In case you missed the 2024 National Volunteer Week - Lunch and Learn: You can view the recordings to access great opportunities to build your capacity as a 4-H volunteer and learn new skills to support 4-H experiences locally by scanning the QR code.

The Nebraska state 4-H has many resources for volunteers ranging from training and development to club management.

Attention club leaders: Find a wealth of resources to enrich your club's experience with things like 'STEM at Home' for fun science lessons, 'Cooking with Kids' for kid-friendly recipes and much more at  

CLOVER by 4-H - 4-H is continually looking for methods to provide opportunities for all youth.  The newest opportunity is CLOVER by 4-H.  CLOVER provides online, interactive activities for youth, ages 5-18 years old and is designed to be as fun as it is educational.  There are more than 190 activities that provide impactful learning experiences from a collaberation of more than 100 universities across the U.S.  Visit for more information.

2023 Year End Treasurer's Report - PDF

2023 Year End Treasurer's Report - Fillable PDF

4-H Pledge Handout - PDF

Club Leadership Change - There is support for 4-H clubs experiencing a leadership change.  Please utilize this checklist to ensure club finances, property, events and key contacts are accounted for accurately while the club undergoes a change in leadership.

2024 Nebraska 4-H Volunteer Recognition Nominations - Nebraska 4-H is accepting nominations for a new awards program to recognize the outstanding contributions of 4-H volunteers across the state.  One Outstanding Adult Volunteer Award and One Emerging Adult Volunteer Award winner will be chosen from each of the state's Nebraska Extension Engagement Zones.  One statewide winner will be named in each of the youth volunteer and multi-generational family categories.  Nominations can be made through March 15 at