York Conty 4-H School Enrichment

York County 4-H School Enrichment

     School enrichment programs are learning experiences offered to students during school hours by local 4-H educators.  These programs are designed to enhance the subject matter being studied in the classroom, provide hands-on education, introduce a new topic to students, or spark a new interest!

     The 4-H school enrichment program is a great way to connect and collaborate with your local Extension office and achieve your classroom educational goals.  The programs we provide are created to act as a supplement to the learning that is already happening in the classroom. By using the University of Nebraska Lincoln's "Learning by doing" curriculum, school enrichment sessions can help teachers engage students and improve the learning process while meeting Nebraska State Board of Education standards. Curriculum used in School Enrichment is developed at the University of Nebraska, Other Universities, or by the National 4-H Council.

     There is no cost to your classroom.  We are looking forward to working with you and your students!  Contact Amanda Hackenkamp at amanda.hackenkamp@unl.edu or 402-362-5508, to schedule your class.  You can also fill out this form to let us know what you would like more information on. Click here for form.

Hand wash germs awayWashing Germs Away!    Grade K - 2     1, 30-45 minute session 
    Think those hands are clean? What you can’t see can spread infection. Students will learn the benefits of handwashing, guidelines for hand washing and when hands should be washed. During this visit, youth will have the opportunity to see how well they have washed their hands using Glow-Germ which fluoresces brightly under an UVA view box.
Here is a newsletter to give you more information.

House with sunOn Your Own and OK     Grade 3 - 5     3, 30-40 minute sessions
About 90% of third graders indicate that they are left home alone for at least 20 minutes during a typical week.  This class will cover a series of lessons about what to do when you are left home.  This program will be offered in the fall and spring.

baby chickEmbryology     Grade 3     3, 30-40 minute sessions
    Students of all ages enjoy taking care of eggs and anticipating the arrival of baby chicks.  We learn about the similarities and differences between chickens, other animals and humans as well as study the development of life.  We will also talk about animal care and the circle of life.  Real eggs, from ostrich to robin will also be available for observation and comparison.  Available only in the spring.
Here is a newsletter to give you more information.

caterpillar butterfly life cycleCaterpillar to Butterfly     Grade 2     3, 30-40 minute sessions
This program is designed to be in two lessons allowing your classroom to learn about butterflies.  Students will receive a live butterfly classroom experience!  This program teaches life cycles, metamorphosis, and insect parts.  Students can observe the live specimens transform from caterpillars to chrysalides to butterflies with their own observation kit.  Available only in the spring.

My plateNutrition Education     Grade K-5     3, 30-40 minute sessions -   Choose one or More of the following lessons, each 30-40 minutes in length
Think Your Drink:  Many people drink sodas and other sugary drinks throughout the day.  These drinks don’t add any nutritional value to our diet.  For that reason, some people drink many sodas in a single day - adding a lot of sugar to their overall diet.  Overconsumption of sugar sweetened beverages is a national health concern and we need to start the conversation about what drinks will help us live healthy lives.  This hands on activity will let kids visually see how much sugar is in there drinks and allow them to taste some healthier options. 

  * Heathy Snacks, Healthy Me:  This is a “hands on” lesson on nutritious snacks that kids can make themselves.  Students will work in groups to make and present to the class healthy snacks. 

  * Choose Health:  Food, Fun and Fitness:   This program is suggested for 4th or 5th graders and targets those behaviors research shows to be most important for preventing childhood obesity and chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer.   We focus on improving healthy food choices balanced by physical activity.  This class will required six one hour lessons.  These lesson can be done once a week, month or daily.  During these lessons youth will participate in hands on activities, taste and or prepare food, taking away ideas for healthy snacks and meals with recipes and set goals for healthy eating and activity.

STEM LogoSTEM Based Lessons     Grade PreK-8     1, 30-40 minute session -   Choose one or More of the following lessons, each 30-40 minutes in length
* Storybook STEM (PreK-1):
Tying learning into classic stories, these lessons are approximately 30 minutes long. Lessons will share a classic story (selected by teacher), followed by a STEM activity related to the reading, and a fun activity to complete at the end or a later time. Perfect for younger learners.

*The Truth About Weather (K-6th): Students will complete an interactive lesson learning about clouds, weather tools, and understanding how various weather events comes to be and the science behind them. Activities and learning are tailored to age groups, but each create fun learning opportunities for all. Lessons also can tie into various reading selections.
Here is a newsletter to give you more information.

*Beginner Kitchen Science (2nd-8th): During this lesson, three short experiments will be shared dealing with a variety of chemistry and physic properties. This lesson will focus on Elephant Toothpaste (exothermic reactions and molecule break downs), Balloon Blow-up (Yeast & Baking Soda/Vinegar reactions), and finally Balloon Skewers (polymer strength and breakdown). All activities will be accompanied with short learning lessons and hands-on opportunities for all.
Here is a newsletter to give you more information.

*Cookie Science (6th-12th – 2 visit option): Ever wonder why recipes are written the way they are? Why those ingredients in those increments? Cookie science is designed to test those hypotheses and answer those “why” questions. Youth will recreate a simple recipe, altering one step or ingredient, to analyze what those alterations did to the make up of the cookie. A study is then conducted to evaluate the qualitative and quantitative effects. This program can be conducted in one-60 minute lesson IF cooking equipment is available OR two-45 minute lessons in a traditional classroom.

Here is a newsletter to give you more information.

*Extreme World of Microbes (4th-8th): Understanding the differences between living and nonliving organisms is our focus. Youth will learn what living organisms – of all sizes – need to survive, then challenges youth to spot the differences. Lastly, we will explore surfaces with the most living organisms through a culture study. This 2-part enrichment lesson has one 45-minute lesson with a 30-minute follow-up.

Here is a newsletter to give you more information.

*DNA Detectives! (5th-7th; 4-visit Enrichment Lesson): Learning experiences are as unique as everyone’s DNA. Through this 4-part learning experience, youth learn about the make-up of DNA, how it is constructed, and how DNA differentiates between each human being. Youth will make DNA models based on their own characteristics and explore other human factors that are just as unique as DNA: fingerprints!

Here is a newsletter to give you more information.

Real ColorsLeadership Training     Grade 6-12     1, 30-40 minute session -   Choose one or More of the following lessons, each 30-40 minutes in length
*Real Colors (6-12):
Real Colors® is a four-color personality assessment designed to target both left- and right-brain learning. Through the assessment, students learn their personality style, some of their strengths and challenges, along with how to best utilize these in a leadership setting. This enrichment offering utilizes activities, small group interaction, and large group discussion as all participants engage in active learning.