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Updated: 51 min 55 sec ago

FarmBits Podcast: Elevating UAVs

Thu, 07/22/2021 - 22:51
Hosted by Samantha Teten and Jackson Stansell — graduate students in UNL's Department of Biological Systems Engineering and Nebraska Extension Digital Agriculture team members — FarmBits Podcast is a weekly series highlighting new innovations and trends in digital agriculture through interviews with academic experts, farmers and industry specialists.

FarmBits Podcast: Amazing Trace (Genomics)

Thu, 07/22/2021 - 22:43
Hosted by Samantha Teten and Jackson Stansell — graduate students in UNL's Department of Biological Systems Engineering and Nebraska Extension Digital Agriculture team members — FarmBits Podcast is a weekly series highlighting new innovations and trends in digital agriculture through interviews with academic experts, farmers and industry specialists.

Keys to Successful Farm Transition Planning

Thu, 07/22/2021 - 14:31
Lance Cheung/USDA (Flickr/Public Domain)

Successful Grain Marketing Focuses on Establishing a Financially Successful Farm Price

Thu, 07/22/2021 - 12:56
USDA NRCS Montana (Flickr/Public Domain)

Long Term Profitability, Balance and Growth of the Farm or Ranch Business

Thu, 07/22/2021 - 12:23
USDA NRCS (Flickr/Public Domain)

Pasture and Forage Minute: Alfalfa Weed Control, Planting Oats for Extra Forage

Thu, 07/22/2021 - 11:49
A spring pasture mix of oats and ryegrass. (Photo by Jerry Volesky)

Farmers: Know How to Respond to Hail Damage

Mon, 07/19/2021 - 16:54
Image 1. July 9 hail damage 10 miles west of Hemingford (corn). In the aftermath of the severe hail, farmers have numerous tasks to complete before replanting or destroying damaged crops. CropWatch's Hail Know resource can assist producers with each step of the process.

Ag Land Management, Leasing Workshops Scheduled Across State

Thu, 07/15/2021 - 18:41
USDA/Flickr (Public Domain)

Calculating Field Operation Costs with ABC and Setting Harvest Rates

Thu, 07/15/2021 - 18:28
USDA (Flickr/Public Domain)

2021 Corn Yield Forecasts as of July 14

Wed, 07/14/2021 - 16:54

Update on 2019 Tunnel Collapse and Canal Washout, Irrigation Water Outlook for 2021

Tue, 07/13/2021 - 16:43
Image 1. Irrigation water flows through Tunnel No. 1 on the Goshen/Gering-Fort Laramie supply canal in 2021.