond Clover Awards, Achievement Application Awards, Scholarships for camp and workshops, and College Scholarships. Awards were sponsored by the Dodge County 4-H Council and Dodge County 4-H Foundation.

A complete list of awards and honorees can be found here: https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/dodge/2020%20Achievement%20Awards%20and%20Honorees.docx