Northeast Nebraska Extension Master Gardeners

What is an Extension Master Gardener?
         (2024 Brochure updated 3-20-2024 - PDF 377 KB on legal size paper)

Extension Master Gardeners are people who love plants, gardening, landscaping, and teaching others. To earn a title of Extension Master Gardener, individuals enroll in the program and receive 40 hours of training from University of Nebraska Lincoln faculty, then volunteer 40 hours of gardening and horticulture related work. There is an initial training fee which covers the training.

No qualifications or prior knowledge about horticulture is needed for the class and there are no final examinations. The only requirement is a desire to share a love of gardening, learning, and a commitment to teach others about horticulture.

To retain the Extension Master Gardener title, volunteers annually attend 10 hours of continuing education classes and programs of their choice and give back 20 hours of volunteer time to their communities and master gardener projects.

The Extension Master Gardening program is affiliated with the Horticulture Department of the University of Nebraska - Lincoln since 1976.

Who are the Northeast Nebraska Extension Master Gardeners?
The Northeast Nebraska Extension Master Gardeners were organized in 1989. They continue to develop and expand the program in Northeast Nebraska working with their county extension offices assisting with horticulture programs. Membership consists of individuals from 15 area counties.

How is the local program run?
The Northeast Nebraska Extension Master Gardeners sponsor monthly educational speakers at the meetings held on the second Saturday of each month in Norfolk. Continuous educational and recertification classes are held in the spring and fall. Tours and special events are held during the year.

What does it cost?
The Northeast Nebraska Extension Master Gardener annual dues are $20 per year. A newsletter is emailed monthly and includes meeting dates, class schedule, committee projects and activities.

The Northeast Nebraska Extension Master Gardeners donate $1,000.00 each year to NECC students for Horticulture scholarships.

What are some of the projects and activities?

* The Northeast Nebraska Plant Fair held in the early spring, is the major event of the Extension Master Gardeners.
* Gardening column for the Norfolk Daily News.
* Individual Extension Master Gardeners support horticulture through presentations to clubs, community projects, churches, county fairs, schools; maintain gardens in their communities; and assist 4-Hers with horticulture projects.
* Service & training hours are recognized for all members.