Welcome to the KB General 4-H Page! 

New Enrollment Website

4-H has transitioned to 4H Online 2.0. It is the same system but the User Interface has changed dramitically. The goal is to provide a more smooth enrollment process so please let us know what you think of the new system. A family enrollment guide can be found below. Please don't hesitate to reach out to the extension office if you have any questions. 

Website: https://v2.4honline.com

4H Enrollment Guide 

Achievement Application (Due October 1 to the KB Extension Office) 

Go to the following link to get your 2020-2021 4-H Achievement Application.

Achievement Application | Nebraska 4-H (unl.edu)

Reminder there are two different forms based on your age. 

  1. Junior: 8 - 14 (County Only Contest) 
  2. Senior: 15 - 18 (County + Can be turned in to the state for potencial state 4-H scholarships)

If you are interested on the scoring rubric, I have attached the rubrics for both the junior and senior applications. 

Jr Rubric 

Senior Rubric