Henry J. Stumpf International Wheat Center

Henry J. Stumpf International Wheat Center

A generous gift of more than $3 million provides the University of Nebraska with potential to take wheat breeding and cropping systems research to a new level of innovation not seen since the early days of plant genetics.  Marvin H. Stumpf III of Grant, Neb., has made the gift to the University of Nebraska Foundation to establish the Stumpf Family Research and Development Fund to support agricultural research and university extension services.

 A Nebraska native, Marvin Stumpf worked for the U.S. Postal Service in Denver and received a degree from Metropolitan State University in Denver. He returned to Nebraska to help his parents, Henry J. and Darlene Stumpf, with the family farm. Through hard work and determination, the family built the farm into a successful enterprise in Perkins County, Neb., where Stumpf continues to live and work. The family's use of dryland cropping techniques, combined with organic farming experience, are the tangible results of their willingness to experiment with new ideas while using the land to its fullest potential.

 In making this gift to the university, Marvin Stumpf said he wishes to honor the legacy of his family, including his late wife, Pearl Stumpf, his grandparents, Henry J. and Margaret Stumpf, his parents Henry J. and Darlene Stumpf, and his wife's late husband, Sam Peterson "This gift is about honoring my family and our Nebraska heritage," Marvin Stumpf said. "This state has meant so much to generations of my family, and it's a privilege to give back in a way that will further agricultural research and service well into the future."

Hard Red Spring Wheat Water Use

by Chuck Burr - Crops and Water Extension Educator and Daran Rudnick - Extension Irrigation Management Specialist 

This study looked at water consumption, productivity and protein content of hard red spring wheat,
a viable option when winter wheat experiences injury or low productivity. 

2020 Annual Research Summary

Wheat, Sorghum and Corn

2019 Research and Extension Summary

Winter Wheat
Pulse Crops
Winter Canola
Grain Sorghum

2014-2018 Research and Extension Summary

Henry J. Stumpf International Wheat Center 2014-2018 summary