Susan Harris, Extension Educator with Nebraska Extension in Kearney and Franklin Counties writes a monthly wellness article that is distributed to area newspapers.
11/2021 Medicare Open Enrollment Time (pdf)
10/2021 Six Reasons to get a Flu Vaccine (pdf)
9/2021 What's Up with Water? (pdf)
7/2021 Mental Health for Children (pdf)
6/2021 Misinformation Society (pdf)
5/2021 Give Yourself a Fiber Boost (pdf)
4/2021 Wellness in Tough Times (pdf)
3/2021 Creativity is Crucial in Problem Solving (pdf)
1/2021 The Science of Gratitude (pdf)
12/2020 Staying Connected During the Holidays (pdf)
11/2020 The Value of Vaccine (pdf)
10/2020 Medicare Open Enrollment (pdf)
9/2020 AgrAbility Virtual Fair (pdf)
7/2020 Keeping Summer Foods Safe (pdf)
3/2020 Flood Anniversary (pdf)
10/2019 Make it a Safe Harvest Seasos (pdf)
9/2019 Progressive Ag Safety Day (pdf)
8/2019 Does Your Garden Runneth Over With Zucchini (pdf)
7/2019 Stress Workshops for Ag Professionals (pdf)
6/2019 Dehydration: A Hazard of Summer (pdf)
5/2019 ATV/UTV -- Ride Safely This Summer (pdf)
3/2019 Teens and Tractors (pdf)
12/2018 New Holiday Food Safety Traditions (pdf)
11/2018 Women and Calcium (pdf)
9/2018 How Scott Frost Uses Social Media (pdf)
8/2018 It's a Sweet Life (pdf)
7/2018 What's the Buzz on Insect Repellent and Kids (pdf)
6/2018 Speak Up Against Bias (pdf)
5/2018 Smelly Water From Your Faucet (pdf)
4/2018 True Leaders Grow Here (pdf)
2/2018 Use it Up, Wear it Out, Make it Do, or Do Without (pdf)
1/2018 Sleepless in Nebraska (pdf)
-30 Sleep Tricks & Tips (pdf)
6/2017 Let's All Be "Sunbright" (pdf)
5/2017 Tractor Safety Courses (pdf)
4/2017 Organ Donation (pdf)
3/2017 Stressful Times (pdf)