4-H Swine

Also See General Livestock Rules.
All female species can be dually entered in Market and Breeding, but you must declare class BEFORE official weigh-in. If the animal is weighed on the official scale, she will be considered a market animal and will show in a market class.
Top 2 winners from each class within a division will compete for Champion and Reserve Champion of that division.

Swine Showmanship
Division 35

Each showman must own his/her own animal and will enter the class corresponding to their age.  The judge has the right to ask for showmen to exhibit abilities to fit the animal for showing.  Ages are as of January 1 of the current year. Show order will be senior, intermediate, junior. Top 3 medal winners in each age division will come back and compete for overall showman.

Class 1    14 and over 
Class 2    11 to 13 years
Class 3     8 to 10 years

Clover Kid Swine Showmanship
Division 96

Clover Kid showmen are encouraged to be enrolled in the 4-H Clover Kid Program.  The show begins at 3:00 pm Monday in the Livestock Pavilion.

Class 7     Clover Kid Swine Showmanship

Market Swine
Division 36

Only pigs farrowed after December 1 of the previous year will be permitted to show in this class.  All market swine, regardless of breed, will be classified for judging purposes on the basis of weight alone.  Gilts show first, then barrows. Scotts Bluff County Fair is a non-terminal show and swine shown at the County Fair are eligible to be shown at other exhibitions before and after the county fair.  The judge has the right to use the ultrasound data in all market swine classes.  All market swine must meet certain weight requirements to show in the market classes.
                 Market Swine: Minimum-230 lbs     No Max
Animals not meeting these weight requirements will be removed from the fairgrounds immediately following weigh-in. The maximum pay weight for market swine for the sale is 300 lbs.
All swine to be exhibited will originate directly from a herd not under quarantine for pseudorabies.  Under no circumstances may swine under quarantine be exhibited.
No preset weight breakdowns for weight divisions.

Pure Bred Swine
Division 38

Animals shown in the pure-bred market swine classes must have a copy of the pure-bred registration papers from the representing breed association. Certified purebred registration papers are due no later than July 1st from the appropriate original swine registry. If no pure-bred registration papers are presented by July 1st, the animal will show in the crossbred class. . Minimum of 2 or more for breed class or go in AOB. Barrows and gilts will show in the same breed class. Barrow Division, Gilt Division, Pure Bred Division winners will compete for Grand and Reserve 4-H.

Class 1    Duroc
Class 2    Hampshire
Class 3    Yorkshire
Class 4    Other Pure Breeds

Breeding Swine
Division 37

Breeding swine will be one of your four animals – cannot show in both Breed and Market classes. The breeding swine will come to the fair on the day of the show; they will NOT be housed the entire week of fair.

Class 1        Breeding Gilt

Swine Ultrasound Evaluation
Division 35

All swine will be ultrasound measured just prior to county fair weigh-in to record back fat, loin eye and percent muscle.   The names of the owners of the top 10 hogs will be posted in alphabetical order prior to the show.  These exhibitors will be recognized in the ring (without their hog) during the show.  All ten will receive ribbons, and the top two hogs will receive awards. Participation in this contest is not required.

Class 4        Swine Ultrasound