2025 Hamilton County 4-H Fairbook - Sections will be added as they become available
Shooting Sports Competitions
Each 4-H member MUST attend a MINIMUM of 4 practices in each discipline with a certified instructor to compete in that division at the fair.
● 4-H’ers are required to wear the official County Fair 4-H t-shirt, jeans and shoes that cover the entire foot.
● Hair must be pulled back. Hats or caps are allowed as long as they do not interfere with shooting as per superintendent discretion.
● Check-in will begin 30 minutes before shoot time.
● No coaching by parents. Youth have to address the coach and ask for help.
PREMIUM Purple Blue Red White
$5.00 $4.00 $3.50 $3.00
Grand and Reserve Champion will be awarded in all age divisions.
Indoor Target Competition January 19, 2025
Superintendent: Tanya McKay - Co-Superintendent: Taylor Comer
The competition will consist of 30 arrows shot in 6 ends of 5 arrows each. Only arrows with a field point (no broadheads). Archers have 4 minutes to shoot their 5 arrows. An NFAA single 40cm target with the following distances: Junior 10 yards and Intermediate/Seniors 20 yards with the exception of Intermediate Basic Bow that will shoot at 10 yards. Ages are as of December 31, 2024. Scoring X, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 from the center out. Lines must be touching to count the next higher score.
Junior (Cub), age 8-11 years
D500-901-1 Freestyle Limited Recurve (FSLR) - Longbow or recurve that MUST BE SHOT WITH FINGERS. Sights without magnification are allowed.
D500-901-2 Freestyle Limited (FSL) - Any compound bow that MUST BE SHOT WITH FINGERS. Sights, stabilizers and peep sights are allowed.
D500-901-3 Basic Bow (BB) - Compound, Recurve/Longbow or Genesis that MUST BE SHOT WITH FINGERS. No sights allowed.
D500-901-4 Freestyle (FS) - Same as Freestyle Limited, except MUST BE SHOT WITH A MECHANICAL RELEASE.
D500-901-5 Bowhunter Freestyle (BHFS) - Same as Freestyle except stabilizer cannot exceed 12 inches, pin sights only (no magnification). SIGHTS CANNOT BE ADJUSTED AFTER THE FIRST SCORING ARROW.
Intermediate (Youth), 12-14 years
D500-902-1 Freestyle Limited Recurve (FSLR) - Longbow or recurve that MUST BE SHOT WITH FINGERS. Sights without magnification are allowed.
D500-902-2 Freestyle Limited (FSL) - Any compound bow that MUST BE SHOT WITH FINGERS. Sights, stabilizers and peep sights are allowed.
D500-902-3 Basic Bow (BB) - Compound, Recurve/Longbow or Genesis that MUST BE SHOT WITH FINGERS. No sights allowed.
D500-902-4 Freestyle (FS) - Same as Freestyle Limited, except MUST BE SHOT WITH A MECHANICAL RELEASE.
D500-902-5 Bowhunter Freestyle (BHFS) - Same as Freestyle except stabilizer cannot exceed 12 inches, pin sights only (no magnification). SIGHTS CANNOT BE ADJUSTED AFTER THE FIRST SCORING ARROW.
Senior (Young Adult), 15-18 years
D500-903-1 Freestyle Limited Recurve (FSLR) - Longbow or recurve that MUST BE SHOT WITH FINGERS. Sights without magnification and are allowed.
D500-903-2 Freestyle Limited (FSL) - Any compound bow that MUST BE SHOT WITH FINGERS. Sights, stabilizers and peep sights are allowed.
D500-903-3 Basic Bow (BB) - Compound, Recurve/Longbow or Genesis that MUST BE SHOT WITH FINGERS. No sights allowed.
D500-903-4 Freestyle (FS) - Same as Freestyle Limited, except MUST BE SHOT WITH A MECHANICAL RELEASE.
D500-903-5 Bowhunter Freestyle (BHFS) - Same as Freestyle except stabilizer cannot exceed 12 inches, pin sights only (no magnification). SIGHTS CANNOT BE ADJUSTED AFTER THE FIRST SCORING ARROW.
BB Gun March 2, 2025
Superintendent: Taylor Comer
Minimum age is 8 years as of 12-31-2024. National Rifle Association 5 meter BB Gun Targets will be at 5 meters from the firing line. 10 rounds with 2 practice shots (sighting shots bulls on target). Competition will be done at four positions: Prone, Standing, Kneeling and Sitting. 4-H members must furnish their own guns. Open sights and peep sights allowed, with no optical enhancing. NO scopes. Safety glasses must be worn by EVERYONE on the firing line. No more than three (3) pumps on pneumatics. Parents will be asked to assist with loading during Prone position.
D500-904 BB Gun Junior 8-11 years
D500-905 BB Gun Intermediate 12-14 years
D500-906 BB Gun Senior 15-18 years
Air Rifle Contest March 23, 2025
Superintendent: Dana Glass
Minimum age is 8 years as of 12-31-2024. All participants must test in or have shot in any 4-H rifle discipline. Fair shoot will be 2 complete rounds (40 shots). Juniors will shoot at 1/5 scale targets at 20 ft (chickens), 22 ft (boars), 24 ft (turkeys), and 25 ft (rams). Intermediates will use 1/5 scale targets at 20 ft (chickens), 25 ft (boars), 30 ft (turkeys), and 35 ft (rams). Seniors will use the same distances as intermediate but will use 1/10 scale targets. 4-H members must furnish their own guns and wadcutter pellets. Pointed or penetrating pellets are NOT allowed. Break action rifles must be at or under 500 fps. Safety glasses must be worn by EVERYONE on the firing line. Updated rules and procedures will be sent to registered participants a week prior.
D519-001 Air Rifle Junior 8-11 years
D519-002 Air Rifle Intermediate 12-14 years
D519-003 Air Rifle Senior 15-18 years
County Communications Contest
The County Communications Contest will be April 21, 2025, at 5:30 p.m. in the Ag Building, Aurora. Pre-register by Noon- April 21, 2025, by using the link sent via 4-H Online.
Awards will be awarded to the top purple ribbon winner in each division with the exception of Clover Kids.
PREMIUM Purple Blue Red White
$5.00 $4.75 $4.25 $3.75
Prepared Speech Contest
All speeches must be original and include 4-H as the major component of the speech.
• Many speakers in the Public Speaking Contest have given speeches in other contests. This is fine; however previous speeches may not be used verbatim for the 4-H contest. It is okay to use the same ideas from a speech previously delivered in competition, but it must be 4-H related. Enough changes should be made to make that speech new to the speaker and the audience. 4-H public speakers may not use an old speech written by a sibling, other 4-H member, or anyone else.
• Acknowledge the source of information used in the speech. For example, an article from a magazine may be used for reference but should not be quoted directly unless you tell the audience your source.
• Use of visual aids and props are not allowed.
• Dress appropriately. Do not wear costumes or special effect clothing.
• No team speeches are allowed.
4-H age divisions:
Z567-915 Prepared Speech Contest Clover Kids, ages 5-7, ½ - 2 minutes, original speech or any reading (poem or story) Participation Ribbons only.
B990-001 Prepared Speech Contest Junior, ages 8-10, 2-3 minutes, original speech related to 4-H
B990-002 Prepared Speech Contest Intermediate, ages 11-13, 3-5 minutes, original speech related to 4-H
B990-003 Prepared Speech Contest Senior, ages 14-18, 5-8 minutes, original speech related to 4-H
Grand Champion & Reserve Grand will be awarded in each age division.
Impromptu Speech Contest
The Impromptu Speech competition gives youth the opportunity to write and present a speech around a 4-H-related topic that they select during the competition, where they are given 15 minutes to develop and prepare for their presentation. Judges evaluate the subject, organization, and delivery of the speech.
Junior Division (ages 8-10): 1 1/2 minutes
Intermediate Division (ages 11-13): 3 minutes
Senior Division (ages 14-18): 5 minutes
Only individuals may compete in this class; no team entries are allowed.
On the day of the contest, participants will have a topic randomly selected for them. Youth will have no more than 15 minutes to develop a speech on the selected topic. Participants will then deliver the speech to judges and audience members.
Example topic: My Day in 4-H
B990-007 Impromptu Speech Junior, ages 8-10
B990-008 Impromptu Speech Intermediate, ages 11-13
B990-009 Impromptu Speech Senior, ages 14-18
Grand Champion & Reserve Grand will be awarded in each age division.
Public Service Announcement (PSA)
All PSA’s are 60 seconds in length. • The state theme for the 2025 Public Service Announcement is ”Ready through 4-H…and beyond" and should be incorporated in the PSA.
• All radio PSA’s must promote 4-H and be general enough to be used anywhere in Nebraska at any time of the year.
• All 4-H PSA’s must include the following tag line within the last ten seconds of the PSA: “Learn more about Nebraska Extension 4-H Youth Development Program at 4h.unl.edu.” The tag line is included in the 60 second time limit. The tagline Know How, Know Now should not be used.
• Sound effects and public domain music may be used. Copyrighted material may not be used. • All PSA’s must be the original work of the presenter. Contestants may not use PSA’s written and provided by the state or national staff.
• No team PSA’s are allowed. • Radio PSA’s will be submitted electronically as a .wav or mp3 audio format along with 1 copy of the PSA text. (No CDs accepted)
B990-004 Public Service Announcement Junior, ages 8-10
B990-005 Public Service Announcement Intermediate, ages 11-13
B990-006 Public Service Announcement Senior, ages 14-18
Grand Champion & Reserve Grand will be awarded in each age division.
Illustrated Presentations Contest
An Illustrated Presentation is a live presentation with a formal talk where youth will use visual aids (such as props, posters, computer-based visuals, handouts, video, etc.) to show and tell others how to do something. The judge views the entire presentation and engages in a question-and-answer session following the presentation.
Individual - Junior Division: 3-5 minutes
Individual - Intermediate and Senior Divisions: 6-8 minutes
Team - Junior Division: 5-7 minutes
Team - Intermediate and Senior Divisions: 8-10 minutes
Participants will be penalized if their presentation exceeds the time limit.
An Illustrated Presentation may be given by one (1) individual or a team of two (2) individuals. If team members are not in the same age division, they must compete in the age division of the oldest team member.
All presentation topics should be related to what the 4-H youth is learning through 4-H educational experiences.
Presentations should include an introduction (the "why" portion of the topic), a body (the "show and tell" portion of the topic), and a conclusion/summary (the "what" portion of the topic).
The check-in area will contain temporary storage space for presentation supplies. Only presenters and contest officials will be permitted in the designated preparation areas; no relatives or friends, please. Presenters are expected to clean up the areas in which they work.
Equipment provided includes two (2) tables, one (1) easel, PC compatible computer (including Microsoft PowerPoint) with a Wi-Fi internet connection, and a projector or television screen.
Presenters using computer-based visuals may bring files on a USB drive that is PC formatted. Participants may also provide their own computer or other equipment as needed; however, participants must be able to connect their computers to an HDMI cord.
State Fair Only: due to event location, live animals will not be able to be used in the presentation. Alternative ways of showing information about live animals (models, videos, photos, etc.) are encouraged. Animals may be used at the Hamilton County Fair.
Z567-916 County Presentations Contest Clover Kids, ages 5-7, “Show & Tell” Participation Ribbons only.
B990-110 Illustrated Presentation Junior, ages 8-10, 3-5 minutes
B990-111 Illustrated Presentation Intermediate, ages 11-13, 6-8 minutes
B990-112 Illustrated Presentation Senior, ages 14-18, 6-8 minutes
B990-113 Illustrated Presentation Team Junior, ages 8-10, 5-7 minutes
B990-114 Illustrated Presentation Team Intermediate, ages 11-13, 8-10 minutes
B990-115 Illustrated Presentation Team Senior, ages 14-18, 8-10 minutes
Grand Champion & Reserve Grand will be awarded in each age division.
Video Communication Contest
The video communication contest allows youth to create a multimedia video around a theme related to 4-H. Judges will be evaluating on both the organization of information as well as the audio and video production.
Length: 60-90 seconds
Only individuals may compete in this class; no team entries are allowed.
Youth may use a phone, laptop, or tablet to create a multimedia piece around the theme:”Ready through4-H…and beyond”
Sound effects, public-domain music, and graphics can be used. Copyrighted materials may not be used.
Videos will be submitted electronically as MP4 files along with the registration form.
B990-116 Video Communication Junior, ages 8-10
B990-117 Video Communication Junior Intermediate, ages 11-13
B990-118 Video Communication Junior Senior, ages 14-18
Grand Champion & Reserve Grand will be awarded in each age division.
Livestock Resources & Forms
Livestock Information
4-H livestock includes beef cattle, bucket calves, goats, sheep and swine. For more information about the 4-H livestock program, contact 4-H Coordinator Hillary Fuhrman at 402-694-6174 or hillary.fuhrman@unl.edu.
ALL livestock exhibitors (showing beef, swine, sheep, goats, rabbits and poultry) must complete Youth for the Quality Care of Animals training.
Beef, swine, sheep and goats being shown at the Hamilton County Fair must be identified by June 13, 2025. Please see the tabs above for specific information and to find forms for each species.
Year-Round Resources
Premise ID - All Market animals will need to have a Premise ID on file with the Extension Office. If you do not have a Premise ID, please go to https://nda.nebraska.gov/adt/premises.html to obtain yours. Please email the Extension Office once you have received your Premise ID.
State Fair
State Fair Animal Nomination/Identification Requirements - Find step-by-step instructions for nominating your livestock for state fair exhibition and how to pull DNA for Cattle, Sheep, Goat and Swine.
State 4-H Resources
4-H livestock includes beef cattle, bucket calves, goats, sheep and swine. For more information about the 4-H livestock program, contact 4-H Coordinator Hillary Fuhrman at 402-694-6174 or hillary.fuhrman@unl.edu.
ALL livestock exhibitors (showing beef, swine, sheep, goats, rabbits and poultry) must complete Youth for the Quality Care of Animals training.
Beef, swine, sheep and goats being shown at the Hamilton County Fair must be identified by June 13, 2025. See 2025 Livestock Checklist handout for complete requirements.
2025 Beef Requirement Chart- this chart shows the steps to be followed to show Beef at the 2025 Hamilton County Fair
Beef Identification Form Due to the Extension Office by June 13, 2025. A family may submit one form for all their youth.
Livestock Pre-Fair Entry Form Pre-Fair Entry form is due to the Extension Office on July 10, 2025. A separate form is required for each youth. All Beef, Swine, Sheep, Goat, Poultry, Rabbit entries for a youth may be entered on one form. If you are using Online Entry, a paper form is not required.
Year-Round Resources
Premise ID - All Market animals will need to have a Premise ID on file with the Extension Office. If you do not have a Premise ID, please go to https://nda.nebraska.gov/adt/premises.html to obtain yours. Please email the Extension Office once you have received your Premise ID.
State Fair
State Fair Animal Nomination/Identification Requirements - Find step-by-step instructions for nominating your livestock for state fair exhibition and how to pull DNA for Cattle, Sheep, Goat and Swine.
State 4-H Resources
4-H livestock includes beef cattle, bucket calves, goats, sheep and swine. For more information about the 4-H livestock program, contact 4-H Coordinator Hillary Fuhrman at 402-694-6174 or hillary.fuhrman@unl.edu.
ALL livestock exhibitors (showing beef, swine, sheep, goats, rabbits and poultry) must complete Youth for the Quality Care of Animals training.
Beef, swine, sheep and goats being shown at the Hamilton County Fair must be identified by June 13, 2025. See 2025 Livestock Checklist handout for complete requirements.
2025 Swine Requirement Chart- this chart shows the steps to be followed to show Swine at the 2025 Hamilton County Fair
Swine Identification Form Due to the Extension Office by June 13, 2025. A family may submit one form for all their youth.
Livestock Pre-Fair Entry Form Pre-Fair Entry form is due to the Extension Office on July 10, 2025. A separate form is required for each youth. All Beef, Swine, Sheep, Goat, Poultry, Rabbit entries for a youth may be entered on one form. If you are using Online Entry, a paper form is not required.
Year-Round Resources
Premise ID - All Market animals will need to have a Premise ID on file with the Extension Office. If you do not have a Premise ID, please go to https://nda.nebraska.gov/adt/premises.html to obtain yours. Please email the Extension Office once you have received your Premise ID.
State Fair
State Fair Animal Nomination/Identification Requirements - Find step-by-step instructions for nominating your livestock for state fair exhibition and how to pull DNA for Cattle, Sheep, Goat and Swine.
State 4-H Resources
Sheep & Goats
4-H livestock includes beef cattle, bucket calves, goats, sheep and swine. For more information about the 4-H livestock program, contact 4-H Coordinator Hillary Fuhrman at 402-694-6174 or hillary.fuhrman@unl.edu.
ALL livestock exhibitors (showing beef, swine, sheep, goats, rabbits and poultry) must complete Youth for the Quality Care of Animals training.
Beef, swine, sheep and goats being shown at the Hamilton County Fair must be identified by June 13, 2025. See 2025 Livestock Checklist handout for complete requirements.
2025 Sheep & Goat Requirement Chart- this chart shows the steps to be followed to show Sheep & Goats at the 2025 Hamilton County Fair
Sheep Identification Form Due to the Extension Office by June 13, 2025. A family may submit one form for all their youth.
Goat Identification Form Due to the Extension Office by June 13, 2025. A family may submit one form for all their youth.
Dairy Goat Identification Form Due to the Extension Office by June 13, 2025. A family may submit one form for all their youth.
Livestock Pre-Fair Entry Form Pre-Fair Entry form is due to the Extension Office on July 10, 2025. A separate form is required for each youth. All Beef, Swine, Sheep, Goat, Poultry, Rabbit entries for a youth may be entered on one form. If you are using Online Entry, a paper form is not required.
- Online resource: Sheep & Goat Scrapie Tag
Year-Round Resources
Premise ID - All Market animals will need to have a Premise ID on file with the Extension Office. If you do not have a Premise ID, please go to https://nda.nebraska.gov/adt/premises.html to obtain yours. Please email the Extension Office once you have received your Premise ID.
State Fair
State Fair Animal Nomination/Identification Requirements - Find step-by-step instructions for nominating your livestock for state fair exhibition and how to pull DNA for Cattle, Sheep, Goat and Swine.
State 4-H Resources
Poultry & Rabbit
4-H poultry includes chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, guineas, etc.
Limit of 5 entries (pen of 3 counts as 1 entry) plus showmanship
2025 Poultry & Rabbit Requirement Chart- this chart shows the steps to be followed to show Poultry & Rabbit at the 2025 Hamilton County Fair
Poultry do not require an identification form.
Livestock Pre-Fair Entry Form Pre-Fair Entry form is due to the Extension Office on July 10, 2025. A separate form is required for each youth. All Beef, Swine, Sheep, Goat, Poultry, Rabbit entries for a youth may be entered on one form. If you are using Online Entry, a paper form is not required.
ALL rabbit exhibitors must complete Youth for the Quality Care of Animals training.
Limit of 5 rabbits per member
2025 Poultry & Rabbit Requirement Chart- this chart shows the steps to be followed to show Poultry & Rabbit at the 2025 Hamilton County Fair
Rabbit do not require an identification form.
Livestock Pre-Fair Entry Form Pre-Fair Entry form is due to the Extension Office on July 10, 2025. A separate form is required for each youth. All Beef, Swine, Sheep, Goat, Poultry, Rabbit entries for a youth may be entered on one form. If you are using Online Entry, a paper form is not required.
Year-Round Resources
Premise ID - All Market animals will need to have a Premise ID on file with the Extension Office. If you do not have a Premise ID, please go to https://nda.nebraska.gov/adt/premises.html to obtain yours. Please email the Extension Office once you have received your Premise ID.
State Fair
State Fair Animal Nomination/Identification Requirements - Find step-by-step instructions for nominating your livestock for state fair exhibition and how to pull DNA for Cattle, Sheep, Goat and Swine.
State 4-H Resources
2025 Dog Requirement Chart- this chart shows the steps to be followed to show Dog at the 2025 Hamilton County Fair
Vaccination Form due June 13, 2025 (PDF): Nebraska 4-H Certificate of Vaccination for Dogs
Pre-Fair Entry Form Pre-Fair Entry form is due to the Extension Office on July 10, 2025. A separate form is required for each youth. All Dog, Cat & Companion entries for a youth may be entered on one form. If you are using Online Entry, a paper form is not required.
At the Hamilton County Fair, 4-H dog exhibitors must submit proof of immunizations (rabies, DHL and Parvo) by emailing the vaccination form to the hillary.fuhrman@unl.edu prior to the fair. Dogs will NOT be eligible to compete if certificate of vaccination is not provided.
1. DOG ELIGIBILITY - Exhibitor should provide primary training for the dog. The dog should be cared for by the exhibitor the majority of the year by the exhibitor. It is the dog exhibitor’s responsibility to pick up after their dogs at all times. Dogs soiling in the show ring (during a class) will be lowered one ribbon placing. Dogs soiling anywhere on the show grounds with no pick up will be disqualified from all entered classes on that show day regardless of the person who is holding the dog leash.
2. VACCINATION -- All dogs must be immunized for distemper, hepatitis, parvo and rabies. The Nebraska must be filled out and signed by a veterinarian and returned as part of the Advanced Entry. The Nebraska State Fair Show Vaccination Record Form (SF 263) must document all vaccinations within 1 year or 3 years depending on the vaccine given. All required vaccinations must be given within 1 to 3 years of the show date based on label guidelines. All vaccinations must be in effect at the time of the State Fair Dog Show. Explanation: Some vaccinations are viable for one year and some vaccinations are viable for three years but are specifically designed and administered according to their label. It is not acceptable nor allowed to vaccinate a dog with a 1-year vaccine and plan to have it in effect for 3 years. The SF263 Dog Vaccination Certification form must be submitted for each dog according to the entry guideline due date or will not be allowed to show.
3. NUMBER OF ENTRIES PER EXHIBITOR - Youth may enter one showmanship class, two agility classes (using different dogs and in different level of classes) and two obedience classes (using different dogs and in different level of classes).
4. DISQUALIFIED DOGS - Females in season will not be permitted to be shown. Overly aggressive dogs may be disqualified at the discretion of the judge or superintendent. Lame or crippled dogs will not be permitted to show if it is determined by a show superintendent that it is affecting the health of the dog.
5. All dogs must be kept on a leash at all times, except when appropriate during a show.
2025 Cat Requirement Chart- this chart shows the steps to be followed to show Cat at the 2025 Hamilton County Fair
Vaccination Form due June 13, 2025 (PDF)
Pre-Fair Entry Form Pre-Fair Entry form is due to the Extension Office on July 10, 2025. A separate form is required for each youth. All Dog, Cat & Companion entries for a youth may be entered on one form. If you are using Online Entry, a paper form is not required.
At the Hamilton County Fair, 4-H cat exhibitors must submit proof of immunizations by emailing the vaccination form to the hillary.fuhrman@unl.edu prior to the fair. Cats will NOT be eligible to compete if certificate of vaccination is not provided.
All cats must be owned by the exhibitor by June 1, 2025. Refer to 4-H Cat/Small Animal Show Guidelines (4H341). ALL CATS MUST BE SHOWN ON A LEASH and must be on a leash at any time they are removed from the carrier/cage. HEALTH RULE - Health: If a cat is not declawed, the claws must be clipped. All animals should be free of fleas, ticks, ear mites, ringworm, any internal and external parasite and infectious disease. If any signs of external parasites or other contagious health conditions are present, exhibitors will be asked to leave without being allowed into the show area. If an animal shows the possibility of being contagious, it is considered a danger to other animals and will not be allowed to show. Animals that pose a danger to others will not be allowed in the building. Vaccinations: Cats are required to be current on rabies, panleukopenia, viral rhinotracheitis, and calicivirus vaccinations. Cats must have a current feline leukemia vaccination OR proof of a negative test within 180 days of the show. Proof of vaccination must be submitted to the Extension Office by June 13. Participants must have their veterinarian fill out and sign the “Nebraska State Fair Cat/Ferret Vaccination Record Form”. 4-H’ers vaccinating their own cats must provide proof by including a statement from their vet on the Vaccination Record or include the vaccination labels on the form and have it signed by a parent. The rabies vaccination is federally mandated to be given ONLY by a Certified Veterinarian. The vaccination must be current and include a veterinarian signature on the Vaccination Record.
Companion Animal
2025 Companion Animal Requirement Chart- this chart shows the steps to be followed to show Companion Animal at the 2025 Hamilton County Fair
Vaccination Form for Ferret: due June 13, 2025 (PDF)
Pre-Fair Entry Form Pre-Fair Entry form is due to the Extension Office on July 10, 2025. A separate form is required for each youth. All Dog, Cat & Companion entries for a youth may be entered on one form. If you are using Online Entry, a paper form is not required.
All companion animals must be owned by the exhibitor by June 1, 2025. Exhibitors are required to be present during the judging of their exhibit. Score is based on presentation, handling of animals and exhibitor knowledge. Animals eligible for the show - Hamsters, Gerbils, Guinea Pigs, Ferret, Chinchilla, Mouse, Rat, Hedgehog, Fish, Reptiles, Amphibians, Birds and other animals approved by staff. Therefore, no dogs, rabbits or poultry will be permitted in this show. Health requirements - animals shall be free of fleas, ticks, mites, lice, or other parasites. Animals shall be free of contagious diseases. Any animal showing signs of parasites or disease will not be judged. Ferrets must be vaccinated for rabies. Not more than one entry per category by any exhibitor. Please contact the Hamilton County Extension Office with any questions.
State Fair Nominations
Animal exhibitors (4-H ages 8–18, FFA ages 10–21) are eligible to participate at the Nebraska State Fair regardless of county fair placing. State Fair individual 4-H livestock special nomination requirements are at https://4h.unl.edu/state-fair-livestock-id . By June 15: breeding and market livestock nominations must be entered and paid online at https://showstockmgr.com and State Fair DNA envelopes must be submitted to the Hamilton County Extension office. Each livestock project must have a DNA envelope submitted and a $7 nomination paid on Show Stock Manager by June 15. This includes feeder calves, and all market and breeding livestock for ALL SPECIES (excluding rabbits and poultry). Livestock animals will automatically be eligible for both breeding and market. Nomination process step-by-step instructions are at https://go.unl.edu/04sp. By Aug. 10, 8 p.m. CT, 4-H/FFA youth or their families must submit their final animal entries in ShoWorks online at http://nebr.fairwire.com. The Nebraska 4-H website with information and instructions is https://4h.unl.edu/state-fair-livestock-exhibitor.
*The official State Fair nomination deadline is June 15; however, that is a Sunday. Our office WILL NOT be open or be able to answer questions on the 14th or 15th; therefore, we STRONGLY SUGGEST that you complete your nominations by June 13th.
State Fair Animal Nomination/Identification Requirements - Find step-by-step instructions for nominating your livestock for state fair exhibition and how to pull DNA for Cattle, Sheep, Goat and Swine.
State Fair Livestock ID & Nomination Resources (pdf):
- State Fair Overview for First Time 4-H Livestock Exhibitors
- Step-by-Step Nomination Instructions
- Proper EID Tag Placement for Market Beef and Swine
- Cattle Hair Sample Collection Instructions
- Sheep and Goat Hair Sample Collection Instructions
- Swine Hair Sample Collection Instructions
- 4-H State Fair Livestock ID & Nomination Website: https://4h.unl.edu/state-fair-livestock-id
All projects which don’t move on their own (for example, Food & Nutrition; Photography; and Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) are called static exhibits. All 4-H static exhibit projects are open to all 4-H’ers ages 8–18 (by Jan. 1 of the current year), unless otherwise stated (Clover Kids static exhibits are open to 4-H'ers ages 5–7). At the Hamilton County Fair, 4-H static exhibits are showcased in the Ag Building.
For more information about Static Exhibits, contact 4-H Coordinator Barb Bonifas at bbonifas4@unl.edu or 402‑604-6174.
Static Resources & Forms
Sign Ups & In Person Contests
Information & Sign Ups will be added as they become available.