4-H Horse

Light Horse
Each Exhibitor is limited to one entry per class except halter which is 2 halter entries total.
Under Nebraska Law, an equine professional is not liable for an injury to or the death of a participant in equine activities resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities, pursuant to sections 25-21,249 to 25-21,253.  A western hat or approved safety helmet must be worn and should stay on during the performance.
All 4-Hers who signed up for the Horse project will receive a reminder letter right after the February 1st enrollment date regarding the requirements for leasing or borrowing a horse for their Fair project (when they want to show a horse that is not owned by themselves or their family).   The purpose of this letter is to remind and inform each 4-H exhibitor of the requirements listed in the affidavit so that these requirements are met during that upcoming 4-H calendar year.  The affidavit is located at the bottom of each of the Horse ID sheets.   Each 4-H exhibitor, as well as the borrowed/leased horse’s owner are required to sign the affidavit before ID sheets are turned in and accepted at the Extension Office.    The Horse ID sheet affidavit reads as follows:   *If horse is owned by someone other than you or your immediate family, the owner must complete the following affidavit.  
Owner’s affidavit
As owner of the horse(s) described above, I certify that________
has my permission to use this animal in the 4-H project.
I understand that the 4-H member(s) must manage (including feeding, grooming, exercising, training, stall management, etc.) and have access to this horse at least 75% of the time during the course of the project year.
Date_________________  Owner of horse__________________

Any horse not registered at the Extension Office on the official Horse Identification Certificate including current calendar year photo of horse by June 1 of the current year, for whatever reason, will show exhibition only.  By showing exhibition the 4-H member may show the unregistered horse in any class at the county fair in which it is eligible; however they will receive participation ribbons only.  They will not be eligible to receive premium money and will not be eligible for grand or reserve champion prizes.
Level I must be passed before a 4-Her carrying the horse project may enter the Fair.  The test must be passed before July 1 of the current year.  The written test portion must be completed at the Extension Office. One horse, if registered in all 4-H family members’ names, may be entered and ridden in the same event but DIFFERENT age categories, except showmanship and halter.  Non-family members may carry the same horse as a joint project animal, but a single horse may NOT be entered or ridden in any class by more than one person even though the animal is jointly carried as a project by non-family members.
The patterns for all Age Divisions for Horse exhibitors in the classes of:  1) Reining and 2) Ranch Horse Riding will be posted at 8:00 a.m. 2 days prior to the Scotts Bluff County Fair Horse show date.  The patterns will be posted on the Scotts Bluff County Extension Office website page for horse exhibitors to study prior to showing.
Proper care and management of our 4-H project animals is very important.  It is highly encouraged that all horses have the vaccinations recommended by their veterinarians.
Only 4-H Horse exhibitors may be on horseback at any time during the Fair Horse Show.  Adults riding a 4-H exhibitor’s horse will result in that animal being disqualified from any further competition that day.
Show tack will be checked by show committee members, however it is still the 4-Her’s responsibility to know the Nebraska 4-H Horse Rules for legal tack equipment.  Horse exhibitors will be excused for illegal tack as stated in the Nebraska Horse 4-H Rule Book.
If a Handicap youth wants to be a 4-H Horse exhibitor they will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.  Special considerations may be granted by the horse show Committee members on this case-by-case basis depending on the youth’s disabilities in relationship to any accommodations needed.   Youth with disabilities will be judged using the same criteria as for other participants.  Handicap youth must also pass the Level 1 testing requirements in order to show.  Their participation should not adversely affect how other participants in the event or activity perform or are evaluated.  Each participant’s safety is of the upmost importance when any decisions are made by the Committee members.
Horse Show: one class at a time for halter and showmanship, do not split arena; Trail ends at 1:00p.m., Ranch Riding at 1:00-3:00p.m.

Horse Showmanship
Division 60

Each showman must show his/her own animal and will enter the class corresponding to their age.  The judge has the right to ask the showman to exhibit abilities to fit the animal for showing.  Ages are as of January 1 of the current year.  Check-in time is 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. on Saturday.  Opening Ceremonies will begin at 8 am, promptly followed by Showmanship classes.  Top 3 winners in each age division will come back and compete for overall showman.

Class 1    14 and over
Class 2    11 to 13 years
Class 3    8 to 10 years

Halter Classes
Division 61

Limited to two (2) total Halter entries per exhibitor.
Class 1      Mares – 5 years and under
Class 2     Mares – 6 - 10 years
Class 3     Mares – 11 and over
Class 4     Geldings – 5 years and under
Class 5     Geldings – 6 - 10 years 
Class 6     Geldings – 11 and over

Performance Classes
Division 63

There will be a 30-minute break between halter and English classes.  Lunch break will be for 45 minutes.  English classes will be held after halter.

English riders: A 20-minute break will be given to English exhibitors after all English classes are complete and before the Western Pleasure classes start.

In timed events, all horses must enter and leave the arena under the control of the rider only (except emergencies).  They should enter the arena mounted, the horse must be under safe control while in the arena, the rider must dismount and lead horse from the arena.

Trail classes will be judged beginning after halter classes and close at 1:00p.m.  Exhibitors are NOT allowed to practice in the trail class before showing.  Violation will result in disqualification in the trail class.

An open handicapped class will be offered to any handicapped youth 19 and under.  Horses must be owned by any family member of the child.  Rules will be posted the day of the show.

Class 1       Senior Ranch Horse Riding
Class 2      Intermediate Ranch Horse Riding
Class 3      Junior Ranch Horse Riding
Class 4      English Pleasure (all ages)
Class 5      English Equitation (all ages)
Class 6      Senior Western Pleasure
Class 7      Intermediate Western Pleasure
Class 8      Junior Western Pleasure
Class 9      Senior Western Horsemanship
Class 10    Intermediate Western Horsemanship
Class 1      Junior Western Horsemanship
Class 12    Senior Reining
Class 13    Intermediate Reining
Class 14    Junior Reining
Class 15    Senior Pole Bending
Class 16    Intermediate Pole Bending
Class 17    Junior Pole Bending
Class 18    Senior Barrel Racing
Class 19    Intermediate Barrel Racing
Class 20    Junior Barrel Racing
Class 21    Senior Trail Class – 3 minutes
Class 22    Intermediate Trail Class – 3 minutes
Class 23    Junior Trail Class – 3 minutes
Class 24    Handicapped Class