University of Nebraska Extension - Holt/Boyd News Column for the Week of March 31, 2024



FOR WEEK OF: March 31, 2024

April 1: 4-H Enrollment - Strongly Encouraged,

April 1: DUE: 4-H Dues, Holt County Courthouse Annex Extension Office

April 2: Private Pesticide Training, 1:30pm, Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Spencer, NE- Pre-Register at 402.336.2760 or emailing

April 2: Private Pesticide Training, 9:30am, Lutheran Church, Ainsworth, NE- Pre-Register at 402.336.2760 or emailing

April 5: DUE: Nebraska 4-H Shooting Sports Instructor Certification Workshop Registration, Boone County Fairgrounds, Albion, NE. Registration and more information at:

April 8:Face-to-Face YQCA Training, 7:00pm-8:30pm, Holt County Annex Meeting Room,

April 10: Private Pesticide Training, 1:30pm, Holt County Courthouse Annex, O’Neill, NE - Pre-Register at 402.336.2760 or emailing

April 13-14: Nebraska 4-H Shooting Sports Instructor Certification Workshop, Boone County Fairgrounds, Albion, NE

Managing A Home When Everyone Works

We all work hard today! With commuting and demands of the job, nobody has time or energy for housework. Many couples who share a home have a hard time sharing the tasks required to keep a home running smoothly. Many parents aren’t sure what chores are appropriate for children or how to get children to help out around the house.

Children benefit from helping with household chores. They learn responsibility and work habits. However, it is also important for kids to have plenty of time to be kids. If children have excessive household responsibilities, they don’t have time to play and spend time with friends. These activities may not seem as important as chores, but playtime actually helps children develop their talents and learn important skills, such as self-direction and how to interact with others. The key is to give children age-appropriate tasks that do not interfere too much with their other activities.

Getting everyone to help with household chores can be a challenge. Having a family meeting can help. Schedule a meeting with all of those who can take responsibility for tasks. Decide what tasks must be done and how often they have to be accomplished. Decide who can do which jobs. Be sure to allow each family member to have input and listen to each person’s ideas. Some families make a chart to rotate jobs. Some family members have favorite jobs. Many jobs have required standards – use this as an opportunity to teach quality control. A large calendar is an easy way to track who has responsibility for what. After trying out the plan for a week or two, have another family meeting to talk about how well it is working. Make any changes that are needed at that time.

Some household tasks can be done as a family activity, which can help create a sense of closeness. Children can help sort unused clothing and toys for a family fund raiser or yard sale. Perhaps the proceeds can be used for family fun. These activities might even become new family traditions. Working together as a family to accomplish household tasks helps everything get done, creates a sense of family togetherness, and teaches children responsibility.

Source: Jinny Hopp - former human development specialist, Jasper County, University of Missouri Extension (University of Missouri Extension – April 1, 2018)

How Does Soil Life Contribute to Soil Health?

What is healthy soil? Most of us can probably look at a freshly dug chunk of soil and intuitively make some assumptions about it. Cues such as a dark color, good earthy smell, crumbly structure, and living roots or organisms like earthworms are simple, informal assessments of a good and healthy soil. But how is healthy soil created? In this article, we explain how plants and soil organisms interact to compose and decompose organic matter, cycle nutrients, and build the structure of soils.

The importance of soils in providing plant nutrients such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) has long been recognized, but in terms of soil health, it is also critical to think about what feeds soil microorganisms. During photosynthesis, plants take up atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and water to produce glucose. In subsequent chemical reactions, plants synthesize organic molecules such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats from glucose, N, P, K, and other nutrients. While this may seem like basic knowledge, it is important to remember that most other organisms in the soil ecosystem (and other ecosystems), whether microbes, earthworms, cattle, or humans, depend on these plant-derived organic molecules as their food source.

Soils contain thousands of species of organisms, and they all play a role in decomposing plant-made organic molecules. Roots and their exudates, decomposing plant materials, and living and dead organisms in the soil collectively form what we call soil organic matter. The carbon in soil organic matter gives it a rich, dark color. Soil organisms continuously break down organic matter, releasing some nutrients along with CO2 and using some for their own growth.

What specific roles do soil organisms have? Larger ones play roles as grazers and shredders, feeding on and breaking apart plant residues. Some dig and mix soil, or as in the case of earthworms, tunnel through the soil, leaving pores that allow for better air and water flow.

Fungi and bacteria feed on living plants, residues and root exudates, which contain sugars and amino acids and constantly leach out of living roots. Root exudates are a high-quality food for bacteria and fungi, and plants are thought to excrete them to attract microbes, possibly to benefit from their nutrient cycling abilities. In fact, most plants, including crops, have beneficial relationships with fungi that live on or inside their roots.

A well-known example are arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), which penetrate plant roots. Their long, threadlike fungi hyphae grow into the soil, and because they are thinner than plant roots, they can access nutrients (especially P) and water in areas that plant roots cannot reach. They transport P and water back to plant roots in exchange for sugars from the plants. This beneficial relationship improves plant nutrition and drought tolerance. Having living roots in the ground year-round that can serve as hosts to AMF increases AMF survival and abundance.

Bacteria are the smallest but most numerous soil organisms. They concentrate around plant roots to feed off exudates, but they also break down other organic matter, usually simpler carbohydrates such as those found in fresh residue. Although the more complex, tough to decompose organic molecules such as lignin from woody plants are decomposed by fungi, some bacteria such as actinomycetes can digest cellulose and chitin - the carbohydrates that make up the cell walls of plants and fungi, respectively. Actinomycetes release an earthy scent that we associate with “good soil”. Some bacteria can fix N from the atmosphere, including Rhizobium species that live in the roots of leguminous plants and free-living ones, such as Azotobacter and Azospirillum.

Predatory microorganisms preying on bacteria and fungi also contribute to nutrient cycling. When protozoa eat other microbes, they release ammonium as a waste product. Nitrifying bacteria - for example, Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter species - further convert ammonium into nitrite and then nitrate, which can be taken up by plants.

In the process of searching for food, water and habitat, plants and microbes provide structure to the soil. Fungi hyphae and plant roots stabilize soil particles by binding them into aggregates. A mucus-like exudate by AM fungi called glomalin is instrumental in forming aggregates, but many other microbial exudates also function as a sort of glue for soil particles.

Well-aggregated soils have more pores, allowing better air and gas exchange, water infiltration, and water storage. Spaces within aggregates are habitats for bacteria and other microbes. Aggregation can also increase the amount of organic matter in the soil, as organic matter that is bound inside of aggregates is less accessible to microbes and slower to be decomposed.

Having an active, abundant and diverse community of soil microbes will lead to soils where plant residues are decomposed faster, soil structure is improved, and plants are supported by beneficial relationships with microbes. The health of our soils reflects the health of the ecosystem within it.


Lowenfels, J. and Lewis, W. 2010. Teaming with microbes: The organic gardener’s guide to the Soil Food Web. Timber Press.

Soil Health Institute. 

Source: Katja Koehler-Cole - Extension Educator and Carolina Córdova - Department of Agronomy and Horticulture Assistant Professor and Statewide Soil Health Specialist (CropWatch – March 28, 2024)

How to Transplant Small Trees

Occasionally the need arises to move trees within the home landscape. Follow these tips to move small, young trees successfully.

When to Transplant Trees

Early spring (before growth begins) and fall (after leaf drop) are the best times to transplant deciduous trees. Evergreens are most successfully transplanted in early spring and late summer (late August to mid-September).

How Large Can the Tree Be?

Home gardeners should limit themselves to transplanting trees with a trunk diameter of 2 inches or less. Trees with a trunk diameter greater than 2 inches should be moved by an experienced landscape contractor or nursery professional.

Digging Trees

To minimize damage and improve their chance of survival, dig and move trees with balls of soil adhering to portions of their root systems.

The soil should be moist when the plant is dug. If the soil is dry, thoroughly water the area 3 to 4 days before digging.

When digging trees, the ideal radius of the root ball is determined by the caliper of the trunk and the overall height of the tree.  Minimum root ball sizes are outlined in the table below.   When using this guide remember caliper of the trunk is measured 6 inches above the ground and root balls of conical evergreens and broadleaf evergreens are at least one size larger.

Caliper (inches)1 Minimum Height (feet) 2 Minimum Ball Diameter (inches)
1 8
2 10
1/2 3 12
3/4 4 14
1 5 16
1-1/2 6 20
2 7 24

Using a spade, dig a trench around the tree to a depth of 1-1/2 to 2 feet. Then cut beneath the roots, rounding the bottom of the soil ball. Tip the soil ball to one side, place a piece of burlap in the trench on the opposite side, then carefully tip or roll the soil ball over onto the burlap. Tightly wrap the burlap around the soil ball and if needed secure the burlap with twine.

If trees are being planted immediately after digging and the soil ball is firm and not easily broken apart, a tarp, sheet, or plastic sheet can be used instead of burlap.

Moving and Replanting

Move the tree by lifting and carrying the root ball or carry grasping the material wrapped around the root ball rather than grasping the trunk. If possible, replant the tree immediately.

Dig a hole that is 2 to 3 times the width of the tree's root ball. The depth of the hole should be approximately 1 to 2 inches less than the height of the soil ball.

If wrapped in burlap, carefully lower the tree into the hole, position it correctly, and begin to place soil back into the hole. If the tree was wrapped in a material other than burlap, position the tree directly adjacent to the hole, unwrap the root ball, and carefully slide and lower the root ball into the hole. It is important to not allow the root ball to break apart.

Firm the soil around the tree's root ball with your hands. When the hole is about two-thirds full, cut and remove the twine around the soil ball, if used, and cut away the exposed portion of the burlap. Then, complete the backfilling of the hole and water thoroughly. Do not allow the soil ball to break during the digging, moving, and replanting process.

Source: Richard Jauron – Iowa State University and Aaron Steil – Iowa State University Consumer Horticulture Extension (Yard and Garden – March 2024)

Healthy Guts Make Healthy Cattle

Feed additives are added to beef cattle diets with goals such as improving health and performance or reducing antibiotic use and greenhouse gas emissions. There are medicated feed additives, including antimicrobials, anti-coccidials, and antiparasitics, with many requiring a Veterinary Feed Directive (abbreviated as VFD) for use. There are also nonmedicated feed additives, including probiotics, prebiotics, and postbiotics. Probiotics and prebiotics are used to improve the animal’s gut health, via the microbes. Postbiotics can often have health benefits for the host animal, such as beneficial impacts on immunity.


Prebiotics are food ingredients added to cattle diets to stimulate the growth and activity of microbes. Prebiotics are not digested in the stomach, but rather fermented in the large intestine. Commonly used as a prebiotic, oligosaccharides provide “food” for the favorable bacteria to grow within the gut. Prebiotics must also benefit the host animal’s health, often improving immunity.

Prebiotic Selection Criteria*

  • Resistance to digestion in the upper sections of the alimentary tract.
  • Fermentation by the intestinal bicrobiota.
  • Beneficial effect on host(s) health.
  • Selective stimulation of growth probiotics.
  • Stability in various food/feed processing conditions.

*Adapted from Markowiak & Śliżewska, 2018.


Probiotics have been defined as “live microbial feed supplements which beneficially affect the host animal by improving its microbial balance.” Cattle GI tracts naturally contain microbes, which aid in the breakdown of feed; when probiotics are used as a feed additive, they can alter this microbial population. This is of benefit to the producer and the animal by improving feed efficiency, feed digestibility, and the fermentation process. Probiotics have been shown to change fermentation end products, resulting in reduced methane production. Probiotics, since they are living, must be able to replicate after passing through the abomasum of the animal but also must remain stable during the feed processing.


Postbiotics are metabolic byproducts of microbes that result in health benefits to the host animal. Postbiotics have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties and improve immunity of the animal. When added to the feed, they can potentially enhance nutrient absorption by the animal by promoting certain enzymes involved in digestion. Postbiotics are less susceptible to environmental conditions than probiotics, therefore processing and transportation pose less of a threat to the quality of the additive. So, while postbiotics may be mass-produced easier, they are fairly new to ruminant nutrition.

Pre-, pro-, and postbiotics can be used individually as feed additives for beef cattle, or a mixture incorporating all three can be formulated.

The ultimate goal of these additives is to benefit the host animal in such a way that antibiotic use can be reduced. To achieve this goal, researchers are continually looking into the use of and benefits from these additives.

Source: Addie Womack - SDSU Extension Livestock Production and Stewardship Specialist (SDSU Beef – March 27, 2024)