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By Emily Stine, Extension Educator & Panhandle Master Gardener Coordinator

What is the Nebraska Master Gardener Program?

The Nebraska Master Gardener Program provides science-based horticulture education to volunteers. Participants complete 40 hours of training in integrated pest management, weeds, insects, plant selection, soil fertility and other related topics. 40 hours of volunteer service in the first year completes the certification. For more information visit mastergardener.unl.edu.

What volunteering opportunities are there as a Master Gardener?

 The Pick-Sloan Missouri River Basin Project – Glendo

By Gary Stone, Nebraska Extension Water & Integrated Cropping Systems Educator

This will be a six-part series on the dams, reservoirs, power generation and some diversion dams located on the North Platte River. The series will follow a chronological order of the history and construction of these projects.

By Andrea Nisely, UNL Extension Educator, Dawson County

Salt is generally added to canned foods to enhance their flavor. Canning or Pickling Salt is recommended for home food preservation. 

With the exception of fermented pickles and sauerkraut, salt is an optional ingredient. Salt can be omitted when canning tomatoes, vegetables, meats, poultry, and seafood since the amount added does not contribute to the safety of the food. However, in fermented sauerkraut and brined pickles, salt not only provides flavor but also is vital to safety since it may encourage the growth of desirable bacteria while inhibiting the growth of others. Therefore, do not attempt to make sauerkraut or fermented pickles by cutting back on the salt required. 

By Jeanne Yeoman, Nebraska Extension Master Gardener

By Jeanne Murray, Nebraska Extension Master Gardener

Are you planning to can some of your garden produce? 

Garden produce can be preserved by two canning methods, the water-bath or the pressure canner. Water-bath canning is for produce with high acidity, like pickles, most fruits, sauerkraut, tomatoes, jams and jellies. The pressure canner is used for low-acid foods, like vegetables, meats, sea foods and salsas without added acid. Improperly canned produce may result in a deadly food poisoning.

Do you need to adjust your canning time or pressure for high altitude, or can you use the recipe as printed? 

By Elaine Pile, Nebraska Extension Master Gardener

Drought Tolerant Plants

As we once again are experiencing drought this year, we need to consider drought tolerant plants. These plants will persist for three or more years with little or no supplemental watering, and help conserve water, reduce water maintenance and still provide multi-season color and interest. They do best in full sun and well-drained soil. Areas that are difficult to water or are subject to reflected heat and light are good locations for drought-tolerant perennials. 

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Tractor Safety course educates next generation of agriculturalists

June 28, 2024

Lincoln, Neb. —

Tractors are part of rural life. They are agricultural equipment that can be spotted in fields, dirt roads, and highways. Typically driven by adults, farm families often hire their teenage children or their neighbors' teens to help with planting, harvesting, and other work. Each Spring across Nebraska, Tractor and Equipment Safety courses are held for 14-and 15-year-olds looking to be employed on farms and ranches.  

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Nebraska Extension projects look at viability and economics of mint in Panhandle

June 26, 2024
Two recent projects at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Panhandle Research Extension and Education Center in Scottsbluff involved growing peppermint and spearmint, doing it well, and saving money and greenhouse gasses.

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Lead and Succeed webinar series continues leadership development discussion

June 19, 2024

Lincoln, Neb. — Rural Prosperity Nebraska, the community development arm of Nebraska Extension, announces the inaugural session of its “Lead and Succeed Lunchbox Series,” a summer-long webinars series focused on revamping community leadership development in rural communities. The first session will take place on June 27.

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MarketReady webinars help farmers expand market reach

June 14, 2024
Rural Prosperity Nebraska and the Heartland Regional Food Business Center, a multi-state organization focused on strengthening farm and food enterprises, are kicking off a summer-long series of market-ready webinars, beginning June 20.

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