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By Mary Winn, Nebraska Extension Master Gardener 

Spacing Out Your Plants
“Give me room, lots of room!” If your spring seedlings could speak, this is what they might be saying. Vegetables in particular need room for growth and optimum fruit production. Pay attention to seed packets for spacing between seeds and groups. For example, carrots should be thinned to 3 inches apart for straight fully developed roots. Crowding inhibits productivity. 

By Leann Sato, Nebraska Extension Master Gardener

Tips for Effective Watering
What’s the best way to water lawns? Here’s three tips for effective watering this summer. First, water only when needed – if grass springs back when stepped on, wait to water. Second, water early in the morning with a pulsating sprinkler to avoid evaporation and loss to wind. Third, water deeply, about one to one and a half inches of water. Set a small container near the sprinkler to help measure. Keep it green by watering efficiently and effectively. 

Tammie Ostdiek, Extension Educator - Food, Nutrition and Health

The great outdoors offers an abundance of adventures for the entire family, and health benefits both physical and mental – less stress, exercise, sunshine, improved moods, fresh air are just a few of the rewards of spending time camping and getting away from external distractions.

Preparing and packing
Preparation is important to ensure a positive experience. Make a list of essential items such as a tent, flashlights, sleeping bags – and remember fun items that will add joy to the experience.

By Britni Schmaltz, Nebraska Extension Master Gardener

Be aware when fertilizing your perennials.

Perennial flowers, ground covers and grasses don’t need a lot of fertilization and in fact some may react negatively. Overfertilized perennials may bolt, producing excessive soft growth instead of more flowers. To be safe, a soil test will help you determine the needs of your plants and the amount of fertilizer, if any, is warranted. Fertilizers with a 10-10-10 formula are generally sufficient.

Do you have floppy plants?  Stake ‘em!

By Katie Markheim, Nebraska Extension Master Gardener

Labels are the Law

Both FIFRA and the Nebraska Pesticide Act state that the label must be followed when making a pesticide application. Each product label has specific information regarding use to reduce risk to the applicator, other people, nontargets and the environment. Some products may require additional data collection or training before applications. Others may require site investigation using FieldWatch, DriftWatch or BeeCheck. Read and follow the label every time you use a pesticide. It’s the law.  

Right Plant, Right Place, Right Time

By Kathy Tando, Nebraska Extension Master Gardener

The Label is the Law

You might not be handcuffed but you could face a hefty fine! When using any chemical the label is the law. Using a chemical in a manner that does not comply with the label is illegal. Products can change so even if it’s a chemical you have used in the past review the contents. Take note of what the label states regarding transportation, storage, application, and disposal of the chemical for safe practices.

Know the Chemical Product Terms

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Tractor Safety course educates next generation of agriculturalists

June 28, 2024

Lincoln, Neb. —

Tractors are part of rural life. They are agricultural equipment that can be spotted in fields, dirt roads, and highways. Typically driven by adults, farm families often hire their teenage children or their neighbors' teens to help with planting, harvesting, and other work. Each Spring across Nebraska, Tractor and Equipment Safety courses are held for 14-and 15-year-olds looking to be employed on farms and ranches.  

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Nebraska Extension projects look at viability and economics of mint in Panhandle

June 26, 2024
Two recent projects at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Panhandle Research Extension and Education Center in Scottsbluff involved growing peppermint and spearmint, doing it well, and saving money and greenhouse gasses.

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Lead and Succeed webinar series continues leadership development discussion

June 19, 2024

Lincoln, Neb. — Rural Prosperity Nebraska, the community development arm of Nebraska Extension, announces the inaugural session of its “Lead and Succeed Lunchbox Series,” a summer-long webinars series focused on revamping community leadership development in rural communities. The first session will take place on June 27.

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MarketReady webinars help farmers expand market reach

June 14, 2024
Rural Prosperity Nebraska and the Heartland Regional Food Business Center, a multi-state organization focused on strengthening farm and food enterprises, are kicking off a summer-long series of market-ready webinars, beginning June 20.

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