GSL Open House

Gudmundsen Sandhills Laboratory: 43 Years Serving the Beef Industry
Open House - August 23, 2023 
The University of Nebraska–Lincoln Gudmundsen Sandhills Laboratory held the 24rd Annual Open House on August 23. This year’s Open House was a hybrid format with the traditional in-person event held at GSL along with a live-streamed online webinar. The online webinar covered the morning sustainability topics. Activities, demonstrations and commercial exhibits were planned so guests could attend them throughout the day.  

8:00 AM  -  Registration
All day  -  View exhibits - Hybrid format with our traditional in-person event held at GSL along with the live-streamed online webinar
8:15 - Welcome - Kelly Bruns, WCREEC Director 
8:30  -  Cattle Market Update (slides)- Katelyn McCullock, Director of Livestock Marketing Information Center
9:15  -  Long Range Weather Forecast - Don Day, President & Chief Meteorologist, Day Weather
10:00  -  Break
10:15  -  Flexible Grazing Strategies (slides) - Dr. David Augustine, ARS-USDA Rangeland Resources and Systems Research Unit
11:00  -  Post-fire producer panel (slides) - Moderated by Dr. Mitchell Stephenson, UNL Range Extension Specialist
11:15  -  Environmental Footprint of Livestock Production (slides)- Dr. Galen Erickson, University of Nebraska Feedlot Extension Specialist
11:45  -  Lunch
1:15  -  Young Cow Management to Optimize Reproductive Performance (slides) - Dr. Shelby Rosasco, University of Wyoming Extension Beef Specialist.
2:00  -  Retaining ownership as a Cow-Calf Producer (slides) - Dr. Alfredo DiCostanzo, UNL Beef Extension Educator. 
2:30 - Research Updates

3:30 Adjourn - Thanks for coming!