Clover Kids
Division 97
Bring exhibit to the fairgrounds on July 28 (static entry date).
This program is designed for youth ages 5-7 (by midnight January 1 of the current year) with specific philosophies and educational objectives for this age group. The curriculum uses age-appropriate, activity based, cooperative activities emphasizing success for each child. This is strictly a NON-COMPETITIVE program with youth receiving special Clover Kid ribbons. Youth may enter two (2) static exhibits per project area with a maximum of seven (7) exhibits.
Class 1 Clover Kid Static
Project Areas:
A Space for Me
Aerospace Unit 1
Bicycle Adventures
Everyone a Gardener
Exploring Farm Animals
Family Celebrations Around the World
Just Outside the Door
Making Foods for Me
Theater Arts 1
Clover Kid Web Page - explains what a clover kid is and lists examples of clover kid projects and activities.
Clover Kid Animals Showmanship
Division 96
Clover kids are 4-H members, ages 5-7 years old by midnight January 1 of the current year. Clover Kids can participate in every 4-H animal species except horse. 4-H Clover Kid members may exhibit up to one of each: meat goat, dairy goat, fiber goat, bucket calf, market pig, market lamb. Clover Kid livestock showmen need to preregister by July 1. Animals should not be older than 6 months and over 350 pounds. Clover Kid animals are only on the fairgrounds the day of the show, not the entire week. Lambs, Goats, and Bucket Calves will be shown with halters. It is expected that all clover kids have an adult or older 4-H member assisting them. Clover Kid showmen should attend at least 3 club meetings to show at the fair.
Clover Kid showmanship will be the first class before the regular 4-H showmanship in each show (except Sheep which is before 4-H Market Classes). All clover kid exhibitors receive a participation ribbon.
Clover Kid Dog
The Dog show begins at 8:30 am on Sunday, July 20 in Sandford Hall.
Class 1 Obedience
Class 2 Showmanship
Class 3 Agility
Class 4 Rally
Clover Kid Dairy Goat Showmanship
The Dairy Goat show begins Tuesday at 3:00p.m in the Livestock Pavilion.
Class 5 Clover Kid Dairy Goat Showmanship
Clover Kid Companion Animal Showmanship
The Companion Animal Show begins at 8:00 am Monday in Sandford Hall.
Class 6 Clover Kid Companion Animal
Clover Kid Swine Showmanship
The Swine show begins Monday after the Market Swine Show (or 3:00p.m.) in the Livestock Pavilion.
Class 7 Clover Kid Swine Showmanship
Clover Kid Fiber Animal Showmanship
The Fiber show begins Wednesday at 3:00p.m. in the Livestock Pavilion.
Class 8 Clover Kid Fiber Animal Showmanship
Clover Kid Sheep Showmanship
The Sheep show begins at 8:00 am Wednesday in the Livestock Pavilion. Sheep must be shown with halters.
Class 9 Clover Kid Sheep Showmanship
Clover Kid Poultry Showmanship
The Poultry show begins at 8:00am on Wednesday in Sandford Hall.
Class 10 Clover Kid Poultry Showmanship
Clover Kid Meat Goat Showmanship
The show begins at 8:00a.m. on Tuesday in the Livestock Pavilion.
Class 11 Clover Kid Meat Goat Showmanship
Clover Kid Rabbit Showmanship
The Rabbit show begins at 8:00am Thursday in Sandford Hall.
Class 12 Clover Kid Rabbit Showmanship
Clover Kid Bucket Calf Showmanship
The Bucket Calf show begins at 9:30am Friday in the Livestock Pavilion
Class 13 Clover Kid Bucket Calf Showmanship