FFA Rules

Advisors: Alan Held, Regan Hodsden, Walker Dobry, Nicole Sorensen, Alicia Keller, Cameron Magee

  1. Eligibility: Only bonafide FFA members whose dues are paid to a chapter/school that is within Scotts Bluff County are eligible for Scotts Bluff County FFA Division entries. All animals exhibited must be a part of the FFA members’ and/or chapters’ Supervised Occupational Experience Program in Vocational Agriculture and a current record book available upon request.  There is no duplication of project animals or other production units.
  2. Entries: All beef entries will have been the property of the exhibitor and a part of his/her FFA project program on or before March 31 of the year exhibited.  Market beef and non-registered (commercial) breeding heifers must be identified with the NVAA State Fair Advisory Committee approved ear tag and all other livestock by May 15 of the current year.
  3. Uniform for Showing: Exhibitors must wear the FFA gold shirt and jeans.
  4. Stalls: All FFA animals will be stalled as a group.  No exceptions.
  5. Showmanship: The Showmanship Contest will be required of each exhibitor of beef, swine, sheep or goats.  Purple, blue, red and white ribbons will be awarded to exhibitors participating, if earned.  A trophy will be presented in each division.  Failure to participate will result in inability to participate in market classes or sale.
  6. All other general livestock rules will be the same as 4-H, unless otherwise stated.
  7. FFA Division Superintendent may make any changes as may be necessary.
  8. Beef showmanship will be blow and go only.   
  9. All showmanship classes will be divided by member’s year in school and experience.

FFA Beef Cattle

Animals in each class will be placed on the purple, blue, red and white ribbon group basis.  Top animals will be placed on a 1 - 2 basis and will compete for championship if deemed worthy by the judge.

Market Beef
An FFA exhibitor may exhibit not more than four market steers or four market heifers or four market beef (four total between 4-H and FFA) in combination.  The market steers and market heifer classes will be determined by the number of entries.
Division 1    Market Steers 
Division 2    Market Heifers

Breeding Beef
DIVISION 1 - All Breeds & Crossbreeds
Class 5    Calves born between January 1 and June of the current year
Class 6    Calves born between June 1 and December 31 of the previous year
Class 7    Yearlings born between January 1 and June 1 of the previous year

Prospect Market Beef
Calves must be born between January 1 and June 1 of the current year.
Class 1        Heifers
Class 2        Steers

FFA Market Swine
All animals in each class will be placed purple, blue, red and white ribbon group basis.  Top animals will be placed on a 1-2 basis and will compete for championship if deemed worthy by the judge.  An exhibitor will show no more than four (in combination of 4-H and FFA) market swine.  All market swine, regardless of breed will be classified for judging purposes on basis of weight alone.  

All swine to be exhibited will originate directly from a herd not under quarantine for pseudorabies.  Under no circumstances may swine under quarantine be exhibited.  Market swine classes will be split by sexes if numbers permit.
Division 1        Market Barrows
Division 2        Market Gilts

FFA Sheep
All animals in each class will be placed on the purple, blue, red and white ribbon group basis.  Top animals will be placed on a 1-2 basis and will compete for championship if deemed worthy by the judge.
Market Lamb
An exhibitor will show no more than four (in combination of 4-H and FFA) market lambs.  All market lambs, regardless of breed, will be classified for judging purposes on a basis of weight alone.

1.    Late castrate, cryptorchid or bucky appearing males will be eliminated at show time.
2.    Lambs entered for this show will have been slick shorn.
3.    Market classes will be determined after weighing.
4.    All market lambs must show eight (8) lamb teeth only.

FFA Market Meat Goats
All animals in each class will be placed on the purple, blue, red and white ribbon group basis. Top animals will be placed on a 1-2 basis and will compete for championship if deemed worthy by the judge. 
Market animals may be either wethers or does. Once tagged by June 1 of the current year, the animal may only be shown in market classes. Each member may tag up to 5 market goats but can exhibit only four (in combination of 4-H and FFA) market goats. They must be owned by exhibitor by June 1 of the current year. Classes will be broken by goats’ weights taken on weigh-in day at the fair. All market goats must weigh a minimum of 50 lbs to show in the market classes. Animals not meeting the minimum weight requirement will not be eligible for the County Premium Sale and will show in the non -market class. Members may sell only one market animal per year. All market animals’ horns must be dehorned. The meat goat classes will include registered and nonregistered meat goat breeds. Goats may be braced. All 4 feet must be on the ground.

FFA Crops
Each FFA member may enter a sample of each of their crops projects which are part of their supervised farming program.  Current, up to date records must be available before the exhibits receive their premium money.

FFA Field Crops
In general, the crops project sample should be a representative sample of the student’s crop project.  Samples of crops still not ripe or otherwise ready to harvest will be judged on quality as presented.  A sheaf will not be less than 2 inches in diameter at the center band.

Class 1    Alfalfa - 3 sheaves (1 per cutting) or 1 pint seed
Class 2    Barley - 1 sheaf or 1 quart 
Class 3    Field Beans - 1 sheaf or 1 quart (pods & beans only) 
Class 4    Maturity Corn - 5 ears husked
Class 5    Field Corn - 6 stalks of corn for maturity; 6 stalks of corn for silage
Class 6    Garden - Major vegetables in season at fair time

Sugar Beets
Exhibit will include a sample of beets and exhibition card.  Information on the exhibition card will include stand counts, % early sugar, variety, etc.  Sugar beets should be prepared in the following manner: hand dug (not pulled), tops cut square off and washed (do not brush or tip roots).
Class 1            Three best sugar beets.

Garden Crops
Class 1 - Beans (in pod) (Quantity 12)
Snap beans
    Lima beans
Class 2 - Beets (Quantity 5)
Class 3 - Cabbage (Quantity 1)
    Savoy, heaviest
Class 4 - Carrots (Quantity 5)
    Long (inches)
    Half long (inches)
    Short (inches)
Class 5 - Corn (Quantity 5)
    Sweet, in husk
Class 6 - Cucumbers (Number to exhibit below)
    Slicing (2)
    Pickling (6)
    Others (2)
Class 7 - Muskmelon (Quantity 1)
    Cantaloupe  (Muskmelon)
    Biggest & best
Class 8 - Onions (Mature Bulbs) (Number to exhibit below)
    Yellow (5)
    Red (5)
    White (5)
    Green (5)
Class 9 - Pumpkins (Number to exhibit below)
    Pie (2)
    Jack-O-Lantern (1)
    Heaviest (1)
Class 10 - Peppers (Number to exhibit below)
    Bell Pepper (2)
    Other (5)
Class 11 - Potatoes (Quantity 4)
    Round white
    Long white
Class 12 - Squash (Number to exhibit below)
    Summer (2)
    Winter (1)
    Heaviest (1)
Class 13 - Tomatoes (Number to exhibit below)
    Green (5)
    Cherry (12)
     Slicing - 2" or larger (5)
     Salad - less than 2" (5)
    Canning - paste (5)
Class 14 - Watermelon (Quantity 1)
    Ice Box
Class 15 - Miscellaneous (Number to exhibit below)
    Broccoli (2)
    Brussel Sprouts (6)
    Cauliflower (1)
    Celery (1)
    Chard (2)
    Eggplant (2)
    Eggplant - Japanese (3)
    Endive (1)
       Small (4)
       Large (2)
    Kale (1)
    Kohlrabi (4)
    Leek (5)
    Lettuce, head (1)
    Parsnips (5)
    Peas - in pod (6)
    Popcorn (5)
    Radish (5)
    Radish - Japanese (1)
    Rhubarb (2)
    Salsify (5)
    Spinach (1)
    Turnips (5)
    Okra (5)
    Exotic (2)
    Others (1) 
Grasses, Native and Introduced - 1 sheaf or 1 pint of seeds
Oats - 1 quart or 1 sheaf
Orchard - Home - 3 each of major fruit in season or a home-canned jar of each major fruit
Field Potatoes - 3 types of all tubers 1 inch and larger from one hill
Rye - 1 quart or 1 sheaf
Sorghum - 1 quart or 1 sheaf
Sweet Clover - 1 pint or 1 sheaf
Wheat - 1 quart or 1 sheaf
Weeds - 6 or more pressed and mounted weeds or vials of seeds collected and prepared by the exhibitor

FFA Agriculture Mechanics Exhibits
Class 1
Rules for Farm Mechanics Exhibits:

  1. There will be no double entries.
  2. All Farm Mechanics Exhibits must be entered TBA.
  3. Judges will base their decision on evidence of sound planning, number and degree of skills involved and practicality of the entry.
  4. All entries must be student work and result from training programs in farm mechanics.
  5. The judges reserve the right to re-enter entries in lots in order to make up more judgeable groups of entries.
  6. Judges will give greater consideration to an item made entirely by the student rather than a prefabricated type item.
  7. Entries in Lot 1 must be mounted on display board 4 feet high and multiples of 2 feet wide.  Display boards may represent several students’ work.  Individual items not mounted will not be judged.


  1. Exhibit of hand tools fitted for home use mounted on display board.
  2. Exhibit of small practical projects showing a variety of skills with skill area labeled.
  3. Farm Shop training device made by students showing the degree of skills and specifications to be followed and procedure to be used.    
  4. Cabinet and box type projects constructed of wood.
  5. Small utility service equipment made primarily of wood.
  6. Small utility service equipment made primarily of metal.
  7. Equipment made primarily of wood for use in the home work shop.
  8. Equipment made primarily of metal for use in the home work shop.
  9. Practical heavy feeding equipment.
  10. Practical light feeding equipment.
  11. Stock rack - metal.
  12. Stock rack - wood.
  13. Practical farm equipment combining wood and metal used in productive livestock and crop production.
  14. Farm equipment primarily metal, power drives to conserve labor and increase farming efficiency.
  15. Best livestock trailer.