All 4-H members must enroll or re-enroll every year. The 4-H year is October 1 – September 30. New 4-H members may enroll anytime during the year; however in order to participate at county and state fairs, enrollment must be completed by June 15th. We ask returning 4-H members to re-enroll by March 15th. For more detailed information and step-by-step enrollment guides, go to the Join 4-H page.
4-H Newsletters & Communication

Hall County 4-H Newsletters
Stay informed on all of the events, activities & deadlines by downloading the Hall County 4-H monthly newsletter!
- Hall County 4-H Newsletter - February 2025
- Hall County 4-H Newsletter - January 2025
- Hall County 4-H Newsletter - December 2024
- Hall County 4-H Newsletter - November 2024
- Hall County 4-H Newsletter - October 2024
Remind App
Hall County 4-H uses the Remind app (in addition to email & social media) to communicate important 4-H news, events & deadlines to 4-H families. Get information for Hall County 4-H right on your phone! Two-way text messaging makes it more convenient for families to receive important information. Plus, it’s free and easy to use!
Options to sign up for Remind:
- Option 1 - Click the link to sign up, https://www.remind.com/join/4h-hall.
- Option 2 - Text the message @4h-hall to the number 81010.
Please call Crystal at 308-385-5088 for assistance.
4-H Project Opportunities

Are you wanting to select a 4-H project, but don't know where to start? Check out the following project guides:
- 2025 Hall County 4-H Project Guide
- Nebraska Extension Pick Your Project - The Pick Your Project is an online project selection guide for finding both county-only and state fair eligible 4-H fair projects and their resources. Users can search by keywords or browse by project area, curriculum area, and experience level. Project resources and learning objectives are included with each project.
- 2024 Hall County 4-H Fair Premium Book (2025 Fair Book coming - April 2025!)
In addition, there are project manuals available for almost every 4-H project. (Available project manuals are listed in the Pick Your Project above.) These written manuals provide hands-on lessons & ideas to help youth acquire new skills and knowledge. The manuals are not required, but can be very helpful. Manuals may be purchased at the Extension office or directly through the following websites:
Call the Hall County Extension office for more information (308) 385-5088.
Scholarships & Awards
- Hall County 4-H Council Scholarships - Deadline March 1, 2025
- Hall County Ag Committee Scholarships - Deadline March 1, 2025
- Cynthia Thomsen Scholarship - Deadline March 15, 2025
4-H Achievement Awards

The Hall County 4-H Achievement Event will be held in October 2025 (date TBD).
It's never too early to start preparing your 4-H records! Find out about the Nebraska 4-H Achievement Program, Diamond Clover program, as well as Volunteer/Club Recognition! Listed below are the award application forms. ALL AWARD APPLICATIONS ARE DUE TO THE EXTENSION OFFICE BY SEPTEMBER (date TBD). Please feel free to contact the office with further questions.
- Explanation of 4-H member Awards
- Nebraska 4-H Achievement Application: The Nebraska 4-H Achievement Application is a standard application form used for the selection of county and state award winners, including Nebraska delegates to National 4-H Congress and National 4-H Conference, as well as Nebraska 4-H Foundation scholarship award recipients. By having one single form that more closely resembles the kinds of questions being asked on college applications and in resumes, 4-H’ers will be better prepared to be college and job ready while keeping a record of their achievements. There is a Junior (ages 8-14) and Senior (ages 15-18) application: 4h.unl.edu/achievement-application.
- Nebraska 4-H Gives Back Program: The Nebraska 4-H Gives Back Program is an opportunity for a Nebraska 4-H member or a team of 4-H’ers to make a meaningful contribution to their community. This award recognizes the impact that 4-H youth make in their communities and celebrates the spirit of service-learning, a pillar of the 4-H experience. To achieve the Nebraska 4-H Gives Back honor, a 4-H member or team must complete a major service-learning project that benefits his/her community. Information is available at: 4h.unl.edu/ne4h-gives-back.
- Diamond Clover Program: The Diamond Clover Program (4-H age 8 and older) includes six levels. Printable forms are available at 4h.unl.edu/diamondclover. The program is designed for 4-H members to progress at one level a year. Each level includes a set of goals that must be achieved for recognition. 4-H members decide what to do - pick from the wide range of activities provided or choose their own activities. The 4-H Diamond Clover program doesn’t replace current recognition programs such as the Nebraska 4-H Achievement Application or county awards, but rather complements each of these programs.
- Outstanding 4-H Member (ages 16-18) is chosen based on leadership, citizenship and community involvement shown in their Nebraska 4-H Achievement Application and by completing their 4-H story.
- Clover Kids - Head, Heart, Hands, and Health Recognition Program: This program recognizes the work completed by Clover Kids. Each member, 4-H age 5-7, should have set two goals earlier this year in the areas of the four H's: Head, Heart, Hands and Health. All Clover Kids who turn in completed forms will receive a prize.
- Club of Excellence Summary and Application: Club leaders submit an application for your club to become recognized as a "Club of Excellence!" To receive this designation, clubs must meet a set of criteria including: recite the 4-H pledge at meetings, meet at least six times a year, complete a club project and complete a community service project.

Adults: Volunteer!
Ways adults can help youth grow:
- Help start a new 4-H club (it’s easy)!
- Help with an existing club.
- Volunteer at events such as workshops, contests and the County Fair.
Volunteer Enrollment
We are excited to have you join the 4-H family in Hall County! Our volunteers are truly the heart of our 4-H program!
The new 4-H year began on October 1, 2024. The 4-H enrollment system (4-H Online) is open for enrollment; club/project leaders, go to v2.4honline.com to enroll! If you were previously enrolled as a volunteer in 4-H, use your same login information from the previous year to enroll (please do not create a new account). Listed below are step-by-step instructions to walk you through the process.
If you are a new volunteer and/or have questions, please call the Hall County Extension office at (308) 385-5088. We are here to help!