The exhibitor’s name and county should appear on the back of each board, poster, or article and on the front cover of a notebook. Reports should be written using the scientific method whenever possible (Background, the Question or hypothesis, what you Plan to do and what you did, Method used and observations, Results what you learned). Posters can be any size up to 28”x22” when ready for display.

Scoresheets can be found at Renewable Energy Resources: United States Department of Energy: or U.S. Energy Information Administration: or Natural Resources Defense Council:

H900001- Compare Energy Resources Poster. Explore 2 alternative/renewable energy resources.  Compare and contrast the 2 resources including two of the following information: amount of energy created, costs of production, usability of the energy, pros/cons of environmental impacts, etc. Posters can be any size up to 28” by 22.”

H900002 - Experiment Notebook. Explore the scientific method involving alternative/renewable energy sources. Information required: 1) Hypothesis 2) Research 3) Experiment 4) Measure 5) Report or Redefine Hypothesis. 

H900003 - Solar as Energy Display.  Item should be the original design of the 4-H’er. Include the item, or a picture if item is in excess of 6’ tall or 2’ X 2’. Include a notebook of why the item was designed and how it harnesses the power of the sun. Examples include solar ovens, solar panels, etc.

H900004 - Water as Energy Display. Item should be the original design of the 4-H’er. Include the item, or a picture if item is in excess of 6’ tall or 2’ X 2’. Include a notebook of why the item was designed and how it harnesses the power of water.

H900005 - Wind as Energy Display. Item should be the original design of the 4-H’er. Include the item, or a picture if item is in excess of 6’ tall or 2’ X 2’. Include a notebook of why the item was designed and how it harnesses the power of wind.

H900006 - Other Nebraska Alternative Energy. Notebook should explore a Nebraska alternative energy source besides wind, water, and solar power.  Include information on type of power chosen, infrastructure for distribution, what resources are needed to create this alternative resource, cost of production, and potential uses of bio-products.