4-H Show Rules and Regulations


  • Open to boys and girls who are current members of Adams County 4-H Organization.
  • New 2024 - An Active Adams County 4-H member can exhibit in any Division or Class regardless of project enrollment if they meet age and any other requirements needed for specific areas.
  • 4-H members are those enrolled youth 8-18 years old before January 1 of the project year.
  • Youth ages 5 - 7 before January 1 of the project year may exhibit in Clover Kids areas.
  • 4-H Youth boys and girls are eligible to exhibit at only one County Fair in a project area or activity.
  • Age Divisions will be determined by the 4-H’er’s age before January 1 of the current year. Adams County age divisions will match the State’s age divisions unless otherwise stated in the specific area’s Rules see “4-H Age Divisions.”
  • The rules and conditions governing 4-H work as given in the manuals or literature will be followed unless otherwise specified.
  • To be eligible to receive 4-H premiums, a 4-H member must be enrolled in Adams County 4-H and our enrollment fee paid.  Only items listed in the Fair Book/Premium List are eligible to be shown unless cleared in writing by the Extension Office, prior to Entry Day.
  • No previous year’s 4-H exhibits may be entered in Open Class. 4-H'ers may not enter current 4-H exhibit areas in Open Class.
  • Workshop participants – Currently enrolled 4-H members who participated in an Adams County Extension sponsored static area workshops may exhibit these items in the specific division related to that workshop so that they are eligible for State Fair.
  • Horse Advancement Level Requirements (as of 2023) – Must pass levels to show in Performance classes Juniors – Level 1, Intermediate and Senior – Level 2.


2.   CORRECTIONS and UPDATES to the Fair Book will be spelled out in the 4-H Family Newsletters and on our website.



  1. Pre-fair entries are REQUIRED on Animals & Livestock including Beef, Sheep, Dairy, Meat Goats, Pygmy Goats, Swine, Dogs, Rabbits, Cats, Small Animals, Horses, Poultry, ALL Showmanship classes, and for entries in Best Dressed Goat Contest, Unified Riding, Food Review, 4-H Culinary Challenge Contest, Ice Cream in a Can, Clover Kids Ice Cream in a Bag Team Event, Clover Kids Animals.
  2. Pre-Fair Entry will be done by family Online by the appropriate deadline date; see “4-H Fair Calendar and Deadlines.” No paper forms will be taken except on Static Entry Day.
  3. If a Livestock ID or Pre-Fair Entry deadline is missed, a $50 fee per species per family per occurrence may be paid within 2 weeks per deadline without addressing the 4-H Council.  A 4-H family may only file for excuse with the 4-H Council due to extenuating family issues.  Otherwise, the ribbon placing will be docked.
  4. Pre-entry is encouraged but not required for: Fashion Show, Livestock Judging Contest, Dog Skillathon Contest, FCS Judging Contest and Static Exhibits, Entomology ID Contest, Poultry Skillathon Contest, Rabbit Skillathon Contest, Clover Kids Ranch Rodeo.  All static exhibits must have the correct entry tag attached when entered with the superintendent on the appropriate Entry Day (see Fair Calendar section).
  5. Late pre-entry of required areas will result in exhibits being lowered a ribbon placing or payment of Late Fee.
  6. Animal ID /Ear tags are to be entered on the Pre-Fair entry. If listed on Animal ID Form, substitutions will be allowed on Livestock Entry day with no penalty.
  7. No paper forms will be accepted except on Static Entry Day. 
  8. When deadlines fall on a weekend or an observed holiday, any county ID forms or testing completed will be due on Monday or the next business day.


4.   TIME of ENTRY:

  1. See scheduled events.  Exhibits must be in place by the times specified on the fair schedule.
  2. OVERSIZED EXHIBITS – Prior to Static Entry Day arrangements with the Extension Staff must be made prior to the Thursday before Static Entry Day for early displaying of the Exhibit. (Restored vehicle, Large woodworking items, Dog houses, etc.) 
  3. Late entries will be lowered only one ribbon placing no matter how many deadlines are missed.
  4. Livestock brought in on Show Day: A designated area for unloading/loading of livestock shown same day will be west of the cattle wash racks.



  1. Static Exhibits Limit: – Unlimited regardless of project enrollment., unless otherwise stated. 
  2. Animal Exhibits – An individual animal may not be shown / used at County Fair by two different exhibitors unless stated otherwise.
  3. Divisions: They are the Bold title above the Class ID (example: for the Fashion Show the Division is Fashion Show – County)
  4. Beef exhibitors may enter two Breeding Heifers (including 2nd Year Bucket Calf), three Market Beef (including 2nd Year Bucket Calf) and no more than two entries per class, two Stocker Feeder calves, and one entry in Cow-Calf.  Clubs are limited to one entry in the Club Pen of Three class.
  5. Cat exhibitors may enter a maximum of three entries and no more than two entries per class.
  6. Dairy Cattle exhibitors may enter a maximum of 3 dairy animals in a Regional Dairy Show. 
  7. Dairy Goat exhibitors may enter a maximum of two entries per class in the Regional Dairy Show.
  8. Dog exhibitors may enter a maximum of five entries (Entry Limits: 2 obedience, 1showmanship, 2 agility and 1 rally).
  9. Meat Goat exhibitors may enter a maximum of three Market Meat Goats and three Breeding Meat Goats.  Limit of two Market and two Breeding Meat Goats per class. Exhibitors may exhibit all three market meat goats in the show ring with a limit of two individuals of one sex and one individual of the opposite sex (i.e. 2 market wethers and 1 market doe OR 1 market wether and 2 market does). These same three market meat goats may also be shown in the Pen of Three class.  Clubs are limited to one entry in the Club Pen of Five class.
  10. Pygmy Goat exhibitors are limited to two pygmy entries in the Goat Show.
  11. Poultry exhibitors may enter a maximum of eight entries (six Poultry entries and two Market Broiler entries).  Not more than two entries per class.
  12. Rabbit exhibitors may enter a maximum of four entries (three single entries (no more than 2 per class) and one doe and litter). 
  13. Sheep exhibitors may enter a maximum of three Market Lambs and three Breeding Sheep.  Limit of two Market and two Breeding Sheep per class. Exhibitors may exhibit all three market lambs in the show ring with a limit of two individuals of one sex and one individual of the opposite sex (i.e., 2 market wethers and 1 market ewe OR 1 market wether and 2 market ewes).  These same three market lambs may also be shown in the Pen of Three class.  Clubs are limited to one entry in the Club Pen of Five class.
  14. Small Animal exhibitors may enter a maximum of three entries and no more than two entries per class.
  15. Swine exhibitors may enter a maximum of three Market Swine.  Exhibitors may exhibit all three Market Swine in the show ring with a limit of two individuals of one sex and one individual of the opposite sex (i.e. 2 market barrows and 1 market gilt OR 1 market barrow and 2 market gilts).  These same three Market Hogs may also be shown in the Pen of Three class.  4-H clubs are limited to one entry in the Club Pen of Five class. 
  16. Horse exhibitors may enter as many classes as they want (one entry per class) in the appropriate Age division. To participate in Performance classes – Juniors must have completed Horse Advancement Level 1, Intermediates & Seniors must have completed Horse Advancement Level 2. Classes that require No Levels: Showmanship, Halter and Walk Trot Novice classes.
  17. Club Pen of 3 or 5 – Club Leader Only must pre-enter under Club’s Name - One Club entry per species. Animals must be club member animals showing at fair. 



      While the greatest possible care will be exercised by the fair management, Extension staff and the superintendents to protect the exhibitors and the exhibits, the exhibitor should understand that he/she bears the risk.  If accident insurance is desired, it should be provided for by the individual or through his/her club leader.



  1. All Market and Breeding Animals:
  2. An exhibitor may show an animal owned (beef, goat, sheep or swine project animal):
  3. Solely by the 4-H exhibitor or in partnership by the 4-H exhibitor and/or other members of his or her immediate family.  Only the name of the showman can be on the show entry.
  4. Immediate family is defined as members of a household including parents, brothers, sisters and youth in the care of the head of the household.
  5. When 4-H exhibitor(s) and parent(s) sign an ownership affidavit, indicating the exhibitor(s) will feed and care for the animals, it is expected that the exhibitor(s) will have primary responsibility for the animals.
  6. In cases where the exhibitor may not have primary responsibility for the duration of the project (i.e. separation of parents and more than one residence), it is recommended the exhibitor request exception from the local 4-H Council.  The time the exhibitor will be able to care for the animal(s) should be clearly defined in the request.
  7. Families must have a Premise ID on file at the Adams County Extension Office.  If a family does not have a Premise ID on file their eligible animals will be unable to participate in the 4-H auction.  This applies to all Beef, Sheep, Goats, Swine, and Poultry (Market Broilers).
  8. All Other Non-Market Animals:
  9. An exhibitor in a 4-H show of a Non-Market Animal may show an animal owned by someone outside of the immediate family provided:
  10. He or she manages (cares for, feeds, trains, grooms, etc.) and has use of the animal as a 4-H project animal at least 50% of the time during the project year; and
  11. Permission for use of the animal is certified by the owner on the 4-H member’s ID sheet (ownership affidavit) 
  12. Dog Ownership: Handlers using a dog other than their own or immediate family will sign an affidavit with the owner recognizing permission to use the animal. 
  13. Families must have a Premise ID on file at the Adams County Extension Office to show. This applies to all Beef, Sheep, Swine, Goats, Rabbits, Poultry. 



  1. The 4-H Council is concerned about national publicity on the use of illegal compounds and questionable animal practices of individuals exhibiting animals.  We want the Adams County Shows to continue to be of value and integrity to all exhibitors and all segments of the livestock industry.  Animal abuse or chemical or foreign substance administration will not be tolerated.
  2. Eligibility of Animals: All animal entries should be free of mites, lice and other parasites prior to entry.  They should also have a healthy appearance and reflect adequate nutrition for stage of growth and use.  Underfed and poorly conditioned animals, in all areas, will not be allowed to show or be stalled at the fair.
  3. Decision to excuse an animal from being exhibited for any reason is at the 4-H Council Livestock Committee's discretion.
  4. If any animal shows signs of external parasites and/or a communicable disease, they will be excluded from showing and must be removed from the fairgrounds.  No inoculations or medications of any kind will be administered to any animal during Adams County Fair without prior approval of the 4-H Council Livestock Committee.  Any approval will be predicated by the exhibitor having a veterinarian signed statement of what is being administered, why and number of days withdrawal time prior to slaughter.  Violators will be prohibited from showing and/or stalling or selling through the 4-H Livestock Sale.
  5. In case of sick looking animals, a Livestock Committee member will visit with the exhibitor and parent. If the exhibitor doesn’t agree to remove the animal from the grounds, a vet will be called to examine the animal. If the animal does indeed need to be removed from the grounds, the exhibitor and/or their family will pay for the vet call. If the animal is well enough to stay at the fair, the 4-H Council will pay for the vet call.
  6. If an animal is sent home prior to entry deadline; an ID’d replacement animal may be brought prior to entry deadline.
  7. If an animal is sent home after entry deadline; no replacement animal may be brought unless approved by Livestock Committee members and superintendent.
  8. The fair management assumes that all heifers are calf-hood vaccinated for bangs.
  9. Swine exhibited at the Adams County Fair must meet the same requirements for Pseudorabies as State Fair entries. These requirements are: Swine shall originate directly from any herd not under quarantine for Pseudorabies, and 1) A Stage IV or V county; or 2) A Pseudorabies qualified herd; or 3) Be individually tested and classified negative for Pseudorabies within 30 days prior to exhibition.
  10. Cats must be current on Rabies, Distemper, Panleucopenia, Rhino tracheitis, Calici virus and Feline Leukemia (or a negative test result within 180 days of the fair) vaccinations. Kittens should have Distemper shots at weaning and Rabies shots at 6 months old.  Exhibitors must use the NE State Cat/Ferret vaccination record form signed by the veterinarian or by including vaccination labels and signed by the person administering vaccinations.  A rabies vaccination is federally mandated to be given by a Certified Veterinarian ONLY. This must be current and that the veterinarian must sign for Rabies vaccinations.  Current vaccination forms for cats are due in the Extension Office by the appropriate deadline date; see “4-H Fair Calendar and Deadlines.”  If these records are not in the office by this date, your animal will not be allowed to show. Records received via fax or email are not accepted.
  11. Dogs must have Rabies, Distemper, Parvovirus, Infectious Canine Hepatitis and Bordetella vaccinations; also a Coronavirus vaccination for dogs 6 months or younger.  A current vaccination form must be signed by a veterinarian or must have attached vaccination labels on a vaccination record form which is signed by the person who gave the vaccinations. Only a veterinarian may give a Rabies vaccination. The Vaccination Record Form (SF263) must document all vaccinations within 1 year or 3 years depending on the vaccine given.  All required vaccinations must be given within 1 to 3 years of the show date based on label guidelines.  Explanation: Some vaccinations are viable for one year according to their label. It is not acceptable nor allowed to vaccinate a dog with a 1 year vaccine and plan to have it in effect for 3 years.  Current vaccination forms for dogs are due in the Extension Office by the appropriate deadline date; see “4-H Fair Calendar and Deadlines.”  If these records are not in the office by this date your animal will not be allowed to show. Records received via fax or email are not accepted.
  12. Ferrets must be vaccinated for Rabies. Exhibitors must use the NE State Cat/Ferret vaccination record form must be signed by a veterinarian and are due in the Extension Office by the appropriate deadline date; see “4-H Fair Calendar and Deadlines.”  Only a veterinarian may give a Rabies vaccination.  If these records are not in the office by this date, your animal will not be allowed to show.  Records received via fax or email are not accepted.



      (Deadlines dates are listed in the “4-H Fair Calendar and Deadlines” section of the Adams County Fair book.) 

      All Horse, Beef, Swine, Sheep, Goats, Cats, Dogs, Ferrets and Dairy Cattle show animals must be properly identified by the appropriate deadline date.  Faxed or emailed ID sheets are not acceptable. Those not properly identified by the dates given will be lowered one ribbon placing. This does not affect any other show, only Adams County.  Animals that are not properly identified by the state guidelines and deadline date (check the State Fair 4-H website or with the Extension Office for this information) are not eligible to compete at district shows, or State Fair.  County Identification sheets (revised 2017-18) for all species (please indicate on original ID sheet animals that might be going to State Fair for verification purposes) are available at the Extension Office or on our website.

  1. Ear Tags: 4-H Ear Tags or EID tags are issued thru the Extension Office, Scrapies tags are obtained thru the USDA.
  2. Initial Weigh-is Optional of Market Animals (Beef, Sheep, Meat Goats): for those not wanting to participate in the Rate of Gain Contests. The ID Sheet must be turned into the Adams County Extension Office by the appropriate deadline date. 
  3. Initial Weigh-in is Required -  for 2nd Year Bucket Calf-Market and for those who plan to participate in Beef, Sheep, Market Meat Goat Rate of Gain Contests at an Adams County Weigh day.
  4. YQCA (Youth Quality Care for Animals) training is Quality Assurance and is required for all exhibitors in Beef, Sheep, Swine, Dairy, Dairy Goats, Meat Goats, Pygmy Goats, Poultry and Rabbits.  All youth who wish to exhibit any of these species must complete YQCA requirements by the appropriate deadline date; see “4-H Fair Calendar and Deadlines.” Note: Swine exhibitors’ PQA+ requirements are met with the online YQCA program. If the deadline for YQCA is not met the 4-Her will not be allowed to show at the fair.
  5. Market Beef for the Adams County Fair Beef Show all must tagged with 4-H ear tag or EID for County Fair, EID (for State Fair);and if wanting to participate in the Adams County Rate of Gain Contest, must be weighed at the Adams County 4-H Beef Weigh Day and must be done with the supervision of the Extension staff or by someone else designated by the Extension staff and/or the 4-H Council. If a 4-H family decides to tag their own animals or to have market beef animals ID/weighed at another county’s 4-H Weigh In/Tagging day, then the 4-H exhibitor will not be eligible to participate in the Adams County Beef Rate of Gain Contest. Completed identification sheets are due in the Extension Office by the appropriate deadline date.
  6. Breeding Beef all must be tagged with 4-H ear tag (county only) and/or tattooed.  Completed identification sheets must be in the Extension Office by the appropriate deadline date.
  7. Bucket Calf must follow guidelines for exhibit as stated in the project manual. 1st year Bucket Calf must be born January 1 - April 15th.  Must be tagged with a 4-H ear tag by April 15th.  2nd year Bucket Calf must have shown at fair previous year as a 1st year. Completed identification sheets are due in the Extension Office by the appropriate deadline date.
  8. Stocker/Feeders all must be tagged with a 4-H ear tag or EID for County Fair, EID (for State Fair) and completed identification sheets are due in the Extension Office by the appropriate deadline date.
  9. Dairy Cattle must have completed identification sheets in the Extension Office by the appropriate deadline date and will only be shown at the Regional Dairy Show in Clay Center.
  10. Market Swine all must be tagged with 4-H ear tag or EID for County Fair, EID (for State Fair).  NO EAR NOTCHES will be used as ID for County or State Fairs.  Completed identification sheets are due in the Extension Office by the appropriate deadline date.
  11. Market Lambs for the Adams County Fair Sheep Show ALL must have a required 4-H ear tag and will be used as the primary form of identification on all wethers and ewes, Please note that all ewes are required to also have a Scrapies tag, and if wanting to participate in the Rate of Gain Contest must be weighed at the Adams County 4-H Sheep/Goat Weigh Day and must be done with the supervision of the Extension staff or by someone else designated by the Extension staff and/or the 4-H Council.  If a 4-H family decides to tag their own animals or to have market sheep animals ID/weighed at another county’s 4-H Weigh In/Tagging day, then the 4-H exhibitor will not be eligible to participate in the Adams County Sheep Rate of Gain Contest. Completed identification sheets are due in the Extension Office by the appropriate deadline date.
  12. Breeding Sheep all must have completed identification sheets in the Extension Office by the appropriate deadline date.  Registered Breeding Sheep must be identified according to Breed organizations.  Grade Breeding Sheep must be identified with a required 4-H Ear Tag.  Required Scrapies tags will be used as a secondary form of identification on all ewes (breeding and market) and breeding rams being exhibited at the Adams County Fair. State Fair will use the Scrapies tag as the primary form of identification.
  13. Dairy Goats all must have completed identification sheets in the Extension Office by the appropriate deadline date and will only be shown at the Regional Dairy Show in Clay Center.
  14. Market Meat Goats for the Adams County Fair Goat Show ALL must have a required 4-H ear tag and will be used as the primary form of identification on all wethers and does, Please note that all does are required to also have a Scrapies tag, and if wanting to participate in the Rate of Gain Contest must be weighed at the Adams County 4-H Sheep/Goat Weigh Day and will be done with the supervision of the Extension staff or by someone else designated by the Extension staff and/or the 4-H Council.  If a 4-H family decides to tag their own animals or to have market meat goat animals ID/weighed at another county’s 4-H Weigh In/Tagging day, then the 4-H exhibitor will not be eligible to participate in the Adams County Meat Goat Rate of Gain Contest. Completed identification sheets are due in the Extension Office by the appropriate deadline date.
  15. Breeding Market Meat Goats ALL must have a required 4-H ear tag or tattoo. Required Scrapies tags will be used as a secondary form of identification on all does (breeding and market).  Completed identification sheets are due to the Extension Office by the appropriate deadline date. State Fair will use the Scrapies tag as the primary form of identification.
  16. Pygmy Goats – Completed Identification sheets are due to the Extension Office by the appropriate deadline date. 
  17. Horses (for County and State Fair) all must have identification sheets in the Extension Office and passed needed levels by the appropriate deadline date. State Horse Show entries will be done by the family online. 
  18. Rabbits – County Fair does not need an ID sheet turned in.  State Fair (Rabbits will be ID online at the time you enter them) 
  19. Cats, Dogs and Ferrets must all have NE Vaccination Form (from the Extension Office or Website). Completed & signed forms are due to the Extension Office by the appropriate deadline date. Animal Eligibility: Allow a Clover Kid to show a family member’s dog, cat or small animal (Clarification being exhibited by an older sibling) at the fair.
  20. No boars or bulls may be shown or sold.  Steers or barrows showing masculine coarseness or evidence of late and/or incomplete castration will be discriminated against by the judge.  The following are exceptions to the rule: Cryptorchid rams can be shown; however, they cannot receive a purple ribbon or be eligible for grand or reserve champion. Bull calves may be shown in Cow/Calf pair, First Year Bucket Calf and Stocker Feeder.
  21. “Rate of Gain” – all animals must be shown in the regular market live shows and a beginning weight is recorded during an Adams County 4-H weigh day. If a 4-H family decides to tag their own or to have their market beef/sheep/meat goat animals ID/weighed at another county’s 4-H Weigh In/Tagging day, then the 4-H exhibitor will not be eligible to participate in the Adams County Rate of Gain Contest for that species.
  22. “Bred and Fed” – Animals are bred and owned by the 4-HerAll animals must be shown in the regular market live shows.  Market animals in Beef, Sheep, Meat Goat and Swine will have specific Bred and Fed classes. All classes in Bred and Fed must have 3 animals, or they will be placed in Market classes. 
  23. Ethics affidavit and statement of disclosure will be required on all beef, sheep, meat goats or swine at time of check-in.
  24. All Animal Superintendent’s decisions with regard to type or breeds will be made as per Livestock Committee approval.
  25. Faxed or emailed copies of identification sheets are not acceptable.
  26. Any animals needed or used in a contest or event must have been ID’d by the appropriate deadline date; see “4-H Fair Calendar and Deadlines.”
  27. PREMISE ID: Livestock families showing beef, swine, sheep, goats, poultry or rabbits must have a Premise ID. If the family does not have a Premise ID, their eligible animals will be unable to participate in the 4-H auction. A Premise ID designates the geographic point where animals might be housed. Premises IDs do not designate ownership or individuals so a single premises ID would be the same for however many 4-H/FFA projects or production livestock operation are located at that site. 



  1. In the interest of safety, animals that cannot be safely and ethically handled will be disqualified from the show.  This decision will be made by the Superintendent and Livestock Committee members.
  2. Cats must be shown on a leash.
  3. Dogs must be on a leash when not in show ring.
  4. No stallions are to be allowed on the fairgrounds during the fair.
  5. Animals should be treated humanely.  The use of showing and /or handling practices that may be considered objectionable or abusive, such as striking, slapping, choking or continuous lifting of the animal by the neck and/or the collar, are not acceptable. The use of such practices will result in lowering of a ribbon placing on the first warning; the second time it happens will lead to disqualification.  This applies to the exhibitor – if they break this rule, it applies to other classes in the same species.
  6. During the shows, the ring stewards will not show animals. If an animal gets out of control twice in one class, it will be tied to the fence.
  7. All non-participating animals are not allowed on the fairgrounds.
  8. All fans must be securely hung at a safe height.  No butt fans or fan stands will be allowed.  This rule has been put into place for the safety of the program participants as well as fairgoers.
  9. Cross-Ties are required for all cattle at the county fair. (This means 2 secure lines.  “Neck Ties” are the type used in Adams County - 1 around the neck in addition to the halter).
  10. Stalling: All stalled 4-H animals must be kept in the designated area as defined by the Adams County Agricultural Society.
  11. Unloading Area: A designated area for unloading / loading of livestock shown same day to the west of the cattle wash racks.



  1. Only animals exhibited by their owners will receive ribbons or premiums, unless the owner is excused due to an injury or illness and a substitute is approved by the superintendent and Extension staff.  This excludes showmanship classes. 
  2. No substitute showman will be allowed in showmanship.
  3. Substitution showman must be a current Adams County 4-H member.
  4. An exhibitor who has more than one animal in the same class need not secure approval for another Adams County 4-H member to show the second animal, but the 4-H’er should let the superintendent know who will be exhibiting their second animal before or upon entering the ring for that class.



  1. 4-H members showing any animal, except horse, including small animals are to wear Official* 4-H T-shirts or light-colored blouses with the 4-H chevron showing with jeans or dark slacks.  *Official 4-H T-shirts show the Adams County 4-H logo.
  2. Horse exhibitors are to follow the show attire rules as listed in the Nebraska 4-H Horse Show & Judging Guide (4-H 373). 
  3. No Club T-shirts, State Fair T-shirts, or AKSARBEN T-shirts shall be worn when competing in front of a judge.
  4. It is recommended that cat and rabbit exhibitors wear long sleeve garments to reduce injury from animal bites and scratches.
  5. Boots and hard-soled shoes are required for beef, swine and horses, and are recommended for sheep. goats and other animals (this includes: cat, rabbit, dog and other small animals).
  6. No hats of any kind shall be worn when in front of a judge, except during the 4-H Horse Show.
  7. 4-H members will be lowered one ribbon placing if correct 4-H attire is not worn.  This decision will be made by the judge.



      Wood chips or wood shavings should be used in sheep, goats, beef, swine and horse pens.  Straw is not permitted on the fairgrounds.



  1. Livestock exhibitors are expected to do a good job as herdsmen.  This involves cooperating in proper manure disposal, keeping alleys clean, storing feed and trappings neatly, keeping the animals clean and practicing safety.
  2. 4-H members exhibiting livestock are expected to do their own work.  Herdsmanship will not be judged before 8 AM, between 5 PM and 6 PM, after 10 PM or when that species is being shown.
  3. Herdsmanship Judging - Each species will have its own Herdsmanship Contest (including Poultry and Rabbits).
  4. A Club will be eligible for Herdsmanship when the traditional 4-H member(s)-no Clover Kids- of the club are exhibiting and stalling three or more eligible livestock. Eligible livestock can be all one species or multiple species of livestock. 
  5. Clubs will be evaluated and given a placing within each livestock division of beef, sheep, goats, swine, horse, poultry and rabbits being judged separately. 
  6. Scoring will be on the following: 1) Animals clean at all times. 2) Animals cared for with clean and proper amount of bedding and manure removed. Cattle securely tied with 18-20 inch lead.  No feed or feeding equipment, with exception of hay, left with any livestock while unattended.  No water equipment left with cattle while unattended. 3) Tack and feed area clean and neatly arranged.  Tines of fork and similar equipment kept down in the rack.  4) Proper courtesy and conduct shown by exhibitors at all times and at all places. 5) Exhibitor's share of alley area kept clean.  Wheelbarrows kept outside. Alleys must be swept and clean by 8:00 AM.  6) Bonus points will be added for street clean-up after each show.
  7. Certificates for the Herdsmanship (specific species) Contests will be awarded to the top club and be presented at the 4-H Livestock Auction.



  1. Clipping, trimming or fitting of any beef, goat, sheep or swine in the Senior division is the primary responsibility of the exhibitors. This means that exhibitors in the Senior division can help each other, can receive verbal instruction from their parent(s)/guardians or registered leader(s), but absolutely no help from any other person in clipping, trimming and fitting.  Exhibitors in the Intermediate and Junior Division may have help with clipping, trimming and fitting from other exhibitors, parents, brothers, sisters and registered leaders.  Intermediate and Junior Exhibitors need to be present and actively involved when their animals are groomed.
  2. Grooming an animal other than clipping, trimming or fitting (e.g. brushing, washing, etc.), may be done by exhibitors and brothers, sisters or parents of the exhibitor.
  3. First-year bucket calves may be washed, brushed and combed only, no hair clipping or hoof trimming allowed.
  4. Upon first violation of the above rules, youth will be lowered a ribbon placing for the exhibitor’s animal involved.  The second violation of any of the above mention will result in the disqualification for the show of that species.
  5. The judge has the right to notify show management of any violation of said rules, therefore qualifying the animal to be lowered a ribbon placing.
  6. Each livestock exhibitor must sign a grooming affidavit prior to the county fair that they will abide by the rules and accept the consequences if found in violation of the rules.
  7. Swine must be shown without hairdressing compounds. This includes oil, powder or any other coat dressings or compounds.  Only water is permitted.  Swine found in violation of this rule will be lowered one ribbon placing in the live show.
  8. Breeding Market Meat Goat to follow the state fair guidelines.  Goats for the breeding market meat goat do not need to be clipped.



  1. All 4-H'ers who are pre-entered for the correct showmanship class by the appropriate deadline date, see 4-H Fair Calendar and Deadlines, will be allowed to show in beef, sheep, swine, rabbit, meat goat, pygmy goat, horse, poultry, dogs, cats, small animals.
  2. Age Divisions will be determined by the 4-H’er’s age before January 1 of the current year, see “4-H Age Divisions.”
  3. All 4-H livestock exhibitors must show their own animals to be considered as participants in the Showmanship contests.  Judging is based on preparation of animals for show, their apparent training, the appearance and the behavior of the showman.  Minor technical points are not to be over emphasized, nor do minor infractions disqualify.  Primarily, showmanship is the skill of the showman in presenting the animals before the judge that counts, while individual excellence of the animal does not. 
  4. First Year Bucket Calves used in Bucket Calf Class L014910 are not allowed to be used in Beef Showmanship Division.
  5. Showmanship is required for all species. Showmanship is optional for youth showing Dog, Market Broilers and in Other Fowl Classes, also youth only showing in Unified Riding classes.  Penalty – all monies or premium in that species would be forfeited if the youth is not excused from showmanship by officials in charge of the show and/or Extension Staff and/or 4-H Council.
  6. Showmanship Penalty – all monies or premium in that species would be forfeited if the youth is not excused from showmanship by officials in charge of the show and/or Extension Staff and/or 4-H Council. That premium is ribbon money only and the animal is allowed to sell in the auction as Judge placed in the Show Ring.



      A public 4-H Livestock Auction for Beef, Swine, Sheep, Meat Goats and Market Broilers is held on Monday following the fair, scheduled to begin at 9:00 AM (see Fair Calendar section); No animals shown as breeding stock are eligible to be auctioned.  All showmen participating in the 4-H Livestock Auction MUST BE DRESSED IN OFFICIAL SHOW ATTIRE.  (No livestock backtag numbers required).

  1. Premium Auction Only – As of 2020 the Adams County 4-H Livestock Auction is no longer taking Packer Bids on any Auction species. All members will retain ownership.
  2. 4-H Livestock Auction order; a set sale order has been put into place and will be: Beef, Swine, Sheep, Meat Goat and Market Broilers.
  3. Following the order of sale, the Elite animal of each species will sell first in the parade of champions followed by the remaining grand of that species then the reserve champions.  Followed by the purples of all species using the order of sale, and continuing blues, reds and whites.  In each species a random order of 4-H’ers will be used.
  4. Pictures during Auction – Only the Elite Animals and their Buyer will be taken during the Auction in the Ring.
  5. Livestock will be placed in auction order based on individual ribbon placing, regardless of Pen of 3 placing.
  6. A 4-H'er may auction only one lot of two different species. Exceptions:
  7. All Grand and Reserve Champion winners will be sold in the auction ring.
  8. Individuals that have won Grand and/or Reserve Champions may NOT sell any additional lots in species.  All lots previously declared that were not Grand or Reserve Champions will be voided. 
  9. Auction Weight Restrictions: To be eligible for the 4-H Livestock Auction all animals must have been exhibited in the proper fair class.: Minimum weight for Sheep – 85 pounds; Goats – 45 pounds; Heifers – 980 pounds; Steers – 1030 pounds; Swine – 195 pounds.  Maximum weights open. Poultry Market Broilers – each pen of three birds must weigh a minimum of 11 pounds. 
  10. No Lightweight animals will be allowed to participate in the Auction. 
  11. In the interest of safety, animals that cannot be handled for showing during the judging will not be permitted to be sold at the auction. This will be decided by the Livestock Committee.
  12. No animal may be removed from the fairgrounds without prior knowledge and written approval of the superintendent in that division.
  13. All auction livestock must be signed up for the 4-H Livestock Auction within 2 hours following the live show. Once a decision for the auction is made, it may not be changed.
  14. Premise ID: Families must have a Premise ID on file at the Adams County Extension Office.  If a family does not have a Premise ID their animals will be unable to participate in the 4-H auction (This applies to all Market: Beef, Sheep, Goats, Swine and Market Broilers).
    1. Animal Care – This is the highest priority need and should be maintained all year long, not just at and before county fair time.  Proper care including fresh water, a well-balanced diet, protection from the environment and a good health program will ensure that an animal will be ready for fair time.



  1. Fair Time – Good herdsmanship and animal care is the key here. Well-groomed and cared for animals are healthier and show better thus resulting in higher placing for the 4-H’er.
  2. Failure to follow Animal Care guidelines will result in: forfeit to participate in the 4-H Livestock auction at the discretion of Extension staff, 4-H Council and superintendents.




  1. 4-H’ers should contact their leaders or livestock superintendent immediately upon being confronted.  The 4-H’er should not try to deal with the situation alone.
  2. The primary responsibility of leaders and superintendents is to maintain the safety and wellbeing of the 4-H’ers.  Animal rights activists can only use verbal and/or signs to demonstrate with.  Any attempt to free or handle an animal is against the law.  Any attempt to harm and/or touch a 4-H’er is also against the law. If this is done, make sure that this act or acts are witnessed.
  3. When a confrontation has occurred, and a leader or superintendent has maintained control of the area, the leader and/or superintendent should contact someone in the 4-H Livestock office, and they will take appropriate action.



  1. Youth 8 years of age before January 1 (of the current year) to age 18 are eligible for all in-person events held at State Fair (livestock, contests, fashion shows).
  2. The State Fair entries for presentations, fashion show, judging contests, etc. that require 4-Her's in person participation – all entries and entry fees must be entered online by the 4-H family. The County Extension Office will not be responsible for these entries.  See a current newsletter, State Fair website or contact the Extension Office for further details.
  3. ALL static exhibits intending to go to State Fair must be identified in the Adams County Extension Office by 5:00 PM on the appropriate deadline date; see “4-H/Fair Calendar and Deadlines.”
  4. The State Fair entries for beef, sheep, swine, goats, poultry, rabbits, dogs must be entered and fees paid online by the 4-H family. The County Extension Office will not be responsible for these entries. See a current newsletter, State Fair website or contact the Extension Office for further details.
  5. All Market animals – beef, and swine are required to have an EID tag, sheep and goats a Scrapies tag and all animals a DNA sample on file and nominated online by state’s deadline to be eligible to show at State Fair
  6. Feeder Calf – are required to have an EID tag, DNA sample on file and nominated online to be eligible to show at State Fair.
  7. All Breeding animals – beef, and swine are required to have an EID tag (or tattoo for beef), sheep and goats a Scrapies tag, and a DNA sample on file and nominated online by state’s deadline to be eligible to show at State Fair.
  8. Rabbits – being shown at State Fair will be ID’d when entered in ShoWorks Online by the Family.  The County Extension Office will not be responsible for IDs on these entries.
  9. Market Swine -The Nebraska State Fair swine show – All exhibitors must provide a Premise ID for all swine being marketed.  See State Fair website for further details. 
  10. Swine exhibitors are required to have met all pork quality assurance requirements thru YQCA.
  11. Any Class that is in the XX-900 range is designated as “COUNTY ONLY EXHIBITS” and these exhibits are not eligible for State Fair unless stated otherwise.
  12. Static Exhibits must receive a purple ribbon to continue on to the State Fair.
  13. If an exhibit goes on to State Fair and is not picked up within 10 days after returning to Adams County, it will be donated or disposed of.
  14. DNA for State Fair: DNA may be pulled by 4-Her or family on your premise for Beef, Sheep, Goat and Swine.  The person pulling the DNA must sign the DNA envelope/form. The DNA sample is due at the Adams County Extension office to correspond with the county year deadlines for State Fair. The Extension staff will send them in to the State. DNA samples are required for ALL Beef, Sheep, Goat and Swine (including Breeding & Feeder Calf), one DNA sample will work for an animal nominated in both market and breeding.
  15. Nominations for State Fair:  beef, sheep, swine, goats, must be entered and fees paid online by the 4-H family by the appropriate State Fair deadline. The County Extension Office will not be responsible for entering these nominations only validation of entries. See a current newsletter, State Fair website or contact the Extension Office for further details.



  1. Static Superintendents are responsible for entering, recording results from the judges, displaying and all static exhibits in their respective areas.
  2. Static Superintendents must turn in their results and Superintendent books to the Static Entry Day Supervisor for verification purposes before leaving on Static Entry Day.
  3. Livestock Superintendents are responsible for stalling, verifying animals coming to fair by contacting families, weighing in and checking in animals on animal entry day, coordinating with Extension staff show order and class breaks, arrange for enough helpers to run their respective shows. Securing animals in their area for Round Robin Showmanship. Helping with Livestock Auction and load out of animals. 
  4. Superintendents should keep informed of the time frames set for their area events and arrange for substitute(s) to be available at the needed time if unable to be present.
  5. Questions and complaints should be directed to the superintendent in charge of that area. 
  6. Superintendents are to maintain the safety and wellbeing of the 4-H’ers.
  7. No livestock should be removed from the fairgrounds without the written knowledge of the superintendent in that division.  If livestock is removed without being released in writing by the superintendent, then premiums will be forfeited. 
  8. Livestock Superintendents are responsible for informing Extension Staff in writing of all animals being removed from the fairgrounds or excusing an exhibitor from participating in a required Showmanship class.
  9. All Livestock Superintendent books must be turned over to Extension Staff by last day of County fair.



  1. Purple ribbons denote a high degree of excellence or nearly ideal. Blue ribbons denote high quality.  Red ribbons denote acceptable quality. White ribbons mean that there is room for improvement.  Green ribbons are given for 1) at least participating in a judged class, 2) classes that are not judged, or 3) Contests or Events that are not judged.  Orange “Clover Kids” ribbons will be awarded to the Clover Kids, with no premiums.
  2. Static Exhibits and Animal Exhibits moved to the correct / or different class on Entry Day before judging will not be penalized. If an exhibit is in the wrong class when judged, they will receive a green participation ribbon and receive no premium for that exhibit.  With the exception of rabbit and poultry where the judge might change the class during judging.
  3. Late entries will be lowered only one ribbon placing per exhibit no matter how many deadlines are missed.
  4. Grand and Reserve Trophy and Rosette winners must be a Purple ribbon recipients. (may not pertain to Special Awards)
  5. If the tie is at the Champion Level, then co-Champions will be named and no Reserve Champion.  If the tie is at the Reserve Champion Level, then the Champion will be named and co-Reserve Champions will be named.
  6. An Elite Overall Champion exhibit will be selected from the Grand Champion winners in each market division to include: beef, swine, sheep, and meat goats. The judge will rank the animals eligible for Elite Overall Market Animal in order of excellence 1-4.
  7. Breed Classes: For species beef, sheep, goats and pigs, for market and breeding animals will be held only in classes where there are three or more animals per breed, identified with registration papers and tattooed or tagged to breed association specifications are entered.  Where less than three animals are entered in a breed, they will show together in regular class.  No breed champion will be named, but the top two purple ribbon winners of each class may return to compete for Grand and Reserve Champion of respective breeding animal, market male or market female.
  8. Trophies and Awards will be held until the Extension Office has received a Thank-you note for the sponsor from the exhibitor.
  9. Youth being lowered a ribbon placing for any reason:
  10. The Superintendent will notify the judge of all late entries prior to judging.
  11. Will stand where the judge places them.
  12. Will be announced with the ribbon color they receive.
  13. Will receive the premium amount associated with the ribbon placing received from the judge.
  14. The animal will be listed in the Livestock Auction catalog as the judge placed it in the show ring.
  15. The exhibit will be listed in the Results paper with the ribbon placing received from the judge.
  16. Showmanship Penalty – all monies or premium in that species would be forfeited if the youth is not excused from showmanship by officials in charge of the show and/or Extension Staff and/or 4-H Council. That premium is ribbon money only and the animal is allowed to participate in the auction as Judge placed in the Show Ring.



  1. Release of Animals: If wishing to participate in Sunday evening release, livestock must be identified with ID tags and signed up within 2 hours at the completion of the respective animal’s show.  Exhibitors removing animals before release time or animals remaining in barns after 4:30 PM on Monday, July 22nd will forfeit their premium money for the animal unless prior written approval was given by the superintendent.  Release of sale livestock will be immediately following the auction.
  2. Poultry, Rabbits, Horses and Pygmy Goats must be removed from fairgrounds between 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM on Sunday, July 21st
  3. Market Broilers except for the Elite and Reserve Champions will be released after the Market Broiler Show when the Poultry Superintendent makes the proper announcement.  Exhibitors removing birds before the appropriate release time will forfeit their premium money for their Market Broiler entry unless prior written approval was given by the superintendent.
  4. Release of Clover Kid Animals - Clover Kid animals will have the option of leaving at the conclusion of the exhibition show or to stay on the fairgrounds until Sunday evening at 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM. 
  5. Release of Retained “Non-Auction” Livestock is Sunday, July 21st at 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM. To participate, 4-H’er must sign up within two hours of the end of the respective show.
  6. Release of Retained “Auctioned Livestock” – Monday, July 22nd immediately following the auction. 
  7. Static Exhibits in Activities Center - will be released on Monday, July 22nd from – 45 Minutes after the conclusion of the Livestock Auction or 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM – and 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM.



  1. AMOUNTS – The premiums will be listed in each area of the fair book. P = Purple, B = Blue, = Red, W = White, PT = Participation, CK = Clover Kid.
  2. CHECKS –All premium checks will be written payable to the 4-H members. The checks will be mailed to 4-H members after September 15 unless a club leader would like to receive the checks for the club members; the leader needs to request the checks prior to September 1st.  Checks will remain valid only for 90 days after issuance. After the 90 day period any remaining checks may be voided and to issue another check you will have to request it in writing and it must be approved by the Ag Society Board. 



  1. A protest shall be in writing, signed by the exhibitor/protester and submitted to the 4-H Livestock Office or the Extension Office.
  2. The written grievance must be filed by 10 AM of the next day following the disputed show.
  3. Written protests must use the form provided by 4-H Council; this form can be obtained in the 4-H Livestock Office.
  4. The 4-H Council Executive committee will review the written protest.  They may discuss the situation with affected persons and show officials, if appropriate, prior to making a final decision.
  5. The Executive committee will recommend appropriate action to management in writing.
  6. The recommendations will be followed and communicated both verbally and in writing to the group or individual affected.



      Hardship case is when the circumstances are beyond the youth’s control.  The 4-H member and family may come before the Council to discuss their case.



      Any Class that is in the 900 range is designated as “COUNTY ONLY” and these exhibits are not eligible for State Fair unless stated otherwise.



      At the discretion of 4-H council, if an exhibitor and/or family disregards and/or breaks a rule established by the Adams County Agricultural Society and/or 4-H Council, then they can be dismissed and/or disqualified from the current and/or future Adams County 4-H programs.