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How to Increase Your Happiness in 2023—Part 9

Thu, 03/23/2023 - 10:21

In week nine of “The Science of Well-Being,” we learn about the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset.

A fixed mindset is where we believe that we were born with a certain intelligence level and set abilities that we cannot change. Having a growth mindset means we believe our abilities and intelligence can be developed and improved over time. If we think we have the ability to improve, we will!

Community Conversations with Jason Tuller

Wed, 03/22/2023 - 08:23

You may have seen recent press about Nebraska Extension and The Big 3. This is our new strategic direction which can be boiled down to three ambitions, which we are calling, “The Big 3”. The Big 3 are: Strengthen Nebraska Agriculture and Food Systems, Inspire Nebraskans and Their Communities, and Enhance the Health and Wellbeing of All Nebraskans. You can watch videos explaining our strategic direction here.

Program Gives Nebraska Communities a Look at Their Online Presence

Tue, 03/21/2023 - 13:46

There’s an old saying that you don’t know your own backyard. Referring to tourist attractions, the adage conveys a common belief that New Yorkers never go to Times Square, and Arizonans never visit the Grand Canyon. Whether that’s true or not, hometowns often feel so familiar that residents don’t consider what impressions they give to outsiders. First Impressions Online, Rural Prosperity Nebraska’s newest community development program, gives people a view of their own backyard.

How to Increase Your Happiness in 2023—Part 8

Thu, 03/16/2023 - 10:08

In week 8 of this series based on the class “The Science of Well-Being,” we will discuss two strategies for creating better habits—setting goals and situation support. Most of the examples from the class were around healthy eating, but these strategies can be applied to other happiness-supporting habits as well (exercise, meditation, doing acts of kindness).

How to Increase Your Happiness in 2023—Part 7

Thu, 03/09/2023 - 13:21

For weeks 7-10 of this article series on “The Science of Well-Being,” I am going to move away from the class structure because the last four weeks of the class are more about accountability with setting goals and sticking to them. Though this is important, it doesn’t give me as much to write about, so I will delve into details I skipped over from previous weeks.

Community Conversations with Jason Tuller

Fri, 03/03/2023 - 13:02

You may have seen recent press about Nebraska Extension and The Big 3. This is our new strategic direction which can be boiled down to three ambitions, which we are calling, “The Big 3.”  The Big 3 are: Strengthen Nebraska Agriculture and Food Systems, Inspire Nebraskans & Their Communities, and Enhance the Health & Wellbeing of All Nebraskans. You can watch videos explaining our strategic direction here.

How to Increase Your Happiness in 2023—Part 6

Thu, 03/02/2023 - 11:58

In week 6 of “The Science of Well-Being,” we learn about the importance of time affluence and the value of time versus the value of money.

How to Increase Your Happiness in 2023—Part 5

Fri, 02/24/2023 - 10:24

In week 5 of “The Science of Well-Being,” we learn that certain behaviors are scientifically linked to improved well-being, including performing acts of kindness for other people, spending money on other people, and connecting with other people. As mentioned before, social connection is important to happiness, so anytime we can share an experience with others, it will generally boost our mood.

How to Increase Your Happiness in 2023—Part 4

Tue, 02/21/2023 - 11:17

In week 4 of “The Science of Well-Being,” we learn about resetting our reference points. It takes effort, but there are intentional activities we can do to help overcome our biases and improve our mood.

One strategy to reset our reference points is to spend our money on experiences instead of “stuff.” Material purchases stay the same over time and we get used to them. They may provide a short uptick in happiness, but they soon become just part of our lives and we no longer derive pleasure from them.

Rural Prosperity Nebraska Begins Institute of Excellence for Community Leaders

Fri, 02/17/2023 - 09:12

The Nebraska Association of County Officials (NACO), in partnership with Rural Prosperity Nebraska, announces that registration is now open for the 2023 season of the Institute of Excellence, a networking and leadership development course for community and county leaders.

Rural Prosperity Nebraska Helps Communities Find Child Care Solutions

Tue, 02/07/2023 - 11:17

For many Nebraskans, post-pandemic inflation has strained their wallets in every aspect of daily life, from groceries to gas. Paying for child care is no different. Nebraska is the ninth most expensive state for child care for married couples and fourth for single parents. But cost aside, since the pandemic many rural communities have struggled just to keep child care centers open.

Rural Nebraskans More Pessimistic in 2022, Poll Shows

Mon, 02/06/2023 - 10:12

Rural Nebraskans are more pessimistic about their current and future well-being, as well as changes in their communities, according to the 2022 Nebraska Rural Poll.

Since its beginning 27 years ago, the poll has asked respondents about their current situation, as well as their outlook on the future. This year, the proportion believing they are worse off than they were five years ago was 21%, up from 11% last year. This is the highest level since 2013, when 26% believed they were worse off.

How to Increase Your Happiness in 2023—Part 3

Mon, 02/06/2023 - 08:23

In week 3 of “The Science of Well-Being,” several topics are covered, but I'm going to focus on the discussion on social comparison and how it affects our happiness.

Our minds don’t think in terms of absolutes—they have to have something to compare a new experience with in order to process it. Because we don’t often have a next-door example to compare with, so we sometimes judge ourselves relative to irrelevant reference points.

RPN Today - S1E6 - Childcare

Wed, 02/01/2023 - 10:48

Four Rural Prosperity Nebraska Extension Educators Among New Cohort of Fellows for the Center for Great Plains Studies

Thu, 01/26/2023 - 12:45

The Center for Great Plains Studies has welcomes 15 new Great Plains Fellows into their ranks. Through museum exhibits, periodicals and scholarly programs, the Center explores the relationship between the region’s natural environment and the generations of people who have inhabited it.

How to Increase Your Happiness in 2023—Part 2

Thu, 01/26/2023 - 12:43

In week 2 of “The Science of Well-Being,” we learn about misconceptions around happiness. When it comes to happiness, knowing is not half the battle, and our intuitions are often wrong. Even if we know what we need to do to be happier, actually changing our behavior is difficult because we default into the same routines. (Note—if you haven’t read the book Atomic Habits, by James Clear, I would highly recommend it to help you to change your habits).

Is Your Community a Destination Location for Weddings?

Fri, 01/20/2023 - 11:06

By the time this column gets published, my daughter will be married. That got me thinking about how weddings play into a community’s economic development and people attraction efforts.

Rural Prosperity Nebraska Names two new Program Co-leaders

Thu, 01/19/2023 - 13:39

Rural Prosperity Nebraska, the community development arm of Nebraska Extension, has named two new program co-leaders to lead its community development efforts. Jordan Rasmussen and Brandi Hilton-Hagemann, both Nebraska Extension educators, will serve in these positions for one year, at which time the positions will conclude.

How to Increase Your Happiness in 2023—Part 1

Thu, 01/19/2023 - 13:39

I am currently working my way through the class “The Science of Well-Being,” on the website Coursera. The course is taught by Professor Laurie Santos of Yale University, and is offered for free online. The class aims to teach students to build more productive habits and engage in wellness activities to increase their happiness.

Husker Students Win International Competition with Rural Poll Data

Thu, 01/12/2023 - 12:47

For more than 25 years, the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Department of Agricultural Economics has administered the annual Nebraska Rural Poll. In partnership with Rural Prosperity Nebraska and Nebraska Extension, the survey gauges Nebraskans’ views on a wide range of subjects, from climate to education. State and congressional delegates often use the findings in policy-making decisions. However, this year the Rural Poll found another use.