Dipti Dev (center), is an Education Specialist and Early Childhood Specialist in Family, Youth and Childhood Studies for Nebraska Extension.
Extension Specialist
Extension Specialists are located on the UNL East Campus and at four Research and Extension Centers across the state. Many Extension Specialists have combined appointments with teaching and/or research responsibilities. All Extension Specialists are members of academic departments and are jointly recruited and hired with University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension, with the academic departments taking the lead. Specialists provide expertise and research-based knowledge for educational programs. Often they deliver programs to Nebraska citizens across the state.
Basic requirements for Specialists include: Ph.D. degree, excellent communication skills and often experience is required.
Starting salary is commensurate with experience and qualifications. The discipline market rate is taken into consideration as well.

Nebraska Extension Educators Jenny Rees and Keith Glewen (center) at the exhibit "Raising Our H2O IQ" at Husker Harvest Days.
Extension Educator
Extension Educators may be located on the University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL) campus, at the four Research and Extension Centers or in one of the 83 county or multi-county offices throughout the state. Educators have faculty status and are affiliated with academic departments on the UNL campus. Educators are recruited and hired through the Nebraska Extension Human Resources office. The primary function of Educators is outreach education to Nebraska citizens across the state through research-based programming that reflects needs of the local people and communities.
Basic requirements include a Master's degree in an area related to responsibilities, excellent written and oral communication skills, outstanding teaching skills and experience with computer and information technologies. New graduates are encouraged to apply.
When an Extension Educator position becomes available, it is advertised in regional and local newspapers and websites, as well as on the UNL employment website.

Extension Assistant Racheal Slattery demonstrating beef nutrition with youth.
Extension Assistant
Extension Assistants support the programs developed and implemented in the 83 county or multi-county offices. Assistants are recruited and hired under the direction of the four Research and Extension Center offices with final selection made by the County office.
Basic requirements for Assistants include: Bachelor's degree and excellent communication skills.