Nebraska Extension is the go-to resource for Nebraskans as they seek unbiased research, proven science and just plain good advice. Nebraska Extension helps farmers adopt new technologies that reduce input costs, improve water quality, and increase production and profitability. Extension research on Nebraska farms helps producers evaluate the effectiveness of crop inputs and innovative management practices. From exploring the viability of diverse crops to managing the threats of pests, disease and weather extremes to protecting public lands and waterways—Nebraska Extension brings University resources to and has its imprint on millions of acres (and acre-feet) across Nebraska. 

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Ron Seymour is a cropping systems Extension Educator with emphasis on corn and soybean production. Ron also works extensively in crop pest management with specific expertise in insect issues. Ron has an interest in developing areas that border field crops as habitat that promote populations of beneficial arthropods.


Ron Seymour


Location: 2975 South Baltimore Avenue, Hastings, NE, USA
Phone: 402.461.7209