4-H Fiber Animal
Superintendent: Kira Bowhay
Fiber Animal Showmanship
Division 42

Fiber animals include animals that are specifically raised to produce quality fiber. Examples include, but are not limited to angora goats, cashmere goats, llama/alpaca, angora rabbits, and wool breed sheep.  Preference will be given for Fiber Animal showmen wearing white shirt or county issued fair shirt and dark blue jeans with closed toe shoes or boots. 
The top 3 medal winners in each age class will come back to compete for overall showman. The judge will pick an alternate 3rd place. The overall Showman will show in the Small Animal Round Robin on Friday. Time and location to be determined. Fiber Animals will be stalled on the fairgrounds through Sunday.

Class 1 – 8 to 10 years
Class 2 – 11 to 13 years
Class 3 – 14 and over

Clover Kid Fiber Animal Showmanship
Division 96

Clover Kid showmen are encouraged to be enrolled in the 4-H Clover Kid program. The show begins at 3:00p.m. in the Livestock Pavilion.

Class 8 Clover Kid Fiber Animal Showmanship

Fiber Animal

The 4-H Fiber Animal Show will be held on Wednesday at 3:00p.m. in the Livestock Pavilion. Members may enter up to five (5) animals but may have no more than two (2) entries per class. Animals born before March 31, must be sheared by May 1, weather permitting. Save a small baggie of fiber for the judge at fair. All Fiber animals must be identified by some form of ear tag or tattoo. I.D. papers will be turned in to the Extension Office by June 1. Fiber animals are not required to be dehorned or disbudded. Animals will be grouped according to breeds after fair check in. Fiber animals for divisions 1, 2, 3, 4 include intact males born after January 1 of the current year. Fiber Animals may be female, wethers or geldings that are specifically raised to produce quality fiber. Examples include, but are not limited to angora goats, cashmere goats, llama/alpaca, angora rabbits and fiber breed sheep.

Specie Divisions:
Division 45    Alpaca/Llama
Division 46    Fiber Goats
Division 47    Fiber Sheep
Division 48    Fiber Rabbits

Divisions will be broken by age:  
Class 1 – Junior born April 1, to May 31 of the current year
Class 2 – Intermediate born March 1 to March 31 of the current year
Class 3 – Senior born January 1 to February 28 (29)  of the current year
Class 4 – Yearling born January 1  to December 31 of the previous year
Class 5 – Senior two to three years old; born between January 1 and December 31, 2023
Class 6 – Senior over 3 years old born prior to December 31, 2022