Burt County Horticulture, Landscape, and Environmental Systems

Flowers on fence

We are dedicated to enhancing Nebraskans’ well-being through education, community engagement and resource support. We strive to empower Nebraskan's to manage and improve healthy landscapes, water systems, food production, and overall health, while promoting the benefits of a healthier environment. Our goals are to:

  • Support fruit & vegetable growers.
  • Improve & manage landscapes.
  • Promote environmental resiliency and stewardship
  • Protect domestic water resources.
  • Protect human, animal, and structural health.
  • Foster a One Health ecosystem.

Nebraska Extension Horticulture, Landscape, and Environmental Systems

Lawn and Landscape Update Flyer



Landscape and other green industry professionals have an opportunity learn from Extension Educators about plant pests, plant choices and common client issues. The 2025 ProHort Lawn and Landscape Update will be happening in person at the Dodge County Extension office in Fremont on Thursday, February 20th from 9-3:30. $35 per registrant. Register here, and direct any questions to ian peterson - ipeterson4@unl.edu; 402.727.2775. ISA and NAA credits available.

Ian Peterson



Serving Counties:

Burt, Cuming, Dakota, Dixon, Dodge, Saunders, Stanton, Thurston, Washington, Wayne

Ian Peterson Extension Educator