Phelps-Gosper 4-H school enrichment programs are learning experiences delivered to youth in cooperation with public or private school during school hours in support of school curriculum. These programs, delivered by 4-H staff, are built to enhance the subject matter being studied in the classroom and provide non-formal, hands-on education to complement formal education. Ready to sign up? Contact a 4-H Staff member to schedule your classroom visit today!


Calvin DeVries                                 Lori Swanson                                   Tyler Kroll

4-H Educator                                    4-H Assistant                                   4-H Assistant                   


Handwashing – Kindergarten 

 Learn the importance of handwashing with 4-H through a hands-on classroom visit with the Glitterbug! During this program, students will learn proper handwashing techniques to ensure they are sanitizing properly. The Glitterbug uses glo-lotion and a blacklight to demonstrate the importance of proper handwashing. 


Garbology – 1st Grade

 Discover the fascinating world of garbology—the science of trash! In this hands-on program, students will explore the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling while uncovering the hidden potential of waste. They'll dive into the science of paper recycling, transforming used paper into brand-new sheets, and see sustainability in action. Get ready to turn trash into treasure and make a difference for our planet! 


Ag-Citing Science – 2nd – 3rd Grade  

AgCiting Science is a series of lessons adapted by the Nebraska 4-H Youth Development Ag & Food Systems Focus Team. This is designed to be taught in multiple deliveries including school enrichment, club workshops, afterschool programs, and more. Lessons available include topics such as Our World, Pizza Farm, Legen-Dairy, Positively Popcorn, Pumpkin Life Cycle, Hot House Detective, and My Cheeseburger Came from a Farm. 


Madagascar Hissing Cockroach Tractor Pull – 2nd Grade & 6th - 8th Grade

Explore the world of Entomology along with Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches! This lesson focuses on building a positive experience with insects, while using STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) to calculate the pulling power of a Hissing Cockroach while practicing the scientific method. 


Animals Inside & Out – 3rd Grade

Learn about body systems through this hands-on program! During this event, youth will learn about the digestive, muscular, skeletal, respiratory, and reproductive systems through the lens of livestock along with animal management, by products, careers, and more! 


Embryology – 4th Grade

Did you know you can hatch chicks in your classroom? Explore the science of embryology through this hands-on program where students learn the stages of embryo development and the life cycle of poultry.  


Healthy Habits-4th 

Choose Health: Food, Fun, and Fitness is an engaging 6-week program designed for youth ages 8-12. Through hands-on activities, 4-H teaches kids how to make healthier food choices and stay physically active. Each week, students explore a different part of MyPlate, investigate nutrition of real-world foods, prepare a healthy snack, and gain practical tips for making nutritious choices in everyday life. Get ready to learn, taste, and move toward a healthier future! 


Water Jamboree – 5th – 6th Grade

 Get your students set for an exciting spring adventure at the Water Jamboree The Water Jamboree is an educational fun day for fifth and sixth grade students from schools located in the Tri-Basin Natural Resources District and Lower Republican Resources District (Phelps, Gosper, Harlan, Franklin, Kearney and Furnas Counties in Nebraska) and north central Kansas (including the cities of Phillipsburg, Norton, and Kensington). Students attending will be involved in interdisciplinary water activities relating to aquatic life, recreational uses, water quality, non-point source pollution, irrigation, historical aspects of water, plants and water, and how water quality affects wildlife. The Water Jamboree will be held at the Harlan County Reservoir near Republican City at the Gremlin Cove Picnic Area and Camp Joy. This program has been offered for over 30 years! 


Health Rocks! - 5th –8th Grade

Teens face immense pressures to make unhealthy choices, including to try vaping. This comprehensive curriculum gives kids essential information and helps them develop the tools and support systems they need to confidently make smart decisions about their health and safety. Health Rocks! instills in youth participants invaluable confidence and communication skills necessary to make responsible decisions and develop the internal strength to resist risky behaviors. 

For more than 20 years, Health Rocks! has used its unique formula to help youth make healthier life choices. The 2019-2020 program resulted in the following positive changes in youth behavior: 

  • 95 percent intend to avoid underage tobacco use 
  • 97 percent demonstrated high level of social and emotional thriving 
  • 92 percent expressed the intent to pursue healthy behaviors and avoid risky behaviors 
  • 83 percent disapproved of risky behavior (i.e. alcohol and tobacco use) (i.e. alcohol and tobacco use) 

A variety of lessons are available and can be tailored to each class's time frame and needs. Specific lessons are available to correspond with Red Ribbon Week.  


Pollinators – 6th – 8th Grade 

Did you know that 1 out of every three bites of food you eat is a direct result of insect pollination? Learn the importance of pollinators in our ecosystem along with the science of beekeeping. During this program, youth will have the opportunity to interact with live bees behind the glass of an observation hive in your classroom along with being introduced to beekeeping techniques and sampling real honey! 


Gyotaku – 6th – 8th Grade

 Gyotaku is a Japanese art form of printing fish by pressing rice paper onto an inked fish. The word gyotaku comes from the Japanese words "gyo" (fish) and "taku" (rubbing). This art form originated in the mid-1800s as a way for fishermen to document their catch. Students will identify the parts and functions of a fish, explore the Japanese art of fish printing known as gyotaku, and label their gyotaku print with the parts of a fish. 


Squid Dissection 6th – 8th Grade

The squid is an invertebrate, an animal lacking a backbone. Squids are related to clams, snails, nautilus, and octopus and share some very unique traits with each of these organisms. Although squids are of high commercial value, they are so much more important to humanity than being used for bait, food sources and the inspiration behind famous science fiction literature and movies. In this dissection your students will have the opportunity to examine a Cephalopod that is extremely important in the field of human medical research. In this activity a 4-H science teacher will guide your classroom groups through a “hands-on” step by step tour of the Squid. 


Career Fair – 9th Grade

This program is provided in partnership with Central Community College in Holdrege. During this program, youth will have the opportunity to interact with local businesses and college representatives. Additionally, students will participate in hands on workshops to introduce them to pathways they may wish to seek following graduation. 


Connect the Dots – 10th Grade

Connecting the Dots is an interactive career exploration simulation program designed to help 9th and 10th grade students learn more about careers of interest. Through the experience, participants explore how to connect the dots from early high school through postsecondary education and training to the workplace. The simulation experience incorporates local/area business and industry, post-secondary, and military partners. Additional workshops on resumes, motivation skills, and additional topics are a part of this program. 


Youth Science Field Day – 10th Grade

Explore your passions through agriculture or family consumer science at this fun and exciting field day! Youth will have the opportunity to choose attending an FCS or Ag tract following sessions that best suit their interests. Youth will have the opportunity to learn more about physical therapy, One Health, Power of Addiction, importance of sleep, textiles, child development, entrepreneurship, meat science, insects, and more!