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Nebraska 4-H Month Photography Contest 2024

Nebraska 4-H Month Photography Contest

soft gray clouds and sky reflecting on calm lake

John Sump (15), Lancaster County

The Nebraska 4-H Month Photography Contest offers a project exhibition opportunity beyond traditional print media. 4-H'ers are invited to submit their photo through the online submission form. Submissions are accepted weekly, based on the week's themes. Youth may submit one photo per each theme per week. Photos will be selected from submissions and showcased online by Nebraska 4-H, including on Facebook and Instagram. The 4-H Photography Showcase is open to all enrolled 4-H members.

Submit a Photo

Rules & Guidelines

  1. Youth Eligibility: Participants must be current 4-H members ages 8-18. Youth do not need to be enrolled in a photography project to participate.
  2. Number of Entries: Youth may submit 1 photo per each theme per week.
  3. Photo Release: 
    • By submitting an entry to the showcase, the 4-H member grants permission to Nebraska 4-H the use and rights associated with the use of the photograph, in promotional publication, online, and other media, without compensation.
    • The 4-H photographer will be credited whenever and wherever the photo is shared, published, or reproduced in print or digital media. 
  4. Photo Specifications: 
    • Photos must be submitted in one of the following file formats: gif, jpg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, or psd. 
    • The preferred photo orientation is horizontal. 
    • Photos must be of sufficient resolution and size for digital sharing. Images should have a minimum resolution of 72 ppi (pixels per inch), but higher is preferred. Images should also be a minimum of 700 pixels on the shortest side (height or width), but larger is preferred. It is recommended to avoid cropping or resize images prior to submission. Generally speaking, images taken by modern digital cameras will be sufficient for submission without resizing or cropping.
    • If needed, selected images may be cropped or resized prior to being showcased. No other photo editing will be performed. 
    • If submitting a photo that shows people, adult or youth, the 4-H'er must check with those people before submitting the photo. 
  5. Submission: Photos must be submitted online through the official form. No in-person or email submission will be accepted. You will receive a confirmation email including a copy of the entry once the form is successfully submitted.

For questions about this program or the information on this page, please contact:

Tracy Pracheil
Multimedia Learning, Extension Educator