The Director's of the Research, Extension and Education Centers created the Statewide Directions/Strategic Plan to prioritize needs across the state. Each REEC captured input from their advisory boards, as well as stakeholders and faculty to identify and prioritize these needs. Seven state wide "Strategic Directions" were developed during this process.
Each REEC developed a strategic plan to contribute to the statewide strategic directions based on their geographic location, faculty expertise and resources. From these individual plans, opportunities were identified where REEC’s could combine resources and expertise to support those statewide directions. The complete Strategic Plan 2020-2025 can be read here.
Newsletter Archives:
REEC Newsletter-Welcome-Spring 2021 Print Version
REEC Newsletter-June 2021 Print Version
REEC Newsletter-July 2021 Print Version
REEC Newsletter-August 2021 Print Version
REEC Newsletter-September 2021 Print Version