Work that makes a powerful difference.
At Nebraska Extension, you have the freedom to chart your own path as you craft your plan of work—and put it to work every day. Using Extension's overarching strategic plan and Extension values as your guideposts, you create and deliver the programming and solutions that make a powerful and positive impact on the Nebraskans you serve. You do it all in ways that capitalize on your passions and individual abilities—and make the most sense to you and the people you serve.
It's all about impact.
We're looking for people who really know their stuff and can leverage that knowledge to make a difference in the lives of Nebraskans. At Nebraska Extension, the focus is on measurable, documented impact. That requires a commitment to listening to the people we serve, responding with relevant research and programming, and delivering innovative solutions in ways that meet defined objectives and propel Nebraska and its people forward.
Your expertise is respected here.
We're building a team of content experts and specialists who are committed to continually improving themselves and the Nebraskans we serve. We set high expectations for ourselves: Staying current in our areas of focus. Growing professionally and personally. Networking with others who help us do our jobs even better.
At the same time, you'll be part of a statewide organization that Nebraskans appreciate and value. Your expertise is sought out and trusted. Extension has a solid reputation for being great partners and collaborators, effective communicators and proven change-agents.
Role of Specialists
Program Scope
Provide state-wide, multi-state and national programs addressing critical needs of adults and youth identified in Extension Action Plans.
Issue Identification
- Work across state, region, nation, and the world.
- Seek input from stakeholders, educators, assistants/associates and others to identify and prioritize extension educational issues.
Issue Educational Curriculum
- Educational program curricula and resources (research-based), including appropriate curricula dissemination venues.
- Facilitate curricula development teams.
- Provide training & information to educators, assistants or associates.
- Provide formal, in-depth, and professional development opportunities.
- Lead evaluation strategies to determine impact of programs.
- Work with educators to develop templates and instruments to measure impact and summarize results.
Grants & Program Support
- Seek grants and other program support to address priorities of extension action plans.
- Develop and deliver grant-based programs.
- Increasingly use grant funds and fees to support programs.
- Partner with educators and other faculty as appropriate.
Stakeholder Interaction
- Interact with national and state organizations, policy makers, directly involved in issues specific to specialist priority issues.
- Lead research, interpret research results and evaluate implications of research for priority needs of the state.
- Disseminate research-based education.
- Solicit input from educators and assistants/associates and involve those interested.
Teach in Informal Settings or Program Delivery
- Lead teaching of extension curricula for appropriate state and multi-state programs.
- Support educators in teaching regional and other teaching venues.
Public Issues
- Provide leadership for development of public issues education programs, using research-based information on critical state and national issues.
Role of Educators
Program Scope
Provide multi-county, regional and state (in some cases multi-state) programs addressing critical needs of adults and youth as identified in Extension Action Plans
Issue Identification
- Work across multi-county, region, and state (in some cases multi-state) to identify and prioritize extension educational issues.
- Seek input from stakeholders, specialists, and assistants/associates to identify and prioritize educational issues.
Issue Educational Curriculum
- Contribute to development of educational curricula and resources ( in some cases lead), including appropriate dissemination venues.
- Increasingly focus efforts on local and regional teaching and delivery (add local value to educational programs), participate in curriculum development teams.
- Work with specialists to identify professional development opportunities.
- Partner with specialists to determine appropriate measure of success and expected outcomes.
- In some cases assume leadership for impact assessment studies.
- Provide and gather needed information.
Grants & Program Support
- Partner to write, receive, develop and deliver grant-based programs.
- Seek local and regional program support.
- Increasingly use grant funds and fees to support programs.
- Seek grants in appropriate areas for the action teams.
Stakeholder Interaction
- Interact with state and county policy makers community groups in prioritizing local extension programs and partners in program implementation.
- Disseminate research-based education, be involved in applied or adaptive research as appropriate.
- Conduct appropriate demonstration research and provide input to specialists.
Teach in Informal Settings or Program Delivery
- Lead teaching of extension curricula within areas of expertise in county and regional venues.
Public Issues
- Provide local and regional public issues education programs priority issues (alternatives and consequences).
Role of Assistants/Associates
Program Scope
Locally deliver programs (research-based) developed by specialists and educators or in conjunction with specialists and educators as identified in Extension Action Plans.
Issue Identification
- Work with specialists and educators and local stakeholders in the identification of critical local issues.
- Provide input to specialists and educators.
Issue Educational Curriculum
- Teach subject matter curricula identified by or in conjunction with their supervisor.
- Use evaluation strategies and instruments developed by specialists and educators.
- Provide and gather needed information.
Grants & Program Support
- Assist specialists and educators with the development of program support.
- Work with supervisor and seek program support when the opportunity arises.
Stakeholder Interaction
- Assist educators in working with local stakeholders in developing priorities and partnerships
- Contribute to applied research as directed by supervisor.
Teach in Informal Settings or Program Delivery
- Teach local extension programs as directed by supervisor.
Public Issues
- Assist educators with the logistics of local public issues education.