Family and Community Education Events

Adams County Family & Community Education Clubs

Adams County Family & Community Education (FCE) was founded as extension clubs in Adams County, meeting in local homes in the 1920's. Members meet to learn, do social activities, take on new interests and better our local community. We support the Adams County Spelling Contest, book distribution at the county fair, the 2nd grade Environmental poster contest, the 3rd and 5th grade writing contests and two $500 scholarships to an Adams County graduating High School Senior. Adams County FCE donates generously to the community from profits earned from the FCE Food Booth at the County Fair. We welcome interested people to contact the Extension Office for further information.



Areas of Interest


Must call and Register at the Adams County Extension Office 402-461-7209. No Walk-ins will be permitted.

These classes are normally for Adults, will indicate if open to youth also

We will follow UNL and SHD guidelines for Covid-19 restrictions, so classes may be postponed or canceled at a moment's notice. If registered for a class that can't be held, we will let you know.

Some sessions have a class fee will let you know when you register and can be paid at the session.

Sessions begin at 7:00 PM at the Adams County Extension Office 2975 S Baltimore - unless otherwise noted.

2025 sessions:

Scheduled dates are:

February 10 (Monday) "Making Jelly" - Youth and Adults

April 14 (Monday) "All About Planting" - Youth and Adults @ Earl May Garden Center

June 9 (Monday) "Painting with Cindy" - Adults @ Brader Barn

August 11 (Monday) "Fall Charcuterie Board Making" - Adults

October 13 (Monday) "Decorating Made Easy" - Adults @ Seasons Downtown

December 8 (Monday) "Christmas Greens" - Adults @ Adams County Fairgrounds


FCE Scholarship

This scholarship is open to any High School Senior who meets eligibility requirements.

For further information, scholarship rules and entry deadlines please contact your guidance counselor, the Adams County Extension Office or check the Scholarship Application.

All Applications for the scholarship are to be in the Nebraska Extension-Adams County Office, P.O. Box 30, Hastings, NE 68902-0030, before 5:00 p.m. on Friday, April 4, 2025.

Scholarship Application


2nd, 3rd and 5th Grade Contests

These contests are open to 2nd, 3rd and 5th grade students in public, parochial, private or home schools in Adams County or is an Adams County resident is welcome to enter the contest.

For further information, contest rules and entry deadlines please contact your classroom teacher, the Adams County Extension Office or click on the Contest Title.

Entries must be in the Adams County Extension Office by 5:00 PM, Wednesday, February 12, 2025

5th grade Creating Writing Contest theme for 2025:
"History of a Nebraska River"

3rd grade Essay Contest theme for 2025:
"Items I Can Donate and Not Throw Away"

2nd grade Environmental Poster Contest theme for 2025:
"Items I Can Donate and Not Throw Away".