Richardson County 4-H Clubs

A 4-H Club is an organized group of at least five youth from three different families, who meet regularly with adult volunteers or 4-H staff for a long-term, progressive series of educational experiences. The purpose of a 4-H club is to provide positive youth development and foster educational opportunities to meet the needs of young people.

Club membership is open to all youth between the ages of 5 and 18, as of December 31 of the prior year. To be a part of a club, members are required to officially enroll in 4-H. 4-H clubs conduct regular meetings at various location.  Members participate in service learning projects, give presentations, serve as club officers, and complete educational projects.



Country CloversStacey Duerfeldt
D-V Clovers

Joyce Huppert

Brittany Lehmkuhl


Beth Vonderschmidt

Becky Vonderschmidt

Kate Vonderschmidt

Hoof Beats

Jackie Way

Barb Goltz

Richardson County Hotshots

Susie Stalder

Aaron Stalder

Andy Wamsley

Richardson County Shooting Sports

Dennis Chandler

Brandon Ewers

Town & Country

Vickie Yoesel

Jacob Thiltges

4-H Club Requirements


The purpose of a 4-H Club is to provide positive youth development opportunities to meet the needs of young people to experience belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity - the Essential Elements - and to foster educational opportunities tied to the Land Grant University knowledge base.



  • Enroll at least five youth members from at least three families.
  • Is advised by adult 4-H staff or volunteers who have been screened and trained in accordance with the Nebraska 4-H Policy and Procedure Handbook.
  • Conduct a minimum of six regular club meetings (virtual or face-to-face) per year, with many holding 9-12 regular meetings throughout most or all of the year, and often supplemented by project meetings, camps, fairs, and other 4-H learning activities.
  • Selects youth officers or youth leaders to provide leadership to the club.
  • Meets in any location - a home, community center, military installation, library, public hosing site, school, afterschool program, and/or other places.
  • Helps youth and parents/guardians adapt in cases of mobility - linking them to 4-H programs in other counties and states.
  • Meets interests and needs of youth in same-age or cross-age groupings and using single project or multiple project formats.



  • Club meetings are held at least six times a year.
  • Club officers are elected.
  • 75% of club members complete a 4-H project each year.
  • New leaders attend new leader orientation.
  • Club planning is done by club members and meetings are run by club officers.
  • Sequential and varied learning experience matching all skill levels of club members is provided.
  • Each member of the club does an in-club demonstration or presentation every year.
  • Club financial audits must be submitted to the Extension Office at the end of each year.
  • Yearly service learning projects/community service projects are completed.



To receive the designation as a Nebraska 4-H Club of Excellence, clubs must:

  • Have at least five members from at least three different families.
  • Recite the 4-H Pledge at meetings.
  • Meet at least six times per year.
  • Choose/elect youth officers.
  • Have youth serve in leadership roles.
  • Have one club project, related to curriculum, which they do together.
  • Have adult role model involvement.
  • Be facilitated by organizational and project leaders who have successfully completed the volunteer screening.
  • Have members who perform a presentation or public speaking at the club level or above.
  • Complete one community service project.
  • Have members who participate in county, district, or state events.
  • Celebrate member and club achievements.

If the club meets all the requirements, they will get a certificate and a seal the first year and an additional seal in subsequent qualifying years.



  • Use experiential learning - learning by doing - as a primary teaching approach.
  • Shows evidence of fostering the Essential Elements of 4-H Youth Development.
  • Includes planned opportunities to learn and apply life skills such as leadership, citizenship, community service and public speaking.
  • Provides experiences to develop in-depth knowledge about science, engineering and technology; leadership and citizenship; healthy living; agriculture literacy; and college and career readiness.
  • Provides programs, curricula, and procedures that are based in research and are developmentally appropriate.
  • Provides participants and volunteers access to resources of land-grant universities and to county, state, and national 4-H opportunities.
  • Fosters youth-adult partnerships that encourage active involvement and participation by youth and adults.
  • Provides safe and healthy physical and emotional environments.
  • Offers projects in a wide range of subject matter areas relevant to the Land Grant University knowledge base to meet youth needs and interests.

Club, Leader, & Officer Resources