These are various additional resources to help you in our 4-H Program. If you have any questions or need assistance please contact our office.
Bucket Calf Projects
Information and manuals for the Adams County 1st Year and 2nd Year Project
Bucket Calf ProjectRabbits
This reference Manual is published by IFAS Extension University of Florida and still contains valuable Information
Rabbits, Rabbits, RabbitsLivestock Identification
Animal ID sheets are required for participation at Adams County Fair.
This also list what is requiredf for NE State Fair
Animal ID FormsRequirements and Deadlines Dates for IDing, Nominating and Show Entry Livestock Animals for Adams County and NE State Fair
Adams County 4-H Awards
Various Awards available to Adams County 4-H Members, Volunteers and 4-H Clubs
Available AwardsYQCA - Youth for the Quality Care of Animals
Adams County Youth (4-H Age 8 - 18) taking a Livestock Project/Exhibit (Beef, Sheep, Swine, Goats, Poultry, Rabbit) are required to complete YQCA training yearly.
Steps to complete this requirement:
- Register online for the Training
- May complete YQCA in-person or web based.
- Required to Complete the Pre-Test & Post-Test
- All Certificates due to Extension Office by June 15th (copies can be emailed to )