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Irrigation Season to End in September

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Tue, 08/29/2023 - 12:54
A pivot irrigates plots at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Panhandle Research Extension and Education Center. (Photo by Chabella Guzman) A review of this year's irrigation season in the Panhandle and crop water use expectations for Aug. 28-Sept. 3.

Rural Prosperity Nebraska, Oklahoma State Team up to Study Rural Resilience

Water is the lifeblood for many rural communities, yet more than half of the United States is currently experiencing drought conditions. While water usage varies — from residential needs to irrigation and livestock demands — many communities’ access to clean, dependable water is threatened by changing land management and climate.

Windrow Grazing Annual Forages to Extend the Grazing Season

Latest Updates from beef.unl.edu - Tue, 08/29/2023 - 09:24
Friday, September 1, 2023

In many areas of central and eastern Nebraska, drought conditions have resulted in reduced forage production on rangeland and pasture.  This is resulting in a shortage of feed for many producers and a need for forage between now and when cornstalks are available for grazing.  Windrow grazing annual forages allows producers to cut the crop at an optimum time for quality and increase harvest efficiency through strip grazing the windrows.   


Will you Capitalize on Increasing Cow Value?

Latest Updates from beef.unl.edu - Mon, 08/28/2023 - 09:42
Friday, September 1, 2023

What a difference a year makes when it comes to cow prices!  Whether it is weigh up cows at $1.10 per pound or young bred heifers and cows pushing $2,500 - $3,000 per head, the recent rise in prices has been dramatic. Many cow-calf producers will sell calves this fall and make a solid profit. For areas that have received rain and forage is available, this will encourage retaining of heifers and the rebuilding of cowherds that have been reduced due to drought. The motivation of many will be to keep and acquire as many bred cows as possible to produce more high dollar calves.


This Week on N Field: Checking Center Pivot Pressure

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Fri, 08/25/2023 - 10:08
Tips on the cheapest, easiest ways of monitoring water pressure to ensure a center pivot is operating correctly.

Nebraska Computer and Internet Use on Farms

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Fri, 08/25/2023 - 09:30
The USDA NASS Technology Use Survey is conducted every two years. To see past results of the survey, visit the USDA NASS online archive. Computer use and internet access has risen in Nebraska, according to USDA NASS's latest survey on agricultural technology.

Research Boosts Honey Bee Protection Against Deadly Viruses

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Fri, 08/25/2023 - 09:17
A research team that included Husker entomologist Troy Anderson has discovered a potential breakthrough in combating the Varroa mite, a parasite whose spread of viruses can trigger catastrophic losses of honey bee colonies. (Photo by Craig Chandler, University Communication and Marketing) The research team, which includes Husker entomologist Troy Anderson, has identified a drug treatment that stimulates honey bees’ immune systems and dramatically strengthens protection against mite-facilitated viral assault.

'Mending the Stress Fence' Virtual Programs Set for Aug. 29 and Sept. 5

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Fri, 08/25/2023 - 09:01
The upcoming programs will provide information on identifying common stressors, recognizing stress symptoms, and managing stress.

Growing Results: Nitrogen Fertilization in Soybeans

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Fri, 08/25/2023 - 08:31
Learn about the Makovickas' 2023 on-farm research, which includes studying how soybeans in high-yield environments respond to supplemental nitrogen.

Agricultural Land Management Quarterly Webinar

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Fri, 08/25/2023 - 08:19
The Agricultural Land Management Quarterly webinars address common management issues for Nebraska landowners, ag operators and related stakeholders. To review historical land management webinars, visit the Center for Ag Profitability. The most recent Land Management Quarterly webinar covers the final report of the 2023 Nebraska Farm Real Estate Survey, and a special report on adjusting irrigated cropland rental rates.

Technology Use Growing on Nebraska Farms and Ranches

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Thu, 08/24/2023 - 18:23
Trends highlighted in USDA NASS's recent Technology Use survey indicate that Nebraska producers are more readily taking advantage of technological advances to improve their farm management skills and processes. (Center for Ag Profitability photo) A recent USDA NASS survey on technology use in agriculture revealed some interesting trends for the industry — in particular, Nebraska's above-average rating on ownership and use of technology.

Nebraska Extension Aids Growers with Studies on Wheat Planting Varieties

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Thu, 08/24/2023 - 17:44
Growers and extension faculty walk through wheat plots at the 2023 High Plains Ag Lab tour in Sidney, Nebraska. (Photo by Chabella Guzman) Nebraska Extension shares insights on wheat production in 2023, after varying degrees of rain and drought caused challenges for varieties throughout Nebraska, and tips on how to prepare for 2024.

USDA to Provide Additional Financial Assistance to Farm Loan Borrowers Facing Risk

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Thu, 08/24/2023 - 17:14
Since August 2022, USDA has provided approximately $1.15 billion in assistance to more than 20,000 distressed borrowers as a part of an ongoing effort to keep borrowers farming and remove obstacles that currently prevent many borrowers from returning to their land. The additional funds are expected to aid another 3,500 eligible Farm Loan Program borrowers through the Inflation Reduction Act.


In week four of this series, let’s explore the third of the 7 C’s—“commitment.”

Another of the individual values in the social change model, commitment is defined as the energy and motivation to serve. Commitment implies that you have passion for a goal or project and are willing to see it through to the end. It involves investment of time and physical and mental energy in the leadership development process.

Weekly Weather Update: Aug. 24, 2023

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Thu, 08/24/2023 - 14:51
Very little precipitation and intense heat this week led to dangerous conditions for livestock in Nebraska, and soil moisture and crop conditions are expected to show decline in next week's reports.

Manure Spreader Calibration is Not Just for Research Plots

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Thu, 08/24/2023 - 14:02
By calibrating your spreader, you know precisely how much manure has been applied and can adjust your application rate as needed for optimum efficiency. Routine calibration of manure spreaders is an important step in ensuring a successful growing season for your crops and keeping costs at a minimum.

2023 Corn Yield Forecasts as of Aug. 23

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Wed, 08/23/2023 - 16:20
Overall, the Corn Belt's regional yield this season is expected to be near the historical average, with a few areas in Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri exhibiting potential for above-average yields.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Managing Grasshoppers, Pasture Weeds and Wet Hay

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Wed, 08/23/2023 - 14:44
With continued drought, producers may see grasshoppers moving from field edges into crops. Frequent scouting of fields will be critical in the coming weeks, particularly in alfalfa and late summer-seeded grasses, which are more susceptible to feeding damage.. Tips on late summer grasshopper and pasture weed control, and options for producers putting up hay in wet conditions.

Crop Progress: Nebraska Crop Conditions Fall Slightly

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Tue, 08/22/2023 - 12:10
Historical crop progress data for Nebraska is available at USDA. As of Aug. 20, crop conditions had declined minimally, but growth continued progressing near or above average pace.

Estimated Crop Water Use for Aug. 21-27

Latest Updates from cropwatch.unl.edu - Tue, 08/22/2023 - 09:57

To receive the weekly crop water use report via text message, subscribe on the PHREC AgLab site.

With a record-breaking heat wave across much of the U.S. this week, Nebraska Extension Educator Gary Stone discusses water needs for crops during the intense temperatures and lack of precipitation.