Extension Assistant - 4-H Youth Coordinator Position Open in Platte County
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2025 local Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification/Certification Trainings
To facilitate room set up and contact you in case of training cancellation due to weather, we are asking attendees to register for a training location/date.
- Friday, February 14 @ 1:00 p.m. at Butler County Fairgrounds, David City - Click here to Register
- Tuesday, February 25 @ 9:00 a.m. at Platte County (Columbus Innovation Center) Columbus - Click here to Register
Bring your Nebraska Department of Agriculture letter with you to the training. This letter will have a barcode that is needed for recertification. If you don't have your barcode, please bring your Pesticide License Number. Cost for training is $60.00.
In case you cannot attend the dates listed above, you also have another option to recertify your license. Options are listed below:
- Option 1 ($60 fee): In-Person Training hosted by Nebraska Extension – all 2025 locations available at https://edmedia.wufoo.com/reports/2025-psep-private-training-dates/
- Option 2 ($60 fee): Online training – Visit https://pested.unl.edu/ or call the Pesticide Safety Education Program at 402-472-1632 for more details on how to sign-up/pay/navigate in the training website.
- Option 3 ($95 fee): Attending one of the 2025 Crop Production Clinics – this is a full day training that covers a visit https://agronomy.unl.edu/cpc for more registration/information.
Additionally, there are updates to the private pesticide safety training that may impact your operation. These changes are in accordance with changes to the Nebraska Pesticide Act. For questions regarding your license, please contact the Nebraska Department of Agriculture at 402-471-2351.
- Your new license will indicate that you received private pesticide safety training with the words “General Agriculture” and/or a code (00) printed on it. If you choose to get certified in either Soil or Non-Soil/Structural Fumigation (see below), your license will show these as 01a and 11, respectively. Your new license will be a tan color.
- If you wish to use soil fumigants, you will be required to pass the commercial/noncommercial Soil Fumigation (category 01a) exam to receive this certification. Training manuals available for purchase on the pested.unl.edu website or call 402-472-1632 for more information
- If you wish to use non-soil, structural, or rodent burrow fumigants, you will be required to pass the commercial/noncommercial Non-Soil/Structural Fumigation (category 11) exam to receive this certification. Training manuals are available for purchase on the pested.unl.edu website or call 402-472-1632 for more information
If you need assistance, please contact your local Extension Office.
Platte County Extension Office – (402) 563-4901
Boone County Extension Office – (402) 395-2158
Nance County Extension Office – (308) 536-2691
Colfax County Extension Office – (402) 352-3821
Butler County Extension Office – (402) 367-7410
Polk County Extension Office – (402) 747-2321
Platte County 4-H Online Enrollment Open
On-line enrollment is now open to enroll your 4-H'er for 2025! You can access 4HOnline 2.0 by visiting the following link: https://v2.4honline.com/#/user/sign-in. 4-H Leaders and Council members are required to enroll on-line too! Google Chrome and Firefox are the recommended web browsers to use when enrolling online. Enrollment fee is $5.00 per 4-H'er and no charge for Leaders or Council members. Card payment is required at end of enrollment process.
This is a simplified State 4-H project list offered within 4HOnline for 4-H members to choose projects from. Platte County's project list does not offer all the same projects. Make sure you select projects offered in Platte County 4-H.
The following links will provide printable .pdf files for instructions on how to enroll in various capacities.
Re-enrolling Returning 4-H Members IMPORTANT: If you are re-enrolling in 4-H, please DO NOT create a new account/enrollment. Use your email address and password from last year to log in and start your re-enrollment for this year.
New and Returning Volunteer/Leader Enrollment - Beginning with the 2024-2025, there are changes to the Nebraska 4-H volunteer screening policy and procedures. Beginning October 2024, all 4-H volunteers serving in a direct volunteer role, such as a club leader, project leader, workshop presenter, and more, will screen every five years based on their anniversary date. With this change, ALL volunteers serving in a direct role will screen during the 2024-2025 program year.
When enrolling in 4-H Online, volunteers will be redirected to the new screening vendor, Sterling Volunteers. The new screening is a criminal background history check and will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. The cost of the screening is $16 and is paid during the screening process online. Volunteers must successfully pass their screening in order to serve in a 4-H volunteer role. All returning volunteers need to re-screen by March 15, 2025.
These changes were made to ensure all youth and volunteers are protected through increased volunteer screening level and enhanced user experience. (posted 11/13/24)